b and
aFraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Heidenhofstr. 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany. E-mail:
bKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
First published on 4th August 2023
The shift from gas to liquid phase DME synthesis enables an intensified process concept towards efficient large scale DME production. In this work, four process concepts based on liquid phase DME synthesis were proposed and optimized. A comprehensive economic model was applied with the objective of minimizing the total production cost. All concepts were evaluated applying our previously validated reaction kinetics for commercial ion exchange resin selected catalysts. Furthermore, every process concept was studied with a pure MeOH feed and water-rich (crude) MeOH feedstock. The conventional gas-phase DME production process was simulated and evaluated using the same technical and economic parameters to serve as a benchmark. Using a chlorinated high temperature stable IER catalyst led to significant cost reduction in all the considered concepts. This was due to the higher reaction rate enabled by the higher operating temperature of this catalyst. In the integrated process concept with H2 and CO2 as sustainable feedstocks, it was shown that the reactive distillation process shows a 27% lower production cost, when the crude methanol is directly fed to the DME process instead of being purified in a dedicated crude methanol distillation column. A further techno-economic optimization can be achieved when complementing the reactive distillation column with an additional reactor. Overall, the process concept of a reactive distillation column with a side reactor presents the most promising process concept, enabling a 39% lower production cost than the conventional gas-phase process. By heat integration with a CO2-based MeOH plant, a DME production technology with no external heat demand and a net conversion cost of 54.4 € per tDME is possible.
Dimethyl ether (DME, CH3–O–CH3) is an excellent hydrogen carrier with 26 wt% technical H2 capacity (48% higher storage capacity than ammonia), environmentally benign properties and similar physiochemical properties to CO2. This could allow the establishment of a closed DME/CO2 cycle for sustainable global H2 transport at a large scale.5 With existing global production capacities of about 10 Mtpa, DME is an important methanol derivative. The major current use of DME is in blending with LPG. This sector demand alone is projected to reach an annual DME production of 40 Mt by 2050, a fourfold increase compared to the current global production capacities.6,7
Conventionally, DME is produced via the equilibrium-limited dehydration of pure MeOH in the gas phase and consecutive two-step distillation of the ternary MeOH–DME–H2O product mixture. Besides being a rather complex plant layout, this process implies a high energy demand, since the MeOH feedstock needs to be evaporated and heated up to the elevated DME reaction temperature above 275 °C.8 Furthermore, the conventional catalytic process is not capable of converting water-rich crude MeOH, thus requiring the purification of MeOH in a dedicated crude MeOH distillation column prior to the conversion to DME. An alternative process is the direct synthesis of DME from syngas. While the coupling of MeOH and DME synthesis entails the advantage of an increased CO2 conversion, the downstream processing in this process is more complex as the presence of DME in the reactor product hampers the separation and recycling of syngas. Furthermore, for CO2-rich syngas, the process is thermodynamically inhibited due to strong water production.9,10
Liquid phase DME synthesis presents a promising technological alternative since it allows the omission of the methanol (MeOH) evaporation step and thus can reduce the energy demand and the investment cost of the process. Furthermore, the liquid phase synthesis enables the application of a reactive distillation process that on the one hand has the potential to significantly reduce plant complexity and the investment cost, and on the other hand allows the feed of crude MeOH, since the reaction occurs in an apparatus with in situ water removal.
In a previous study of our group, promising catalysts for the liquid phase DME synthesis were screened, and a kinetic model was derived for the two ion exchange resin (IER) catalysts Amberlyst 36 (A36) and Treverlyst CAT 400 (C400).11 The reaction kinetics on the chlorinated IER C400 was reported to allow significantly higher reaction rates compared to the oversulfonated IER A36 due to the higher thermal stability of the catalyst.
In another recent publication,12 a reactive distillation process producing purified DME from pure and crude MeOH feed was demonstrated experimentally and a validated process simulation model was derived. Thereby, all existing kinetic models in the literature for liquid phase DME synthesis were evaluated with RDC experiments under industrially relevant conditions and it was shown that only the kinetic model by Gierse et al.11 precisely describes the reaction kinetics. Additionally, it was shown that the reactive distillation process entails a distinct target conflict between the energy demand and column size. A realistic evaluation of the process thus requires a total cost optimized design of the reactive distillation column (RDC) based on a techno-economic analysis.
A process optimization minimizing total production cost has been performed in the literature by Bîldea et al.8 for a RDC using a pure MeOH feedstock and employing the kinetic model by Hosseininejad et al.13 Gor et al.14 did a total production cost optimized design of a reactive distillation and reactive dividing wall column, employing the kinetic model by Lei et al.15 Wu et al.16 examined two RD configurations, also employing the kinetic model by Lei et al.,15 and optimized them with regard to minimum CO2 emission. All previous public literature is based on oversulfonated IER, with a maximum operating temperature of 150 °C according to the manufacturer.
In the scope of this work, various process concepts based on the liquid-phase DME synthesis and the corresponding thermal or reactive separation are proposed. The main objective is to identify the process concept allowing the lowest conversion cost of MeOH to DME with the highest energy efficiency. To allow a fair comparison, each process concept is optimized on its own with the objective of identifying the optimum configuration in terms of minimum production cost. Besides using only pure MeOH feed and an oversulfonated IER catalyst as described in the literature, all process concepts are also evaluated for crude MeOH feed and for chlorinated IER catalysts. Finally, all processes are compared with each other and finally with the conventional process as a benchmark. The process with the lowest production cost is further considered for a detailed energy integration with the MeOH synthesis starting from CO2 and H2 feedstocks.
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Fig. 1 Simplified process flowsheets of the examined process concepts. Detailed flowsheets are presented in the ESI.† P1–P4 are studied for the case of integrating a dedicated crude MeOH distillation column (case A) and for the case of feeding crude MeOH directly into the respective DME process (case B). The conventional process P0 is only analysed including the crude MeOH distillation column. |
The reference feedstock for the process is pure methanol. For comparison, crude MeOH feed is considered, consisting of 50 mol% water and 50 mol% MeOH at a temperature of 25 °C. The composition was chosen following Nyári et al.17 and presented a typical composition for a CO2-based MeOH synthesis process. For all the novel process concepts, two cases are distinguished: in the first case, water is removed from the crude MeOH by a dedicated crude MeOH distillation (CMD) step and pure MeOH is fed to the DME process. In the second case, the water containing crude MeOH is fed directly to the respective DME process, thus saving the cost for the dedicated CMD column. For the conventional process, the crude MeOH is always purified. Moreover, all the process concepts are examined for two IER catalysts:
1. The oversulfonated IER A36. Max. operating temperature: 130 °C.
2. The chlorinated IER C400. Max. operating temperature: 160 °C.
The maximum operating temperatures of the catalysts considered in this work are below the manufacturer's specification to avoid catalyst deactivation and increase the lifetime of the catalyst.
In the processes containing a liquid phase fixed bed reactor (P1, P3, P4), the reactor is operated at a reaction pressure of 47 bar (A36) and 76 bar (C400).
In a first step, a preliminary technical design study of the process is conducted. Hereby, an initial estimate must be provided for the apparatus sizes (catalyst mass in the RDC and/or reactor size) and the main technical design parameters (e.g. feed stages, withdrawal stage) excluding sizing parameters are then varied by means of a sensitivity study. The varied parameters in each process are shown in Table 1. The case with the minimum energy demand of the process is then selected as the pre-optimized process configuration. For processes P0 and P1, the feed stages to the distillation columns were adopted from Bîldea et al.8 and consequently no preliminary technical design study was required.
Process | Preliminary technical design | Techno economic optimization |
P0 | — | • mCat,Reactor |
P1 | — | • mCat,Reactor |
P2 | • NFeed | • mCat,RDC |
P3 | • NFeed,DME-rich | • mCat,RDC |
• NFeed,H2O-rich | • mCat,PR | |
P4 | • NFeed | • mCat,RDC |
• NWD | • mCat,SR | |
• ṄSide | • ṄSide | |
• NRCY,DME-rich | ||
• NRCY, H2O-rich |
The second step is the techno-economic process optimization where the optimal apparatus sizes for the current process configuration are identified. A sensitivity study is conducted, varying the size of the RDC and/or reactor. In the case of P4, also the mole flow of the side stream is varied as it has a significant influence on the sizing of the SR. Table 1 summarizes the sizing parameters varied in the techno-economic process optimization. For every simulated case, the NCC are calculated based on the presented economic model. The case resulting in the minimal NCC presents the optimized process sizing for the current process configuration.
Since the sizing of the apparatuses influences the process design, the optimal process configuration obtained in the preliminary technical design may change at different apparatus sizes. Consequently, an iterative methodology was applied and a minimum of two iterations was conducted for each process. When the NCC between the two iterations was reduced by less than 0.5%, the procedure was finished.
The size variation of the PR/SR was performed by varying only the length of the reactor. The reactor diameter was kept constant to allow an effective heat transfer and maintain isothermal conditions. The size of the RDC was varied in the simulation by modifying the amount of catalyst on each stage. For every case, the column diameter is calculated based on a beforehand derived hydraulic regression function. In practice, a reduced amount of catalyst would also lead to a reduced height of the reactive section and thus a reduced number of theoretical stages. However, as shown in a previous publication,12 this effect can be neglected, since the number of theoretical stages in the reactive section has no significant influence on the reboiler duty of the RDC.
