*b and
aDepartment of Chemistry, School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1, NE-1 O-okayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan. E-mail: ishitani@chem.titech.ac.jp
bGraduate School of Science and Engineering, University of Toyama, 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan
First published on 17th January 2019
CO2 capture at low concentration by catalysts is potentially useful for developing photocatalytic and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction systems. We investigated the CO2-capturing abilities of two complexes, fac-Mn(X2bpy)(CO)3(OCH2CH2NR2) and fac-Re(X2bpy)(CO)3(OCH2CH2NR2) (X2bpy = 4,4′-X2-2,2-bipyridine and R = –CH2CH2OH), which work as efficient catalysts for CO2 reduction. Both complexes could efficiently capture CO2 even from Ar gas containing only low concentration of CO2 such as 1% to be converted into fac-M(X2bpy)(CO)3(OC(O)OCH2CH2NR2) (M = Mn and Re). These CO2-capturing reactions proceeded reversibly and their equilibrium constants were >1000. The substituents of X2bpy strongly affected the CO2-capturing abilities of both Mn and Re complexes. The density functional theory (DFT) calculation could be used to estimate the CO2-capturing abilities of the metal complexes in the presence of triethanolamine.
We recently found that fac-Re(bpy)(CO)3(OCH2CH2NR2) (2Re-bpy: bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine and R = –CH2CH2OH), which has a deprotonated triethanolamine ligand, can capture a CO2 molecule even at low concentration of CO2 by CO2 insertion into the Re(I)–oxygen bond (Scheme 1).18 Since this CO2 insertion is a reversible reaction with a large equilibrium constant, more than 93% of the Re complex is converted into a CO2 adduct, i.e., fac-Re(bpy)(CO)3(OC(O)OCH2CH2NR2) (4Re-bpy), when bubbled with Ar gas containing only 10% CO2 (1.6 × 10−2 M in solution). This CO2 capture reaction by the Re(I) complex was successfully applied to photocatalytic CO2 reduction at low concentration of CO2.19 A Ru(II)–Re(I) photocatalyst consisting of a Ru photosensitiser unit and fac-Re(BL)(CO)3(OCH2CH2NR2) (BL = bridging ligand) as a catalyst unit shows almost same the photocatalytic efficiency and selectivity for CO2 reduction in an atmosphere of 10% CO2 as that in a 100% CO2 (0.13 M in solution) atmosphere. Even at 0.5% CO2 concentration, its photocatalytic efficiency was about 60% of that at 100% CO2 concentration. These results suggest that the ability of metal complex catalysts to capture CO2 using the deprotonated TEOA ligand potentially offers an effective method for reducing low-concentration CO2 atmospheres without the need for condensation.
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Scheme 1 Ligand substitution and CO2 capture reactions of the Re(I) complex and the νCO values of the Re complexes. |
Although some similar CO2 insertion reactions into the M–OR bond of other alkoxide metal complexes, such as M = Mn(I)20,21 and Re(I)22,23 and R = –CH3 and –C2H5, have been reported,24–46 systematic and quantitative research, especially into the effects of different ligands and/or different central metal ions on the CO2 capture reactions, has not yet been reported to the best of our knowledge.
Here we report the CO2 capture abilities of Mn(I) 4,4′-X2-bpy tricarbonyl complexes, where X is any substituent of the corresponding Re(I) complexes, i.e., X = H, Br, and MeO; fac-Mn(X2bpy)(CO)3(OCH2CH2NR2) efficiently captured CO2 in the same manner as the Re(I) complexes but the corresponding W(0) bpy tricarbonyl complex did not. The abilities of the Mn(I) complexes to capture CO2 were different from those of the corresponding Re(I) complexes and the abilities of both the Mn(I) and Re(I) complexes were strongly dependent on the substituents on the diimine ligand. We successfully clarified the reasons for these dependences of the CO2 capture abilities by using density functional theory (DFT) calculations.
