c and
aDepartment of Chemical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, India. E-mail:
bDepartment of Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, India
cDepartment of Chemistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
First published on 3rd July 2019
In this work, we showed the tuning of the catalytic behavior of dendritic plasmonic colloidosomes (DPCs) by plasmonic hotspots. A cycle-by-cycle solution-phase synthetic protocol yielded high-surface-area DPCs by controlled nucleation–growth of gold nanoparticles. These DPCs, which had varying interparticle distances and particle-size distribution, absorb light over the entire visible region as well as in the near-infrared region of the solar spectrum, transforming gold into black gold. They produced intense hotspots of localized electric fields as well as heat, which were quantified and visualized by Raman thermometry and electron energy loss spectroscopy plasmon mapping. These DPCs can be effectively utilized for the oxidation reaction of cinnamyl alcohol using pure oxygen as the oxidant, hydrosilylation of aldehydes, temperature jump assisted protein unfolding and purification of seawater to drinkable water via steam generation. Black gold DPCs also convert CO2 to methane (fuel) at atmospheric pressure and temperature, using solar energy.
Tuning the LSPR of the material to optimize the electromagnetic (EM) and thermal hotspots has scientific and technological advantages. Plasmonic coupling, a near-field coupling of the dipoles in the presence of light, can also be tuned by modifying the gap/distance between NPs.13 Unfortunately tuning of interparticle distances on the support is a significant challenge and was only achieved by instrumental techniques like lithography, atomic layer deposition, etc.14,15 These techniques cannot be used to design heterogeneous catalysts, which require a high loading of Au and high surface area (porosity) for improved light harvesting and efficient mass transport (diffusion). Colloidosomes can provide broadband plasmonic materials, which were effectively used for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) though they exhibit low surface area.16,17
In this work, we developed a novel solution phase synthetic protocol for dendritic plasmonic colloidosomes (DPCs) by controlled nucleation–growth of Au NPs onto high-surface-area dendritic fibrous nanosilica18,19 with varying interparticle distances and particle size distributions. We hypothesized that the distribution of particle sizes and the plasmonic coupling between Au NPs would lead to optimum generation of heat via “thermal hotspots” and electric fields via “EM hotspots”. The main goal of this work was to establish whether tuning of these hotspots allows tuning of the solar energy harvesting and catalytic activity of these plasmonic colloidosomes.
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Fig. 1 Cycle-by-cycle growth approach for dendritic plasmonic colloidosomes with varying Au particle sizes and interparticle distances. |
Amine functionalized nanosilica was decorated with nearly-monodisperse Au NPs (2–3 nm in size) by reduction with sodium borohydride (NaBH4). To vary the distance between the Au NPs, we decided to increase the size of the Au NP seeds, as with the increase in the size of Au NPs, the distance between them will be reduced (Fig. 1). This was attempted by selective growth of the existing Au NPs in DPC-C0 without forming new seeds, by avoiding the super-saturation regime of Au0 species (required for the nucleation and formation of new Au seeds). This was achieved by converting the Au precursor to a less reactive K-gold solution and also by replacing NaBH4 with the weak reducing agent formaldehyde (HCHO). This allowed for the slow formation of Au0 species, avoiding super-saturation, and hence, only the growth of the existing Au seeds in DPC-C0 took place, yielding DPC-C1. By repeating this growth cycle, DPC-C3, DPC-C4, and DPC-C6 were synthesized, with reduced interparticle distances (Fig. 1). Complete prevention of nucleation was not possible, and a few nuclei formed during the growth cycles, leading to heterogeneity in the Au NP sizes.
DPCs were characterized by scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) for the size and distribution of Au NPs (Fig. 2). Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to estimate the Au loading (Table S1†) and to visualize the spatial distribution of Au on silica spheres (Fig. S1†). STEM images of DPC-C0 indicate the formation of Au NPs, with average nanoparticle sizes of ∼3 nm, while DPC-C1 had a Au loading of 22 wt% and average particle size of ∼5 nm, which were uniformly distributed over the entire silica sphere (Fig. 2 and S1†). DPC-C3 and C4 had a 48 and a 55 wt% Au loading, with a particle size of ∼7.4 and 8.6 nm, respectively (Fig. 2 and S2†). In DPC-C6 with 68 wt% Au, most of the Au NPs were connected and the silica spheres seemed to be completely coated with Au NPs (Fig. 2 and S2†).
