Soo Jin
Hyo Jae
Department of Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, South Korea. E-mail:
First published on 25th March 2019
Reported herein are tunneling and thermoelectric characteristics of large-area molecular junctions formed with N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC)-based self-assembled monolayers on gold.
Herein, we show for the first-time fabrication of large-area molecular junctions of NHC-based monolayers constructed directly from solutions of metal-free NHC derivatives and examine their tunneling and thermoelectric characteristics. Oligophenylene-NHC SAMs (denoted as NHC(Ph)n where n = 0, 1, and 2; Fig. 1a) were formed on ultraflat template-stripped gold (AuTS),30 and electrically and thermoelectrically characterized with a liquid metal top-electrode comprising eutectic Ga–In alloy (EGaIn)21,31 covered with a conductive native oxide of ∼1 nm nominal thickness (Fig. 1b). We observed the length dependence of tunneling current density (J, A cm−2) across the junctions, obeying a rectangular energy barrier model, the simplified Simmons model.5,32 Junction measurements at low temperatures indicate the charge transport across the NHC-based large-area junctions occurring in a pure tunneling regime, not relying on a thermal hopping process. Thermoelectric characterization over identical junctions showed that thermopower increased with increasing length of the molecule. The positive sign of the measured Seebeck coefficient values implies that the frontier molecular orbital close to the Fermi level of the electrode is the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) rather than the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), and the molecular conduction is dominated by hole tunneling.
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Fig. 1 (a) Molecules used in this study. (b) A schematic describing the structure of the large-area molecular junction we used. |
We synthesized NHC(Ph)n hydrogen carbonate salts (NHC(Ph)nHCO3) as NHC precursors,33 following the synthetic schemes presented in Scheme S1 in the ESI.† The 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic analyses and the high resolution mass spectrometric analysis confirmed the desired structures (see the ESI† for details). To form NHC SAMs on AuTS, a freshly prepared AuTS chip was placed in an ethanolic solution of 2 mM NHC(Ph)nHCO3.33 After 3 h incubation at room temperature in the air, the resulting SAM-bound AuTS chip was rinsed with pure ethanol and dried in air (see the ESI† for details). The AuTS/NHC(Ph)n SAMs were characterized with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and static and dynamic contact angle goniometries. The XPS spectra (Fig. S6–S8 in the ESI†) exhibited the presence of nitrogen, carbon and oxygen atoms in all the SAMs. A single binding energy of N1s was observed at 402.5 eV; the C1s peak was deconvoluted into three signals, which corresponded to C–O, C–N, and C–C/CC, respectively.28,29,34 As the number of phenylene units increased, the intensity ratio of C–C/C
C to C–N signals increased (Table S3 in the ESI†). XPS data showed that all the SAMs have oxygen atoms, and the peak of O1s was observed at 525 eV. This is attributed to the decomposition by-products (CO2 and/or H2O formed upon chemisorption of the NHC precursor) trapped in the monolayers on the substrates.28,33,34 As shown in Fig. S12 in the ESI,† the static contact angle (θs) and the dynamic contact angle (Δcos
θd: the difference in advancing (cos
θa) and receding (cos
θr) contact angles) did not significantly change with the increasing length (n in NHC(Ph)n). These observations indicate that all the SAMs have similar surface energy and roughness regardless of the number of phenylene units.
The electronic structure of the NHC(Ph)n SAMs was characterized using ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) and Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) (Fig. S12 in the ESI†). From the UPS and KPFM studies, the work function (WF) of the AuTS/NHC(Ph)n SAMs was estimated through measurements of secondary electron cutoff (SECO) and contact potential difference (CPD), respectively (see the ESI† for details). The UPS-based WF values ranged from 3.45–4.04 eV, similar to the previous observation.35 The trends of WF estimated by UPS and KPFM were similar although there were some deviations between the absolute values. Values of KPFM-based WF were obtained by relative comparison of target samples with the WF (∼4.5 eV) of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG). We did not observe the correlation between the WF and the molecular length.