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Fig. 1 Changes in the IR spectra of fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ (![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Some shoulder peaks were also observed at νCO = 2020 and 1900 cm−1. Fig. 2a shows the IR spectra measured several hours after dissolving the same complex into DMF solutions containing different concentrations of TEOA. At higher concentration of TEOA, the intensity of the peaks at νCO = 2020 and 1900 cm−1 increased. We focussed on the totally symmetric vibrational bands around 2050–2010 cm−1 for understanding how many complexes were produced in the DMF–TEOA mixed solution. We could not reasonably fit these spectra by using curve-fitting with two components, but by using three components, we were able to identify three bands at νCO = 2040, 2030, and 2017 cm−1 (Fig. S1†). The peak at νCO = 2040 cm−1 was attributed to 1Mn-bpy. The peak at νCO = 2017 cm−1 can be attributed to fac-Mn(bpy)(CO)3(OCH2CH2NR2) (2Mn-bpy) because it became larger with increased TEOA concentration (Fig. 2a). The difference in the IR bands of 2Mn-bpy and 1Mn-bpy (Δν = 22 cm−1) was very similar to the difference between fac-Re(bpy)(CO)3(OCH2CH2NR2) and fac-[Re(bpy)(CO)3(DMF)]+ (Δν = 23 cm−1, Scheme 1). This kind of shift to a lower energy of νCO could be caused by an increase in π back donation from the Mn centre to the CO ligand because of the anionic alkoxide ligand instead of the neutral DMF. Fig. 2b shows the relationship between the peak area ratio of these complexes and the concentration of TEOA. The ratio of 1Mn-bpy decreased with increasing TEOA concentration; however, 2Mn-bpy showed a reverse correlation. From these results, it was concluded that 1Mn-bpy and 2Mn-bpy should be in equilibrium with each other in DMF–TEOA. On the other hand, the small peak at νCO = 2030 cm−1 did not strongly depend on the TEOA concentration. This was probably due to a Mn(I) complex with an imidate ester ligand, i.e., fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(–NHC(CH3)–OCH2CH2NR2)]+ (3Mn-bpy), which is produced by the addition of deprotonated TEOA to the MeCN ligand (Fig. 1, right scheme). The difference in the totally symmetric vibrational band from fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ was ΔνCO = 16 cm−1, and a similar peak shift was observed when fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ was dissolved in a MeCN-TEOA (5
1, v/v) solution (ΔνCO = 14 cm−1, Fig. S2†). This identification is also supported by the fact that the difference in νCO between fac-[Re(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ and fac-[Re(bpy)(CO)3(–NH
C(CH3)–OCH2CH2NR2)]+ was ΔνCO = 13 cm−1. This reaction was much slower in the case of the Mn(I) complex than that of the corresponding Re(I) complex. To further clarify the identity of this minor product, the following experiment was performed. fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ was dissolved in a DMF solution containing 1.3 M TEOA. After 60 min, additional TEOA or DMF was added to this solution, i.e., the concentration of TEOA in the solution was changed from 1.3 to 3.9 or 0.65 M. The changes in the concentration of the solvent did not affect the concentration of the minor product in either case (Fig. S2†). This suggests that the minor product was 3Mn-bpy, which was only produced by the reaction between fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ and TEOA, was stable in the solution. In other words, the presence of 3Mn-bpy in the solution should not affect the equilibrium between 1Mn-bpy and 2Mn-bpy. Therefore, in the following discussion, we consider only the equilibrium between the DMF and TEOA complexes.
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Fig. 2 (a) IR spectra of fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ in DMF solutions containing different concentrations of TEOA (1.3 M, black line; 2.6 M, red line; 3.9 M, green line; 4.5 M, blue line). (b) Ratios of 1Mn-bpy (blue), 2Mn-bpy (red) and 3Mn-bpy (green) obtained by curve-fitting of the IR spectra between 2000 and 2060 cm−1 (Fig. S1†). |
There are two possible equilibrium equations (eqn (1) and (3)) for the conversion of 1Mn-bpy into 2Mn-bpy. In the mechanism described in eqn (3), one TEOA molecule works as both a nucleophile and a base. In the case of eqn (1), two TEOA molecules contribute to the ligand substitution reaction, where proton capture from the TEOA interacting with the metal centre by the other TEOA molecule is considered. In this ligand substitution, the main mechanism is probably described in eqn (1) because the solution contained a very high concentration of TEOA (>1.3 M). Therefore, we chose eqn (1) for the DFT calculation as described below.‡
In eqn (2), the concentration of the protonated TEOA ([H–TEOA+]) was assumed to be the same as that of 2Mn-bpy because the proton that originated in the TEOA ligand should be captured by another TEOA molecule as described above. The concentrations of the Mn(I) complexes were calculated by curve-fitting of the IR spectra and were used to determine the equilibrium constant, i.e., K1(Mn-bpy) = (0.22 ± 0.03) × 10−3, by using eqn (2).
