Jeremy J.
Alexander R.
c and
Patrick S.
aBioSystems and Micromechanics IRG, Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Centre, Singapore 117543, Singapore. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
cDepartment of Physics, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY 13902, USA
dKoch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
First published on 29th August 2017
Manipulating and measuring single-molecule dynamics and reactions in nanofluidics is a rapidly growing field with broad applications in developing new biotechnologies, understanding nanoconfinement effects in vivo, and exploring new phenomena in confinement. In this work, we investigate the kinetics of DNA collapse in nanoslits using single T4-DNA (165.6 kbp) and λ-DNA (48.5 kbp), with particular focus on the measurement of the nucleation and annealing times. Fixing the ethanol concentration at 35% and varying the slit height from 2000 to 31 nm, the nucleation time dramatically decreases from more than 1 hour to a few minutes or less. The increased collapsed rate results from the larger free energy experienced by coiled DNA in confinement relative to compacted DNA. Our results also shed light on other conformational transitions in confinement, such as protein folding.
DNA molecules in nanofluidic devices have been extensively investigated to develop genome mapping technology, explore new scaling regimes of confined polymers,14–17 and discover novel ways of manipulating single DNA molecules.7,18–20 Quantitative data for the equilibrium conformation and dynamics of DNA in nanofluidics with well-defined geometries has led to great successes in critical examinations of classic theories about confined polymers and the improvement of those theories.10,14,15,21 In this work, we attempt to extend such quantitative analysis from DNA equilibrium properties to non-equilibrium properties; more specifically, toward describing DNA collapse in nanofluidics. We note that other non-equilibrium DNA behaviors in nano-confinement have also been investigated previously.22–26 The DNA collapse we investigate here is a kinetic process, the effect of nanoconfinement on DNA collapse can provide more general insights about how confinement affects reaction rates. In addition, DNA collapse can be used to reversibly control gene expression.27In vivo, DNA collapse is necessary for dense packaging of the genome.
DNA collapse in confinement has been explored in several experiments. In these experiments, the DNA size rapidly decreases after adding condensing agents (e.g. crowders,3 proteins,28,29 and cationic surfactant13). While these studies used nanofluidic confinement to visualize the collapse process, they did not study the nucleation and annealing processes, which will be described shortly, and the effect of nanoconfinement on these processes.
In this work, we subject DNA to poor solvent conditions, using a buffer based on a 35% ethanol solution, which is marginally sufficient to initiate DNA collapse in bulk and allows us to study the process in detail. Accordingly, the nucleation can take more than 1 hour30 and the change in nucleation time in nanoconfinement can be readily measured.
In our experiments, λ-DNA (48.502 kbp, New England Biolabs) or T4 DNA (165.6 kbp, Nippon gene) suspended at a concentration of 0.69 μg mL−1 is stained with YOYO-1 (Invitrogen) intercalating dye at a base pair to dye ratio of 4:
1 and allowed to sit overnight. YOYO-1 staining significant increases DNA length,33 yielding λ-DNA with a length ∼22 μm and T4-DNA with a length of ∼75 μm. Immediately before experiments, DNA samples are diluted to produce workable concentrations of DNA. The ethanol concentration is always 35% for slit experiments, but varies for the bulk experiments as shown in Fig. 4. The experimental buffer consisted of 1.5 × TBE (134 mM Tris base, 134 mM boric acid, and 3 mM EDTA), 4 vol% β-mercaptoethanol (BME, Cabiochem) and ethanol. The ionic strength is approximately 57 mM.31
Fig. 2 shows examples of the time evolution of R‖ for a T4-DNA molecule at different time intervals. We analyze about 20–30 different molecules for each channel height h at various times Tstart. We find that the variance of R‖ among these molecules is small (Fig. 3). We further average R‖ for these molecules with the same h and Tstart. Eventually, we obtain the time evolution of R‖ for each slit height as shown in Fig. 5. Similar data analysis is also applied to obtain the apparent aspect ratio RM/Rm.