To measure J(V) across junctions, we formed junctions with a cone-shaped EGaIn microelectrode following the previously reported methods.11,31,36 The EGaIn microelectrode permits noninvasive and reversible top-contacts over SAMs. We obtained 374–468 J–V traces from 20–27 separate junctions in six different samples for each molecule. Values of J across AuTS/NHC-(Ph)n//Ga2O3/EGaIn junctions at ±1.0 V were log-normally distributed (Fig. 2a). The degree of asymmetric feature in the J–V curve is quantitatively defined as rectification: |r+| = |J(+V)|/|J(−V)|. The SAMs showed modest rectification ratios (1.9 < |r+| < 2.1 at ±1.0 V; Fig. 2b), similar to the rectification ratios observed in conventional n-alkane and oligophenylene thiolates.5,37 Mean (log|J|mean), median (log|J|median) and standard deviation (σlog|J|) were extracted from fitting of log|J| histograms with single Gaussian curves. Table S1 in the ESI† summarizes the data of junction measurements. The yield of working junctions ranged from 88 to 92%. Fig. 2c shows that log|J| linearly decreased with the increasing length of the molecule. This linear regression indicates that the tunneling current density across junctions well-obeys the simplified Simmons model (eqn (1)):5,6,32
J = J0 × exp(−βcd) | (1) |
With the identical junction architecture, we measured for the first time the Seebeck coefficient of the NHC-based monolayers (Fig. 3a), following the previously reported procedures.21 Briefly, a SAM-bound AuTS chip was placed on a hot chuck, and exposed to a finite temperature. A microelectrode comprising EGaIn was then brought onto the SAM, and the thermoelectric voltage (ΔV) created by the temperature differential (ΔT) applied to the junction was measured (see the ESI† for details). We measured ΔV values for ΔT = 2, 4 and 6 K (Fig. 3b). Overall, the distribution of ΔV was broadened as the value of ΔT and the number of phenylene units were increased, as shown in ΔV histograms (Fig. S13 in the ESI†). This observation was consistent with the results observed in other thermoelectric junctions.21,40,41 The increased ΔT and the structural complexity of the molecule induce an increase in the degree of freedom (by variation in C–C torsional angles) and internal vibration, thereby leading to largely dispersed data of ΔV.41 The Seebeck coefficient (S, μV K−1; S = −ΔV/ΔT) of the SAM (SSAM) was extracted through the thermopower analysis of the circuit equivalent to the junction (Fig. S5 in the ESI†). Finally, using the following equation, we obtained the SSAM values:
ΔV = −(SSAM − SW![]() | (2) |
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Fig. 3 (a) A schematic describing the structure of the large-area thermoelectric junction. (b) Plots of ΔV as a function of ΔT. (c) Simulations of S values based on the transmission function and Landauer formula (eqn (S2) and (S3) in the ESI†). The inset shows the magnification of Seebeck coefficient near the Fermi level of EGaIn. (d) Plots of experimental and theoretical S values as a function of the molecular length. |
The data of thermopower measurements are summarized in Table S2 in the ESI.† All the NHC(Ph)n junctions exhibited positive values of SSAM (Table S2, ESI†). This indicates that the transport in our junctions is dominated by the HOMO, not the LUMO. Our finding is against the previous calculation29 that shows that the LUMO is close to the EF of the electrode in the NHC-based single molecule junction. This discrepancy can be explained by the different top-interfaces: our junction has the van der Waals top-contact whereas the junction in the previous work does not. The thermopower in the NHC-based junctions was further investigated by transmission function-based modelling (see the ESI† for details).22,42 As shown in Fig. 3c, the experimentally observed length dependence and sign of SSAM were reproduced, at least qualitatively, by the modelling (Fig. 3d). There were some deviations between experimental and calculated values, which could be attributed to complexities arising from the top-contact and the molecular vibrations that are not reflected in the modelling.22
The linear correlation between the SSAM and the molecular length can be explained by a simplified model (eqn (3)) proposed
SSAM = SC + n·βS | (3) |
In conclusion, we have investigated for the first-time tunneling and thermoelectric properties of NHC-based large-area junctions through a combined experimental and computational approach. Our studies indicate that the charge tunneling of NHC-based monolayers follows the Simmons model widely used for studies of molecular conduction, and the Seebeck coefficient is positive in sign and increases with molecular length. Our computational studies confirm these empirical findings.
This research was supported by the NRF of Korea (NRF-2017M3A7B8064518).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental procedures and further discussions. See DOI: 10.1039/c9cc01585j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |