Oleg V.
Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, 3255 TAMU, College Station, Texas 77842, USA. E-mail: ozerov@chem.tamu.edu
First published on 5th October 2020
This report examines reactions of a series of Ir complexes supported by the diarylboryl/bis(phosphine) PBP pincer ligand with ethylene: (PBP)IrH4 (1), (PBP)IrH2(CO) (2), and (PBP)Ir(CO)2 (3). The outcomes of these reactions differ from those typical for Ir complexes supported by other pincer ligands and do not give rise to simple ethylene adducts or products of insertion of Ir into the C–H bond of ethylene. Instead, the elements of ethylene are incorporated into the molecules to result in B–C bonds. In the case of 2 and 3, ethylene addition results in the formation of B/Ir bridging ethylidene complexes 5 and 6. For 6, the addition of ethylene (and the analogous addition of 1-hexene) is shown to be partially reversible. Addition of ethylene to 2 and 3 is remarkable because they are saturated at Ir and yet the net outcome is such that ethylene binds without replacing any ligands already present. A mechanistic inquiry suggests that dissociation of CO from 3 or 6 is necessary in order for the addition or loss of ethylene to proceed.
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Scheme 1 (Top) typical outcomes of a reaction between an olefin (ethylene for simplicity) and a transition metal complex. (Bottom) the new reactivity reported in this work. |
In the present work, we report unexpected findings that emerged in the course of our exploration of the reactivity of Ir complexes of a diarylboryl-containing PBP pincer ligand.15–18 In particular, we discovered that ethylene can reversibly add to the boryl-iridium unit as a bridging ethylidene. Complexes of monodentate boryl ligands are well established and important intermediates in such organometallic catalytic processes as hydroboration19 and C–H borylation.20 Some variants of aromatic C–H borylation rely on the presence of sacrificial olefin reagents.20,21 To the best of our knowledge, formation of alkylidenes bridging a boron and a transition metal in C–H borylation of arenes or olefins,20 or in olefin hydroboration,19 has not been documented or considered.
Complexes 5 and 6 both contained all the expected 1H NMR resonances for the PBP ligand and their 11B NMR chemical shifts (17.8 and 20.4 ppm, respectively) also indicated sp3 hybridization at boron. However, there were no resonances in either 5 or 6 that could be ascribed to a π-bound ethylene or a vinyl group. Instead, 5 and 6 each possessed a pair of 1H NMR resonances in a 1:
3 integral ratio consistent with a CHCH3 fragment (5: δ 3.37 (m, 1H) and 1.75 (d, JH–H = 7.0 Hz, 3H) ppm; 6: δ 2.72 (m, 1H) and 1.39 (dd, JH–H = 7.0, JP–H = 0.7 Hz, 3H) ppm). 5 displayed resonances for two inequivalent hydrides (−11.10 and −12.88 ppm), whereas 6 displayed none. These data were consistent with the presence of an ethylidene (CHCH3) unit bridging B and Ir. Furthermore, the observed C1 symmetry in the NMR spectra of 5 and 6 was consistent with the presence of a carbon center with four different substituents (the methine carbon of the bridging alkylidene). IR spectroscopic observations suggested the presence of a single CO ligand in 5 (νCO = 1977 cm−1) and two CO ligands in 6 (νCO = 1987 and 1942 cm−1).
Interestingly, addition of ethylene to 3 is partially reversible. Thermolysis of a solution of 6 at 90 °C led to the appearance of signals for 3 and free ethylene. Traces of free ethylene were also observed upon thermolysis of 5 at 80 °C for 10 min.
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Fig. 1 ORTEP drawings showing selected atom labeling of 4, 5 and 6. Hydrogen atoms (except Ir–H) are omitted for clarity. 4: Ir1–B1, 2.396(3) Å; Ir1–C1, 2.200(3) Å; Ir1–C2, 2.223(3) Å; Ir1–C3, 2.213(3) Å; Ir1–C4, 2.248(3) Å; C1–C2, 1.402(4) Å; C3–C4, 1.405(4) Å; C3–B1, 1.556(4) Å; C5–B1–C6, 120.4(2)°; C6–B1–C3, 117.5(2)°; C3–B1–C5, 115.6(2)°. 5: the structure contains two independent molecules and each is disordered, including the Ir position. One of the independent molecules is drawn. See ESI† for additional information. 6: Ir1–B1, 2.475(4) Å; Ir1–C3, 2.262(4) Å; C3–C4, 1.523(6) Å; C3–B1, 1.530(6) Å; C1–O1, 1.160(5) Å; C2–O2, 1.136(6) Å; C1–Ir1–C3, 175.7(2)°; P1–Ir1–P2 140.36(4)°; C5–B1–C6, 122.0(3)°; C6–B1–C3, 118.2(3)°; C3–B1–C5, 114.6(3)°. |
In the structure of 4, the coordination sphere of Ir contains a hydride, two phosphines, two olefin donors, and a relatively distant interaction with a boron center (2.396(3) Å). If the latter were ignored, the molecule could be viewed as a monovalent, five-coordinate IrXL4 center with a geometry intermediate between square pyramidal and trigonal planar (τ = 0.43).22 This geometry probably results from a combination of innate electronic preferences and the constraint imposed by the chelating ligand. The Ir–B distance in 4 is ca. 0.1 Å longer than those recorded for Ir and Rh complexes of BP3 and PB(Ph)P where the central borane site functioned as a Z-type ligand; 23,24 and it is ca. 0.25 Å longer than the Ir–B(boryl) bond distance in 3.17b The sum of C–B–C angles about boron (ca. 354°) indicates only modest pyramidalization. The proximity of B to Ir is also dictated by the vinyl–Ir interaction. Furthermore, the BCHCH2 unit could alternatively be viewed as a η3-borataallyl25,26 fragment bound to Ir (Fig. 2). The related η3-binding of a B–Ph group in boranes coordinating to transition metals has also been reported.27–31 The B1–C3 distance of 1.556(4) Å is shorter than the B–Caryl distances in 4 or 6 (ca. 1.59–1.61 Å).