Direct calculation of the DNA size from the intensity profile is limited in resolution and accuracy due to the point-spread function of the microscope.31 This problem is more profound when DNA assumes a highly compact conformation. As a result, we also measure the DNA diffusion coefficient D, and then calculate the DNA hydrodynamic radius through Rh = kBT/(6πηD). The viscosity η for different ethanol concentrations are determined by measuring the mean squared displacement of polystyrene beads of known radius. We use this method for our measurement of DNA size in bulk, i.e. free space.
It is worth mentioning that a given DNA molecule is stretched by the electric field when driven into a nanoslit as shown by the top-left image in Fig. 2. The green curve in Fig. 2 indicates that the effect of initial stretching in T4-DNA vanishes after about 20 seconds for the slit height of 89 nm. Our previous experiments34 systematically measured the duration τstr for a stretched DNA molecule to reach its equilibrium conformation in a nanoslit and found the empirical formula τstr ∼ LDNA2.2h−0.5. We estimate that the effect of initial stretching by the electric field will vanish in less than 1 minute for all slit heights used in the current study.
The electric field that is used to drive DNA into a nanoslit may introduce concentration polarization at the microchannel–nanochannel–microchannel interfaces wherein the concentrations of ions in the buffer do not distribute homogenously.35 Prior work has shown that concentration polarization primarily depends on an inverse Dukhin number Fhzc/σ, where F is Faraday's constant, h is the slit height, z is the valence of the ion, c is the concentration of the ion, and σ is the surface charge density of slit walls.35 Substituting z = 1, c ≈ 57 mM, and σ ≈ 60 mC m−2,36 we obtain the inverse Dukhin numbers of approximately 183, 50, 23, 8.2 and 2.8 for h = 2000, 549, 250, 89 and 31 nm, respectively. These inverse Dukhin numbers are greater than unity, which suggests that concentration polarization is not significant in our experiments.
Fig. 4a shows the time evolution of the hydrodynamic radius, Rh, of T4-DNA for a range of ethanol concentration cethanol from 0% to 60%. For cethanol ≲ 30%, T4-DNA molecules always assume coiled conformations in 24 hours and show significant conformational fluctuations (Fig. 4b). Accordingly, we consider that T4-DNA or λ-DNA collapse do not take place for cethanol ≲ 30%. Note that the typical relaxation time of DNA conformations is on the order of seconds and our maximal observation time 24 hours is many orders of magnitude longer than the relaxation time. For 30% ≲ cethanol ≲ 45%, T4-DNA molecules collapse towards globular conformations (Fig. 4b). For globular conformations, we can still observe conformational fluctuations, such as a short DNA fragment occasionally stretching out from a globular conformation (see experimental videos in ESI†). For cethanol ≳ 45%, T4-DNA molecules eventually reach more compact conformations with little conformational fluctuations (Fig. 4b). These compact conformations are expected to be toroidal based on previous experimental37,38 and simulation39,40 studies of condensed DNA. The duration until DNA collapse depends on the ethanol concentration. For 30% ≲ cethanol ≲ 50%, DNA collapse takes hours.
Single-molecule DNA collapse under a wide range of ethanol concentration has also been investigated using magnetic tweezers and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) by Wang et al.37 They found that λ-DNA collapse occurs within a few hours incubation time for cethanol ≳ 30%, and the condensed λ-DNA structures become more compact with the increasing ethanol concentration. At cethanol = 50%, they found that DNA reaches condensed states between two and three hours. All of these observations are in agreement with our results.
Based on these results for DNA in bulk, we pick the ethanol concentration of 35% for nanoslit experiments. With 35% ethanol, T4-DNA is fully collapsed after about 220 minutes and eventually reaches globular conformations.