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When the Mn complexes with substituents at the 4,4′-position of the bpy ligand, i.e., fac-[Mn(X2bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ (X = Br and OMe), were dissolved in the DMF–TEOA mixed solution, similar IR spectral changes were observed in both cases (Fig. S4†). However, the equilibrium constants were very different from K1(Mn-bpy). Electron-withdrawing substituents gave a larger constant, i.e., K1(Mn-Br2bpy) = (0.64 ± 0.03) × 10−3. On the other hand, electron-donating substituents gave a smaller constant, i.e., K1(Mn-(MeO)2bpy) = (0.12 ± 0.01) × 10−3. These results strongly suggest that stronger electron-withdrawing substituents on the X2bpy ligand give rise to higher stability of 2-Mn-X2bpy.
In the case of the corresponding Re(I) complex, fac-[Re(X2bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ was converted into fac-[Re(X2bpy)(CO)3(DMF)]+ (1Re-X2bpy) by first dissolving in DMF § and then into fac-Re(X2bpy)(CO)3(OCH2CH2NR2) (2Re-X2bpy) by the addition of TEOA to the solution because this procedure could suppress the formation of [Re(bpy)(CO)3(–NHC(CH3)–OCH2CH2NR2)]+ (3Re-bpy).18¶ The equilibrium constants between 1Re-X2bpy and 2Re-X2bpy are summarised in Table 2. The values of K1(Re-X2bpy) are consistent with those of the corresponding Mn complexes as described above, i.e., the electron-withdrawing substituents on the X2bpy ligand yielded a larger equilibrium constant. The equilibrium constant of the Re complexes was much larger than that of the corresponding Mn complexes, for example, K1(Re-bpy) = (71 ± 1) × 10−3 and K1(Mn-bpy) = (0.64 ± 0.03) × 10−3, that is, the formation of 2Mn-X2bpy was thermodynamically less favourable compared to that of the corresponding Re(I) complex in the DMF–TEOA mixed solution.
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Fig. 3 IR spectra of the equilibrated mixture of 1Mn-bpy and 2Mn-bpy in DMF (a) or DMSO (b) containing TEOA (1.3 M) after Ar bubbling (red line) and CO2 bubbling (blue line) for 15 min. |
DMF-d7 was not used because the signal of a carbonate carbon (M–OC(O)O–R) is expected to be observed at a similar magnetic field to that of the amide carbon of DMF. We confirmed that even in a DMSO–TEOA mixed solution, similar IR spectral changes occurred to those in the DMF–TEOA solution (Fig. 3b). The 1H NMR spectra of the solution containing the Mn complexes were first measured under an Ar atmosphere and then measured again after bubbling with CO2 for 3 min (Fig. S6†). The 1H NMR signals attributed to the bpy ligands changed completely before and after bubbling with CO2; the proton peaks attributed to the bpy ligands of 1Mn-bpy and 2Mn-bpy, which were observed under an Ar atmosphere, disappeared and four new proton signals were observed at a higher magnetic field under a CO2 atmosphere. Fig. 4a shows the 13C NMR spectrum with proton decoupling; a singlet peak attributable to the carbonate carbon (M–OC(O)O–R) at 158.7 ppm was observed under the CO2 atmosphere. This signal was drastically enhanced by using 13CO2 (99% 13C content) instead of CO2 (Fig. 4b). Without proton decoupling, the signal at 158.7 ppm became a triplet with JC–H = 3.8 Hz (Fig. 4c). This is attributable to long-range coupling with the methylene group in the deprotonated TEOA moiety of the carbonate ester ligand (Fig. 4) because a similar signal was reported in the 13C NMR spectrum of 3Re-bpy (158.4 ppm, 3.6 Hz).18 These results strongly suggest that the insertion reaction of CO2 into the Mn–O bond in 2Mn-bpy gives the complex fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(OC(O)OCH2CH2NR2)] (4Mn-bpy) (eqn (5)).