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Fig. 2 TEM images and particle size distributions of DPC-Cx. These are representative images presenting statistically significant numbers of particles. |
3D tomography study of DPC-C3, -C4 and -C6 (ESI Videos†) showed that there was heterogeneity in the particle sizes, with smaller particles inside and larger particles at the periphery of the silica spheres. Owing to the heterogeneity in the particle sizes and their distribution as well as the complex 3D fibrous structure of the silica spheres, calculation of the interparticle distances was not possible. However, since the particle sizes increased with the increasing number of growth cycles and increasing crowding of Au NPs on the silica spheres was observed in TEM images (Fig. 2), we statistically assumed that the average distances between the Au NPs decreased with an increasing number of growth cycles.
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Fig. 3 (Top) The color of DPC-Cx dispersed in water and powder, and (bottom) absorption spectrum of DPC-Cx with various numbers of growth cycles. |
Interestingly, DPC-C6, despite having the highest Au loading, heated water only to 75 °C (Fig. 4a), as most of its Au NPs were connected, which drastically reduced the number of gaps present between the particles, i.e., reducing the number of hotspots. In terms of the kinetics of water heating (Fig. 4b), DPC-C4 heated water to 65 °C in just 8 min, while the other samples needed more time, ranging from 13 to 30 min. This observation further confirmed the presence of a greater number of hotspots in DPC-C4. DPC-C4 was stable and recyclable over several heating–cooling cycles (Fig. S5a†). When water was replaced by other solvents, no significant difference in the heating behavior of DPC-C4 was observed (Fig. S5b†).
Notably, DPC-C4 was also used as a nano-heater to convert seawater into drinkable water, with an excellent efficiency (Fig. S5c†). These results indicate the potential application of DPCs in the purification of seawater to potable water via steam generation using solar energy under atmospheric reaction conditions. The steam generation experiment confirmed that the maximum number of hotspots was present in the DPC-C4 sample (Fig. 4c and d). The thermal efficiency of the steam generation process (Table S2†)21 was also found to be best for DPC-C4, which exhibited a 78% efficiency for converting water into steam (Fig. 4d).
The above heating studies however did not provide information about absolute localized temperatures; hence we chose the decomposition of the ammonia borane complex (ABC) as a temperature-probe reaction.20 The ABC thermally decomposes in three consecutive steps, giving three equivalents of hydrogen, at approximately 110 °C, 150 °C, and <500 °C, with 1 molar equivalent of hydrogen released by each step (Fig. 5a). Thus, moles of hydrogen evolved could be directly related to the surface temperature of the materials. DPC-C4 produced 284 μmol of hydrogen from 100 μmol of ammonia borane complex after 2 h of light exposure, in line with the theoretical 300 μmol of H2. Notably, the trend of the number of growth cycles vs. hotspot formation was also followed here, with DPC-C4 showing the maximum moles of hydrogen evolved compared to that of C3 and C6 (Fig. 5b and c). However, upon exposure to light for 2 h, the temperature of the solution containing DPC-C4 rose to 74 °C, and when the dark reaction was carried out at this temperature, 200 μmol of H2 was evolved (Fig. S6†). These results indicate that some of the Au NPs in DPC-Cx also behaved as catalytic sites and hence, ABC decomposition was not purely thermal (Fig. 5c).
The results clearly indicated that there is a significant difference between the bulk temperature of a solution of DPC-Cx, which was in the range of 60 to 90 °C, and the local temperature (60 to 155 °C) at the surface of the Au NPs due to the loss of heat during convection from the Au NP surface to the surrounding environment. Notably, DPC-C3 and DPC-C4 have higher surface temperatures than DPC-C6 (Fig. 6d), confirming previous experimental (heat and steam) observations of the presence of more and energetic hotspots in C3 and C4 and its dependence on the inter-particle plasmonic coupling.
The above experiments only probed “thermal hotspots” and to probe the “electromagnetic (EM) hotspots” of the synthesized materials, we performed surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy,23 using 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) as the probe molecule using a 633 nm wavelength laser (Fig. 7 and Table S4†). Notably, as the gold NP crowding increased, there was a significant increase in the Raman peak intensity and was found to be at the maximum in DPC-C4, based on the intensity of the band at ca. 1073 cm−1 for C–S stretching (Fig. 7c). This was attributed to the optimum interparticle distances in DPC-C4, which led to the formation of a maximum number of EM hotspots. DPC-C6 with the highest Au loading and light absorption still showed lower SERS intensity than DPC-C3 and C4 (Fig. 7c), due to reduction in nanogaps between Au NPs.
