Sequential Drug Release Nanocomposites for Diseases Synergistic Therapy


Time-sequenced drug release, or sequential drug release, represents a pivotal strategy in the synergistic treatment of diseases using nanocomposites. Achieving this requires the rational integration of multiple therapeutic agents within a single nanocomposite, accompanied by precise time-controlled release mechanisms. These nanocomposites offer many advantages, including enhanced therapeutic synergy, reduced side effects, attenuated adverse interactions, improved stability and optimized drug utilization. Consequently, this research in the field of drug delivery and synergistic therapy has become increasingly important. Currently sequential drug release research is still in the data collection and basic research stage, and its potential has not yet been fully explored. Although prior studies have explored sequential drug release strategy in various contexts, a comprehensive review of the underlying mechanisms and their applications in nanocomposites remains scarce. This review categorize different types of sequential drug release strategies and summarizing diverse nanocomposites which focus on both physical approaches driven by structural variations and chemical methods based on stimulus-responsive mechanisms. Furthermore, we highlight the major applications of sequential drug release strategies in various diseases treatment and detail their therapeutic efficacy. Finally, emerging trends and challenges in advancing sequential drug release strategies based on nanocomposites for disease treatment are also discussed.

Article information

Article type
Review Article
04 janv. 2025
28 févr. 2025
First published
04 mars 2025

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2025, Accepted Manuscript

Sequential Drug Release Nanocomposites for Diseases Synergistic Therapy

S. Luo, C. Zhao, R. Wang and D. Wu, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2025, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D5TB00026B

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