As shown in Fig. 5a, the ratios of the peaks changed with the CO2 concentration in the solution. We successfully conducted curve-fitting to obtain the concentrations of 1Mn-bpy, 2Mn-bpy and 4Mn-bpy as shown in Fig. 5b. Direct determination of K2(Mn-bpy) from the peak area of 2Mn-bpy showed a large experimental error because the peak of 2Mn-bpy was very small. Therefore, K2(Mn-bpy) was calculated by using eqn (7) with K1(Mn-bpy) and K3(Mn-bpy), which is the equilibrium constant between 1Mn-bpy and 4Mn-bpy (eqn (6) and (7)). In eqn (7), the concentration of the protonated TEOA ([H–TEOA+]) was assumed to be the same as the total concentrations of 2Mn-bpy and 4Mn-bpy because of the same reason in the case of eqn (2). This calculation method gave much lower experimental error; the value of K2(Mn-bpy) between 2Mn-bpy and 4Mn-bpy was obtained to be (61 ± 12) × 103 M−1.
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Fig. 5 IR spectra of fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ in DMF containing 1.3 M TEOA and different concentrations of CO2 (a) and the curve-fitting result for the observed spectra at 3.17 mM CO2 (b). |
The other Mn(I) complexes with the substituted bpy ligand also showed similar IR spectral changes during a similar experiment in the DMF–TEOA mixed solution (Fig. S7†). Therefore, these complexes also have the ability to capture CO2. The equilibrium constants are summarised in Table 1. It is noteworthy that the values of K2(Mn-X2bpy) are not drastically different from those of K1(Mn-X2bpy) of the three Mn complexes. The CO2 insertion between the Mn–O bond might be a concerted reaction between the nucleophilic attack of the oxygen atom in the ligand to the carbon in CO2 and the electrophilic attack of the central metal to the oxygen atom in CO2 (Scheme 2).22,31,47 Since a higher electronic density of the central metal should induce acceleration of the former process while obstructing the latter one, these conflicting effects might cancel each other out.
Complex | K 1/10−3 | K 2/103 M−1 | K 3/M−1 | |
Metal | X | |||
Mn(I) | H | 0.22 ± 0.03 | 61 ± 12 | 14 ± 1 |
Br | 0.64 ± 0.03 | 42 ± 8 | 27 ± 4 | |
MeO | 0.12 ± 0.01 | 84 ± 15 | 10 ± 1 |
All of the three 2Re-X2bpy complexes also efficiently captured CO2 even from gases containing low concentrations of CO2 (eqn (5)). The equilibrium constants for K2(Re-X2bpy) are summarised in Table 2. K2(Re-Br2bpy) was the largest of the three Re(I) complexes, while the difference between K2(Re-bpy) and K2(Re-(MeO)2bpy) was small.
Complex | K 1/10−3 | K 2/103 M−1 | K 3/M−1 | |
Metal | X | |||
Re(I) | H | 71 ± 1 | 1.2 ± 0.2 | 88 ± 13 |
Br | 128 ± 8 | 1.4 ± 0.1 | 179 ± 21 | |
MeO | 30 ± 2 | 2.6 ± 0.1 | 79 ± 10 |
1Re-Br2bpy as the starting complex most efficiently captured CO2 from gases containing low concentrations of CO2 in DMF including 1.3 M TEOA where the volume ratio between DMF and TEOA is 5:
1; bubbling air containing only 400 ppm of CO2 (1.7 × 10−4 M in solution) into the DMF–TEOA mixed solution containing 1Re-Br2bpy and 2Re-Br2bpy converted 31% of the Re complexes into the corresponding CO2 adduct, i.e., 4Re-Br2bpy. This conversion ratio increased by changing the solvent to DMSO. In a DMSO solution containing 1.3 M TEOA, 4Re-Br2bpy formed at a 47% ratio under air.