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Fig. 7 (a) SERS of 4-aminothiophenol on plasmonic DPC-Cx, (b) SERS set-up, and (c) SERS intensities at 1073 cm−1 using DPC-Cx. |
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Fig. 8 STEM–EELS plasmon mapping and EELS spectra at various spots in the DPC-C4. The brightness of the orange color indicates signal intensity. |
The increase in crowding as well as the heterogeneity of the Au NPs (reduced interparticle distances) caused more intense hotspot formation, as shown in the 2nd column of Fig. 8. With a further increase in crowding, in the case of Fig. 8c spheres, hotspots became more intense and could even be seen at a lower energy loss of 1.3 to 1.6 eV. Notably, with the further increase in Au-crowding in Fig. 8d, there was a decrease in hotspot intensities (Fig. 8, 4th column), as in these spheres, and most Au NPs are connected to each other reducing the number of gaps between them (Fig. 8d).
We first chose cinnamyl alcohol (COL) oxidation to cinnamaldehyde (CAL) as a test reaction (Fig. 9). For the oxidation of COL to CAL (Fig. 9a), the best reaction conditions were found to be DPC-C4 (10 mg), COL (0.1 mmol), O2 (100 psi), ethanol (5 mL) and reaction time (6 h) (Table S5†). As previously realized, when the light is incident on the DPC-Cx samples, the temperature of the solution rises, and hence dark reactions were carried out under externally heated conditions, using DPC-C0, C1, C3, C4, and C6 at 61, 68, 75, 78 and 67 °C, respectively. Furthermore, since DPC-Cx has different weight percentages of gold loading, the reaction was carried out using fixed moles of Au. The negligible conversion was observed in the blank and with pure silica spheres, while all of the DPC-Cx catalysts showed high catalytic activity in the presence of light as compared to that in the dark (Fig. 9b). A maximum conversion of approximately 90% was obtained under light irradiation in the case of C4, with good selectivity (Fig. S7†). DPC-C4 also showed a better reaction rate than C1, C3, and C6 (Fig. 9d). Under dark conditions at 78 °C, C4 only resulted in a 24% conversion (Fig. 9c). Similarly, DPC-C3 and C6 resulted in higher conversions of COL to CAL, i.e., 52% and 47% under light, with a comparable selectivity of 85 and 75% compared with those obtained under dark conditions (Fig. 9 and S8†).
Higher activity under light can be explained based on the varying numbers of EM and thermal hotspots. At the microscopic level, when the COL is positioned within the nano-gap of DPC-Cx, the COL molecule experiences dramatically amplified EM fields. This facilitates the strong coupling between the plasmons of DPC-Cx and COL molecules, polarizing the COL molecules and weakening the bonds, which in turn enhanced the conversion as well as the kinetics of COL to CAL. Hence, more hotspots resulted in more polarization (EM hotspots) and localized thermal energy.
However, loss of SPR coherence in DPC-Cx can also result in the opening of non-radiative decay pathways like Landau damping which can activate reactants by hot electron injection. Fig. 10 and S9† show the photocatalytic rate as a function of light intensity. The linear relationship between the photocatalytic rate and the light intensity is a known signature of electron mediated chemical reactions.25 This indicates that energetic electrons increase the overall reaction rate through an electron-assisted O2-dissociation process, via the transfer of an energetic electron from gold to the antibonding O–O 2p*-state of molecular O2 adsorbed on the gold surface. The use of an insulating silica support avoided any back-injection of these hot-electrons, further improving the probability transfer to an oxygen molecule.
Also, once hot electrons have undergone the fast electron–electron and electron–phonon scattering processes (10 fs–10 ps) to reach thermalization, the absorbed energy is transferred to the localized environment. Since COL oxidation is intrinsically an endothermic reaction, any amount of localized heat will bring about the favorable condition for the reaction to proceed. Thus, the formed highly localized thermal hotspots on the nanoparticles are an excellent source of localized heat that gets transferred to COL molecules in their proximity. These results indicate that the combination of energetic electrons, as well as hotspots (EM and thermal), works cooperatively and is responsible for the enhanced photoactivity. Since DPC-C4 possesses optimized hot-spots, it showed the best catalytic activity, over other DPCs.
