Semiconductor photocatalytic antibacterial materials and their application for bone infection treatment


Bacterial infection in bone tissue engineering is a severe clinical issue. Traditional antimicrobial methods usually cause problems such as bacterial resistance and biosecurity. Employing semiconductor photocatalytic antibacterial materials is a more controlled and safer strategy, wherein semiconductor photocatalytic materials generate reactive oxygen species under illumination for killing bacteria by destroying their cell membranes, proteins, DNA, etc. In this review, P-type and N-type semiconductor photocatalytic materials and their antibacterial mechanisms are introduced. Type II heterojunctions, P–N heterojunctions, type Z heterojunctions and Schottky junctions have been reported to reduce the recombination of carriers, while element doping, sensitization and up-conversion luminescence expand the photoresponse range. Furthermore, the applications of semiconductor photocatalytic antibacterial materials in bone infection treatment such as osteomyelitis treatment, bone defect repair and dental tissue regeneration are summarized. Finally, the conclusion and future prospects of semiconductor photocatalytic antibacterial materials in bone tissue engineering were analyzed.

Graphical abstract: Semiconductor photocatalytic antibacterial materials and their application for bone infection treatment

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Article information

Article type
Review Article
22 oct. 2024
10 janv. 2025
First published
14 janv. 2025

Nanoscale Horiz., 2025, Advance Article

Semiconductor photocatalytic antibacterial materials and their application for bone infection treatment

R. He, Y. Gu, J. Jia, F. Yang, P. Wu, P. Feng and C. Shuai, Nanoscale Horiz., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4NH00542B

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