Issue 7, 2012

A differentially selective sensor with fluorescence turn-on response to Zn2+ and dual-mode ratiometric response to Al3+ in aqueous media


A novel quinoline–coumarin(QC) fluoroionophore conjugated by means of a triazolyl-pyrrolidinyl linker exhibits differential dual selectivity for Zn2+ and Al3+ in mixed media. QC acts as a turn on fluorescence sensor for Zn2+ while exhibiting overall ratiometric selectivity for Al3+ in aqueous media. Moreover, QC exhibited preferential second mode of selectivity for Al3+ as it ratiometrically displaces Zn2+ from the [QC + Zn2+] complex.

Graphical abstract: A differentially selective sensor with fluorescence turn-on response to Zn2+ and dual-mode ratiometric response to Al3+ in aqueous media

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Article information

Article type
29 sep. 2011
14 nóv. 2011
First published
06 des. 2011

Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 1039-1041

A differentially selective sensor with fluorescence turn-on response to Zn2+ and dual-mode ratiometric response to Al3+ in aqueous media

D. Maity and T. Govindaraju, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 1039 DOI: 10.1039/C1CC16064H

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