With the decrease of the slit height from h = 2000 nm to h = 31 nm, the collapse time decreases from more than one hour to about 10 minutes. To elaborate the process of DNA collapse, we re-plot the time evolution of 〈R‖〉 for T4-DNA in Fig. 6 but with a linear time-scale for h = 2000 nm, h = 250 nm, and h = 31 nm. For h = 2000 nm, the collapse process exhibits three stages: a nucleation state where 〈R‖〉 remains approximately constant, an annealing stage where 〈R‖〉 rapidly decreases, and a final stage where the DNA is collapsed. These stages are similar to those observed in previous experiments of single-DNA collapse.30 The nucleation in our experiments is reasonable considering that the DNA–DNA attraction induced by 35% ethanol is marginally larger than the critical attraction and the condensed state is stable only when its size exceeds a certain value, i.e. the nucleation size. We define the nucleation time τnucl for the first stage and the annealing time τanneal for the second stage as shown in Fig. 6a. We also define the collapse time τcollapse = τnucl + τanneal for the entire process.
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Fig. 6 Plot of 〈R‖〉 for T4-DNA in (same as in Fig. 5), but with a linear scale for the incubation time for (a) h = 2000 nm, (b) h = 250 nm, and (c) h = 31 nm. For (a), the collapse process exhibits three stages. The intersection of the two green lines is used to determine the nucleation time. Three inset images in (b) show one T4-DNA molecule at t = 10, 25 and 70 min. The error bars indicate the standard deviations among the 〈R‖〉interval of 20–30 DNA molecules under a certain condition, where 〈R‖〉interval is the average size of a given DNA over an interval of 15–30 seconds. |
Now we proceed to more quantitative analysis of the time scales τnucl, τanneal, and τcollapse for DNA collapse. We determine τcollapse as follows. We calculate the average value and standard deviation of R‖ over the time interval that the DNA is clearly in the collapsed stage 3; e.g. t ≥ 230 minutes for T4-DNA with h = 2000 nm, and t ≥ 14 minutes for T4-DNA with h = 31 nm. We refer the average value as 〈R3〉 and the standard deviation as σ3. Then, τcollapse is defined as the earliest time that R‖ is less than 〈R3〉 + σ3. The collapse times are listed in Table 1 and plotted in Fig. 7. We determine τnucl as follows. We approximate that the evolution of R‖ in stage 1 and stage 2 can be fit by two straight lines, respectively, and the intersection of these two straight lines correspond to τnucl. We adjust the lines to minimize the error in the fit (details provided in the ESI†). This method yields τnucl = 70 min for h = 2000 nm, τnucl = 35 min for h = 549 nm, and τnucl = 10 min for h = 250 nm in the case of T4-DNA. We stress that this is an approximate method to estimate the time at which the DNA transitions from stage 1 to stage 2 that we define as τnucl. For T4-DNA with h = 89 nm and h = 31 nm, there is no clear distinction between stages 1 and 2, which can be caused by three possible reasons: (i) no nucleation exists for these two slit heights (see more discussion in Section 3.3); (ii) the nucleation is less than a few minutes, which cannot be resolved by our data sampling rate; (iii) the nucleation is less than a few minutes, and the plateau in the evolution of 〈R‖〉 is convoluted with the initial DNA stretching due to the electric field (see Fig. 2 for an example). The third possible reason is unlikely, because the effect of the initial DNA stretching vanishes in less than one minute as discussed in the methods section. It is worth pointing out that the data in Fig. 6 show a clear trend that the nucleation time is shorter for a smaller slit height from h = 2000 nm to 89 nm, and the transition from stage 2 to 3 is clearly seen. The speeds of DNA collapse for h = 89 nm and h = 31 nm are close and so it is unclear which one is faster. Note that it is also difficult to precisely identify the spatial location of the nucleation core directly from image analysis, because the high-intensity spots seen in nucleation cores are hard to distinguish from similar spots caused by thermal fluctuations in the projected DNA conformation (see an example of the coil in Fig. 4b and more images in the ESI†). Only in a few experiments are we able to observe the nucleation process as shown by the imaging of Fig. 6b. In the previous AFM experiments by Wang et al.,37 DNA collapse sometimes starts from non-local contacts of DNA segments, which are separated by a big loop that assumes a loose conformation. If the nucleation occurs due to non-local contacts, it is even more difficult to identify the nucleation core location from the image analysis.