To unequivocally study the effect of “hot-electron” transfer, without the participation of the thermal effect, we evaluated these DPC-Cx for CO2 methanation reaction at atmospheric pressure and temperature (Fig. 11). Notably, only DPC-C4 catalyzed the methane production, while all other DPC-Cx showed no methane or CO formation. It is known that for CO2 methanation, the rate-limiting step is electron injection from plasmonic Au to CO2 molecules.8 These results further confirm the role of energetic electron transfer and also indicate the potential to develop “hotspot” mediated CO2 conversion protocols.
On the other hand, to explicitly study the role of only “thermal hotspots”, we studied fundamental processes of protein folding and unfolding. Their folded form can be unfolded by a temperature jump, which can be monitored using fluorescence spectroscopy. This is purely a thermal effect and hence distinguishes the effect of thermal and electromagnetic plasmonic hotspots. We carried out a protein denaturation study of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) protein using DPC-C0, DPC-C1, DPC-C3, and DPC-C6 in the presence of light (400 to 1100 nm). The fluorescence behavior of two tryptophans (Trp-134 and Trp-213) in BSA was investigated by exciting the protein at 280 nm and recording the emission from 300–500 nm. The emission peak maxima for BSA (at 352 nm), on light illumination, due to the thermal effects of plasmonic DPC-Cx, systematically decreased with time, indicating a global structural change (Fig. 12). A maximum of 41% decrease in peak intensity was observed for DPC-C4, followed by 33% for DPC-C3, 30% for DPC-C6, 19% for DPC-C1 and only 15% for DPC-C0. The relationship between the extent of decrease in fluorescence intensity and concentration of thermal hotspots again confirms the presence of more thermal hot-spots in DPC-C4. Using this approach protein denaturation can be performed at faster time scales by simply exposing the samples to the light, as compared to conventional thermal heating and can be potentially used in biomedical applications.
To study the explicit role of “EM hotspots”, we chose the hydrosilylation of aldehydes, which does not require energetic electrons (Fig. 13). To eliminate the thermal effect, reactions were carried out at room temperature by using a water circulator. We observed a similar pattern with DPC-C4 showing the best catalytic performance for hydrosilylation of aldehydes, confirming the role of EM hot-spots on this photo-catalytic reaction also.
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Fig. 13 Conversion and product yield for hydrosilylation of aldehydes using DPC-C1, DPC-C4, and DPC-C6 as catalysts at 25 °C using 400–1100 nm light in 2.5 h. |
We observed the significant effect of the plasmonic hotspots on the performance of these DPCs for the oxidation reaction of cinnamyl alcohol using pure oxygen as the oxidant, hydrosilylation of aldehydes, temperature jump assisted protein unfolding and purification of seawater to drinkable water via steam generation. They also catalyzed CO2 to methane (fuel) conversion at atmospheric pressure and temperature, using solar energy.
This was attributed to varying interparticle distances and particle sizes in these dendritic plasmonic colloidosomes. The results indicate the synergistic effects of EM and thermal hotspots as well as hot electrons on DPC-Cx performance. Thus, DPC-Cx catalysts can effectively be utilized as Vis-NIR light photo-catalysts, and the design of new plasmonic nanocatalysts for a wide range of other chemical reactions may be possible using the concept of plasmonic coupling.
To minimize the effects of heterogeneity in the Au coating, data from eight different points for each sample were collected. Local temperatures were estimated using the following equation (detailed calculation is given in Table S4†):22
For the CO2 conversion experiment, 10 mg of the DPC-Cx was taken in sealed glass reactor in 5 mL isopropanol and 0.5 mL water and flushed with CO2 (150 mL min−1) for 30 minutes. The reactor was then exposed to light (400 to 1100 nm, 1 W cm−2) and methane formation was monitored by online micro-gas chromatography (Fig. S10†).
For hydrosilylation of aldehydes, DPC-Cx (10 mg) was placed in a 10 mL round bottom test-tube. Tetrahydrofuran (1 mL), dimethylphenylsilane (153 μL, 1 mmol) and 4-chlorobenzaldehyde (421 μL, 3 mmol) was added and purged with argon gas. The reaction mixture was stirred at RT and the temperature of the reaction was maintained using a water circulator. The reactor was then exposed to light (400 to 1100 nm) and product formation was monitored by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Detailed experimental surface area data, low magnification STEM images, PXRD, details of thermal efficiency and Raman thermometry calculations, catalysis selectivity data and tomography videos. See DOI: 10.1039/c9sc02369k |
‡ Co-authors. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 |