Since the W(0) complex with a structure similar to that of the Re(I) and Mn(I) complexes has been reported, we checked the ligand substitution and CO2-capturing ability of fac-W(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN). This complex was synthesised by dissolving W(bpy)(CO)4 into an MeCN solution, which was refluxed under an Ar atmosphere overnight. Evaporation of the solvent gave fac-W(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN) as a brown solid containing a small amount of W(bpy)(CO)4. Since fac-W(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN) was air-sensitive and W(bpy)(CO)4 did not affect the following experiments, we used this solid.||
The FT-IR spectrum of fac-W(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN) in an MeCN solution showed carbonyl vibration bands at νCO = 1898 and 1782 cm−1 (Fig. S8†), which are consistent with a previous report.48 This complex was dissolved in a DMF solution, and a CO vibration band at νCO = 1887 cm−1 attributable to fac-W(bpy)(CO)3(DMF) was observed (Fig. S9†). The other νCO bands overlapped with the carbonyl vibrational band of the DMF solvent and small absorption bands at νCO = 2005, 1875, and 1831 cm−1 were attributed to fac-W(bpy)(CO)4, which had the same wavelength and strength as those observed in the MeCN solution (Fig. 6). Addition of TEOA into the DMF solution containing W(bpy)(CO)3(DMF) did not affect the νCO band at all under an Ar atmosphere. In addition, the CO vibration of fac-W(bpy)(CO)3(DMF) in the IR spectra did not change after bubbling CO2 through this solution (Fig. 6). These results clearly indicate that fac-[W(bpy)(CO)3(OCH2CH2NR2)]− did not form from fac-W(bpy)(CO)3(DMF) even in the presence of 1.3 M TEOA, and the CO2-capturing reaction also did not proceed under these reaction conditions (refer the equation in Fig. 6).
Metal | X | ΔG0/kJ mol−1 | ||
Process 1 | Process 2 | Process 3 | ||
a Values in parentheses denote the experimental values calculated using ΔG0 = −RT![]() ![]() |
Mn(I) | H | 10.1 | −15.3 | −5.2 |
(20.9) | (−27.3) | (−6.4) | ||
Br | 8.9 | −15.0 | −6.1 | |
(18.2) | (−26.4) | (−8.2) | ||
OMe | 10.5 | −10.3 | +0.2 | |
(22.4) | (−28.1) | (−5.7) | ||
Re(I) | H | −8.0 | −2.6 | −10.6 |
(6.55) | (−17.6) | (−11.1) | ||
Br | 7.8 | −25.6 | −17.8 | |
(5.09) | (−18.0) | (−12.9) | ||
OMe | 11.2 | −16.7 | −5.5 | |
(8.67) | (−19.5) | (−10.8) | ||
W(0) | H | 21.8 | −9.0 | 12.8 |
The observed abilities of the metal tricarbonyl complexes in the CO2-capturing reactions involving TEOA were examined based on the DFT calculations. Selected geometrical parameters calculated at the def2-SVP/PBE1PBE level including solvent effects are depicted in Table S2.† All of the Mn–N(bpy) and Mn–C(CO) bond lengths were calculated for 1Mn-bpy, 2Mn-bpy and 4Mn-bpy with the singlet spin state and were in good agreement with those of the X-ray structure determined for fac-Mn(CO)3(bpy)I,49 supporting the accuracy of the DFT calculation. The geometrical optimisation of 1Re-bpy, 2Re-bpy and 4Re-bpy also gave molecular structures with geometrical parameters similar to those of the X-ray structure of fac-Re(CO)3(bpy)OC5H11.23
The CO stretching vibrational frequencies of the tricarbonyl complexes were calculated for the DFT-optimised structures and were corrected using the reported scaling factor (Tables S3 and S5†).50 While all of the calculated νCO values were slightly higher than the observed ones, the differences in νCO are almost constant for each series of the tricarbonyl complex: 31–50 cm−1 for Mn(I) complexes and 16–23 cm−1 for Re(I) complexes. The constant deviation in the calculated νCO supports the experimental identification of the species involved in the CO2-capturing reactions.
The changes in Gibbs free energy (ΔG0) of each process for the Mn(I) and Re(I) complexes were then calculated based on the DFT calculations (Table 3). For the overall reaction (Process 3), these calculated ΔG0 values are in good agreement with those obtained by the experiments with an error of 5 kJ mol−1 (∼1 kcal mol−1).
For CO2 capture by the Mn complexes, the calculated ΔG0 for reaction 1 is about 9–14 kJ mol−1 lower than the observed value, while those for Process 2 are 13–17 kJ mol−1 higher. This trend is also seen in the Re complexes even though the differences are smaller compared to those of the Mn complexes. These results are probably caused by an overestimation of the free energy of formation for the M–TEOA complexes (2M-X2bpy). The TEOA moiety with three ethanol groups has several conformation isomers. The geometrical optimisation of 2Mn-X2bpy and 4Mn-X2bpy gave somewhat compact structures due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding between the metal-coordinating O atom and the two remaining OH groups in the TEOA moiety.