τ collapse (min) | τ nucl (min) | τ anneal (min) | |
h = 2000 nm | 220 [95] | 70 [35] | 150 [60] |
h = 549 nm | 80 [45] | 35 [24] | 45 [21] |
h = 250 nm | 45 [21] | 10 [9] | 35 [12] |
h = 89 nm | 16 [12] | 0 [0] | 16 [12] |
h = 31 nm | 12 [9] | 0 [0] | 12 [9] |
![]() | ||
Fig. 7 The collapse time, annealing time and rotational relaxation time as a function of the slit height for T4 DNA and λ-DNA. |
The five slit heights in our experiments vary from h = 2000 nm to h = 31 nm. To evaluate the strength of confinement by these slits, we compare the slit height with the DNA persistence length in 35% ethanol and the DNA size in bulk. The DNA persistence length decreases from Lp ≈ 50 nm to Lp ≈ 22 nm after adding 35% ethanol, which was determined by previous experiments by Wang et al.37 The smallest slit height h = 31 nm is close to Lp ≈ 22 nm. To calculate the size of DNA coils in bulk, we first analyze the effective DNA diameter w in 35% ethanol. The value of w should be close to zero, because 35% ethanol concentration is close to the critical value for DNA collapse, and the solvent quality is close to the θ-condition. As such, we approximate YOYO-1 stained DNA in 35% ethanol as a wormlike chain with Lp ≈ 22 nm and w ≈ 0 nm. We obtain λ-DNA size 〈Rλ-DNA‖,bulk〉 ≈ 0.33 μm and T4-DNA size 〈RT4-DNA‖,bulk〉 ≈ 0.61 μm after using Lλ-DNA ≈ 22 μm, LT4-DNA ≈ 75 μm and applying the theoretical formula , where
is used for the in-plane rather than three dimensional radius of gyration. The largest slit height h = 2000 nm is about six times of 〈Rλ-DNA‖,bulk〉 ≈ 0.33 μm, and hence λ-DNA experiences negligible confinement, and the initial λ-DNA size for h = 2000 nm is 〈R‖〉 ≈ 0.30 μm, which is close to 〈Rλ-DNA‖,bulk〉. For T4-DNA, The largest slit height h = 2000 nm is about three times of 〈RT4-DNA‖,bulk〉 ≈ 0.61 μm, and T4-DNA experiences weak confinement. The initial T4-DNA size for h = 2000 nm is 〈R‖〉 ≈ 0.72 μm, which is larger than 〈RT4-DNA‖,bulk〉 due to DNA compression by slit walls. Note that our previous experiment31 obtained the λ-DNA size 〈Rλ-DNA‖,bulk〉 ≈ 0.52 μm in the absence of ethanol, which is larger than 0.33 μm in the current study.