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Fig. 2 ChemDraw interpretations and POV-Ray rendition of the ORTEP drawing (50% thermal ellipsoids, truncated molecules with boron center and atoms around boron) of 4 and 6. |
The structure of 6 contains an even more distant interaction between Ir and B (2.475(4) Å) and the boron center is also only slightly pyramidalized (sum of C–B–C angles ca. 355°). If the Ir–B interaction were discounted, the molecule could be viewed as an IrXL4 five-coordinate (τ = 0.60),22 where X is the boryl-substituted alkyl ligand connected to Ir via C3. However, the Ir–C3 distance of 2.261(4) Å is considerably longer than the sum of Ir and C covalent radii (2.17 Å).32 In fact, it is even slightly longer than the Ir–C distances (2.20–2.25 Å) to the π-bound olefins in 4. In addition, the B1–C3 distance (1.530(6) Å) is shorter than is expected for a single B–C bond (cf. the B–Caryl distances in 4 and 6). These metrics point to an alternative view of this structure as an η2-borataalkene33 complex of monovalent Ir (Fig. 2). It is important to emphasize that the alternative descriptions of the observed structures for 4 (vinylborane vs. borataallyl complex) and 6 (boryl-substituted alkyl or borataalkene complex) are not possible isomers but rather idealized or extreme descriptions of the same molecule.
We surmised that the activation of ethylene by 3 may proceed by a related mechanism34 (Scheme 3). We propose that dissociation of CO creates unsaturation and permits coordination of the olefin to give intermediate 8 and then oxidative addition of the vinylic C–H bond to give 9. The resultant vinyl group may then migrate from Ir to B to give 10, and then insertion into the Ir–H produces 11 and after recapturing CO, 6, with the observed bridging ethylidene structure. We previously observed facile migration of phenyl between B and Ir (or Rh) in complexes of this PBP ligand.17a The proposed migration of a vinyl is reasonable by analogy. Alternatively, one could envision that 8 is converted to 10via a 2,1-olefin insertion into the Ir–B bond and the subsequent β-hydrogen elimination from the resultant boroalkyl 12. Although insertions of olefins into M–B bonds are well precedented,35–39 it is not clear that the chelate constraint here would enable 1,2-insertion or that it should proceed with the regioselectivity needed for the eventual production of 6′.
We tested our mechanistic proposal by examining whether the rate of ethylene addition to 3 was affected by the presence of free CO. Owing to the practical challenges in varying the pressures or concentrations of two gaseous reagents (C2H4 and CO) in NMR tube experiments, we elected to carry out test reactions with 1-hexene instead. First, we established that 1-hexene indeed formed the analogous product (Scheme 4). Treatment 3 with 80 equivalents of 1-hexene, after thermolysis at 50 °C for 16 h, resulted in the formation of a product 6′, whose NMR spectroscopic features closely matched those of 6, except for the presence of a pentyl group in place of a methyl in the bridging alkylidene (See Table S1†). Interestingly, the reaction of 3 with trans-2-hexene also gave 6c as the major product after 5 d at 100 °C (see ESI†). We then examined the progress of reactions of 3 with 1-hexene under the atmosphere of Ar vs. CO but otherwise identical conditions (C6D6 solution 50 °C, 90 h) and concentrations. NMR analysis revealed 73% consumption of 3 (all converted to 6′) under Ar. Under CO, only a trace of 3 was consumed to form a water adduct we previously described,34 with no evidence for the formation of 6′. Higher concentrations of 1-hexene correlated with faster conversion of 3 to 6′. Thus, the reaction displays positive dependence on [1-hexene] and apparent inverse dependence on [CO], indicating that reversible dissociative displacement of CO with 1-hexene constitutes the rate-determining sequence.
The mechanism proposed in Scheme 3 suggested, by the principle of microscopic reversibility, that loss of ethylene from 6 should also be retarded by the presence of free CO. Indeed, thermolysis (100 °C, 2 h) of two identically constituted C6D6 solutions of 6 resulted in diminished conversion to 3 (20% vs. 40% after 2 h, see details in the ESI†) in the reaction carried out under 1 atm of CO as opposed to 1 atm of Ar. This difference is not dramatic, and may indicate that rate of the back-reaction of 11 with CO is competitive with the loss of ethylene from 11, or even that multiple mechanisms for ethylene loss may be operative. With that qualifier, the CO inhibition experiments are consistent with the proposed mechanism (Scheme 3) for the reactions of 3. It is also reasonable to think that the reaction of 2 with ethylene proceeds by a similar mechanism, initiated by the dissociation of CO or H2 from 2. The product of the reaction of 3 with ethylene can be viewed as analogous to the intermediate 10 in Scheme 3 (with η2-ethylene in place of CO).
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Experimental details and pictorial NMR spectra, details of the computational studies and the coordinate files. CCDC 1858843–1858845. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: 10.1039/d0sc04748a |
‡ These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 |