The lengths of the hydrogen bonds in 4Mn-X2bpy are around 1.76–1.81 Å. On the other hand, in the case of 2Mn-X2bpy, the hydrogen bonds between the anionic O atom, which is attached to the metal ion, and the OH groups are considerably short (1.50–1.59 Å) (Fig. S10†). The same effects were observed in the Re complexes as well. Such strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding in 2M-X2bpy is one of the reasons for the overestimation of their stabilisation energies because, in the DMF–TEOA mixed solution, intermolecular hydrogen bonds with other TEOA molecules could break such a compact conformation and several other stable conformations would be formed. A more accurate prediction of ΔG0 for the CO2 insertion reaction therefore requires the evaluation of the TEOA conformational distribution including explicit interactions with other TEOA molecules. It should be noted that this uncertainty should not affect the ΔG0 values of Process 3 because 2Mn-X2bpy and 2Re-X2bpy do not contribute to this process as shown in the equation for determining K3 (Scheme 3). In other words, the errors based on the overestimation of the stabilisation energy of 2Mn-X2bpy and 2Re-X2bpy can be cancelled between Processes 1 and 2.
As described in the previous section, there are two possible equilibrium equations [eqn (1) and (3)] for the ligand substitution of DMF by TEOA. However, in solutions containing high concentration of TEOA (1.3 M), the reaction with one TEOA molecule acting as both a nucleophile and a base is considered unfavourable. The DFT calculation also supports this consideration because the observed vCO values (1902, 1918 and 2017 cm−1) are close to those calculated for 2M-bpy rather than for 2M-bpy-H+ (see Tables S3 and S4†). In addition, the calculated ΔG0 corresponding to eqn (3) (14.5 kJ mol−1) is higher than the ΔG0 value for Process 1 (10.1 kJ mol−1), which also indicates the favourability of eqn (1).
For the CO2-capturing reaction of the corresponding W(CO)3(bpy)X species, the ΔG0 values for Processes 1, 2, and 3 are calculated to be +21.8, −9.0, and +12.8 kJ mol−1, respectively. The calculated large positive ΔG0 value of Process 3 is consistent with the results showing that the W(0) complex was less reactive for the CO2-capturing reaction in the presence of TEOA compared to the Re(I) and Mn(I) complexes.
As shown for the three series of metal complexes consisting of different metal ions and different ligands, DFT was able to calculate the ΔG0 values for the overall CO2-capturing reaction (Process 3) with good accuracy (∼5 kJ mol−1). We can use this method for estimating the CO2-capturing abilities of other metal complexes and to examine the mechanism of CO2-capturing reactions.
The following Mn complexes were synthesised by a similar method to that of [Mn(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)](PF6) except for using the corresponding Br complexes as the starting complexes.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c8sc04389b |
‡ As shown in Table S1, a similar discussion can be done by using ![]() |
§ Unfortunately, we could not use the step-by-step substitution synthesis method in the case of the Mn complexes because dissolving fac-[Mn(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN)]+ into DMF gave not only 1Mn-bpy but also a minor product which we have not been able to identify. As described above, therefore, we dissolved the Mn complexes directly into the DMF–TEOA mixed solution. |
¶ In this experiment, we observed other small bands at 2019 cm−1, peaks of which appeared and gradually increased after the addition of TEOA. This species was probably attributed to the formato complex Re(bpy)(CO)3(OCHO), the formate ligand of which was probably supplied from DMF. This decomposition of DMF under basic conditions with TEOA and H2O was reported by Vos and his coworkers.58 It was also reported that this reaction is suppressed under more acidic conditions such as under a CO2 atmosphere. We used well dehydrated TEOA and DMF and minimized the time for measuring the IR spectra of the equilibrated mixtures under an Ar atmosphere after addition of TEOA (typically 120 min) for minimizing formation yields. The formation of the formato complex was less than 3% in all the Re complexes. In the case of Mn(I) complexes, this formation of the formato complex was very slow. |
|| W(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN) was unstable in air probably because of oxidation of the metal centre and decarbonylation. Therefore, W(bpy)(CO)3(MeCN) was used without any purification after the synthesis. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |