Issue 6, 2023

Co-doped MnO2 with abundant oxygen vacancies as a cathode for superior aqueous magnesium ion storage


Rapid capacity degradation caused by poor structural stability and slow reaction kinetics is the main obstacle faced by the cathode materials of current aqueous magnesium ion hybrid supercapacitors (MHSs). Herein, we propose and evaluate Co-doped MnO2 (Co-MnO2) with abundant oxygen vacancies as the cathode material for MHSs. Comprehensive studies show that the decrease in the combined valence of Mn caused by Co doping leads to more oxygen vacancies, which improves the electronic conductivity, exposes more active sites, and promotes the adsorption/desorption behavior of Mg2+. In addition, Co intercalating between the MnO2 layers improves the stability of the electrode material by enhancing the strength of the interlayer framework. Consequently, an MHS based on the Co-MnO2 cathode and AC anode exhibits an excellent energy density of 79.6 W h kg−1 at a power density of 360 W kg−1 and amazing long-term cycling life with 94.8% capacity retention after 15 000 cycles. This work demonstrates that the Co doping strategy can enhance the electrochemical performance of MnO2 and opens up a new horizon for developing high-performance candidate cathodes in aqueous MHSs.

Graphical abstract: Co-doped MnO2 with abundant oxygen vacancies as a cathode for superior aqueous magnesium ion storage

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
10 nóv. 2022
31 jan. 2023
First published
01 feb. 2023

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023,10, 1748-1757

Co-doped MnO2 with abundant oxygen vacancies as a cathode for superior aqueous magnesium ion storage

L. Xu, G. Pan, C. Yu, J. Li, Z. Gong, T. Lu and L. Pan, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2023, 10, 1748 DOI: 10.1039/D2QI02380F

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