Our experiments employ two types of DNA molecules: T4-DNA with L ≈ 75 μm and λ-DNA with L ≈ 22 μm. Despite of the difference in the contour length by a factor of 3.41, both DNA molecules exhibit the same trend in confinement. Quantitatively, the difference in the contour length leads to the differences in confinement free energy and the relaxation time τrelax, and then the difference in time scales of DNA collapse. Based on the blob-model scaling τrelax ∼ L−5/2 in confinement,31 the relaxation of T4-DNA is expected to be slower than λ-DNA by a factor of 21, which is close to τT4-DNArelax/τλ-DNArelax ≈ 24 observed in our experimental measurement of rotational relaxation time over the range from h = 31 nm to 549 nm. The relaxation time of T4-DNA appears to follow a scaling τrelax ∼ h−0.9 from h = 31 to 2000 nm, while the relaxation time of λ-DNA significantly deviates from this scaling at h = 2000 nm, because λ-DNA experiences negligible confinement at h = 2000 nm due to the insufficiency in the contour length. Although T4-DNA and λ-DNA differ in the relaxation time by a factor of about 24, the difference in the collapse time is only by a factor of about 1.8, and the difference in the annealing times is by a factor of about 2.1 (see ESI†). As previously investigated by Yoshinaga,42 the annealing speed may be determined by the motion of the collapsed domain or the coil domain depending on the stage of collapse process. If it is the former, the annealing time is insensitive to the chain length, while if it is the latter, the annealing time is related to the relaxation time of the entire length. The mixture of both motions in the collapse process may result in a weak dependence of the annealing time or collapse time on the chain length.
Due to the existence of plateaus in the time evolution of 〈R‖〉, we expect that there is a free energy barrier along the path of DNA collapse. The free energy barrier is akin to that found in typical crystallization of small molecules, namely that the small nuclei are unstable due to a relatively large surface energy. Here, the surface energy refers to an energy increase because the surface monomers have a smaller number of attractive neighbors than the monomers in the core. The dependence of confinement free energy on the compactness of DNA conformation also reduces the free energy barrier for DNA collapse. The reduction of free energy barrier by confinement can explain our observation that the nucleation process becomes shorter or disappears in shallower slits.
Our experimental data can be understood quantitatively to a certain extent. We focus on the data of T4-DNA rather than λ-DNA, because T4-DNA is longer and it suffers less finite-length effects when applying scaling relationships. We estimate the confinement free energy per unit length fconfine by the scaling relationship15
![]() | (1) |
τnucl ∼ τrelax![]() | (2) |
Fslitbarrier = Fbulkbarrier + fconfineLnucl | (3) |
We also adopt a crude approximation to quantitatively analyze the annealing time. We assume the annealing speed is proportional to the slope of free energy landscape as labeled in Fig. 8:
τanneal ∼ τrelax/εslit, | (4) |
εslit = εbulk + (π2/3)h−2Lp | (5) |
τanneal ∼ τrelax/h−2. | (6) |
Using the de Gennes scaling τrelax ∼ h−7/6, we obtain τanneal ∼ h5/6. Considering that many assumptions are made, the predicted exponent of 5/6 agrees fairly well with the exponent 0.6 ± 0.2 obtained by the fit to our experiment results of τanneal. In particular, we ignore εbulk in eqn (5). The mixture of εbulk ∼ h0 and (π2/3)h−2Lp would result in an apparent scaling exponent larger than −2, and then an exponent in τanneal less than 5/6.
Previous simulations by Das and Chakraborty have also quantitatively investigated the effect of slit confinement on polymer collapse, however, only for short flexible chains.47 After including hydrodynamic interactions, the slit confinement can speed up polymer collapse by a factor from 2.5 to 4 for the chain length from 80 to 200. If we extrapolate the confinement effect to longer chains, it may explain our experimental observation that the slit confinement speeds up DNA collapse by 18 times. Recall that T4-DNA used in our experiments has a contour length ∼75 μm, which is about 3400 times of DNA the persistence length ∼22 nm in 35% ethanol.
The counterions (more specifically, H+ in the current study) of surface charge also change the pH value of the buffer in nanoslits. Previous experiments by Bottenus et al.49 measured the change in the pH value in nanochannels over a range of buffer conditions. In a channel with a cross-section of 100 nm × 400 nm, the pH value shift is about 0.2 at an ionic strength of 57 mM.49 This prior work suggests that the changes in pH value for h = 2000, 549, 250 and 89 nm are smaller than or around 0.2. Such a small change in pH value should not change DNA properties, such as charge density.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: More information about experiments, data analysis and images and videos of DNA collapse. See DOI: 10.1039/c7sm01249g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2017 |