The operating pressure of the RDC is varied by a design specification so that the maximum temperature in the reactive section is equal to the maximum operating temperature of the used catalyst. A second design specification modifies the RR so that the DME purity equals 99.9 mol% under full MeOH conversion. Details regarding the RDC modelling and the thermodynamic property calculation can be found in Gierse et al.12
The weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) of the RDC is defined as follows:
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Parameter | Unit | Value |
Plant capacity | tDME per year | 100![]() |
Plant availability | h per year | 8000 |
Location | — | Germany |
Base year | — | 2020 |
Project lifetime n | Year | 20 |
Interest rate i | % | 5 (ref. 20) |
Working capital share w | — | 0.1 (ref. 18) |
Exchange rate | €2020 per $2020 | 0.876 (ref. 27) |
Labor cost | € per h | 41.0 (ref. 28) |
The overall production costs are composed of the CAPEX and OPEX of the plant.
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Operating supplies | Cost |
a Cost assumed to be identical to comparable oversulfonated IER Amberlyst 35.26 b Cost assumed to be identical to comparable the chlorinated IER Amberlyst 45.26 | |
LP steam, 4 bar | 22.8 € per t |
MP steam, 20 bar | 23.1 € per t |
Cooling water, 15 °C | 0.0035 € per m3 |
Electricity | 55.72 € per MW h |
Amberlyst 36 catalysta | 7.5 € per kg |
C400 catalystb | 18 € per kg |
OPEXind contains all other additional expenses for plant operation excluding operating labour and is calculated using the Lang factors shown in the ESI.† Consequently, OPEXind scales partially with the FCI.
![]() | (6) |
Note that this is the same equation as that typically used for the calculation of the NPC. However, since the crude MeOH feedstock cost is not accounted for in the OPEXdir, the resulting cost is the conversion cost, comprising the cost for upgrading crude MeOH to DME, rather than the NPC including the feedstock cost. However, the NCC can be directly correlated to give the total NPC based on the specific crude MeOH feedstock cost cCrude MeOH and the mass ratio between the feedstock and product according to the stoichiometry:
![]() | (7) |
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Fig. 3 Process cost of the conventional process P0 in dependence of the catalyst mass in the conventional gas-phase reactor broken down into ACC, OPEXind, and OPEXdir. |
The process P0 is dominated by indirect and direct OPEX, the ACC only contributes a minor share to the NCC. For a small catalyst mass <4 t, the OPEXdir decreases with increasing catalyst mass. This can be explained by the increasing MeOH conversion in the reactor and a smaller amount of unreacted MeOH that needs to be recycled and purified in DC-02. At a catalyst mass of 4 t, the reactor approaches equilibrium and consequently the additional increase in catalyst mass has no beneficial influence on the OPEXdir but only leads to increased ACC. Correspondingly, the NCC reaches a minimum at 4 t. This value is significantly smaller than the catalyst mass reported by Bîldea et al.8 or Michailos et al.30 since these publications are still based on the erroneous kinetic data from the original publication. The authors of the original publication recently published a correction23 of the kinetic model, which was adopted in this work leading to significantly smaller reactor sizes than reported so far. Regarding the feed MeOH mass flow of 17.5 t h−1 for the DME production capacity of 100 ktpa, this corresponds to WHSV = 4.4 h−1. A detailed cost breakdown at the optimal catalyst mass is given on the right side of Fig. 3. The ACC consists almost equally of the reactor, the two distillation columns and the residual apparatuses (pump and heat exchangers). The OPEXdir is dominated by the steam demand for the evaporator HX-vap and the reboiler of DC-02. The catalyst cost is included in the residual OPEXdir and is negligible.
The overall heat demand of the process is 762 kW h tDME−1, which is in accordance with the results of Michailos et al.30 (904 kW h tDME−1) and Bîldea et al.8 (714 kW h tDME−1). The resulting NCC is 75.7 € per tDME. Table 4 sums up the key performance indicators (KPIs) of the process P0 with the optimized reactor size.
Parameter | Unit | Pure MeOH |
γ-Al2O3 | ||
m Cat,Reactor | t | 4.0 |
X MeOH,Reactor | — | 0.8 |
RRDC-01 | — | 3.8 |
RRDC-02 | — | 1.5 |
Q Heat | kW h tDME−1 | 762 |
NCC | € per tDME | 75.7 |
Parameter | Unit | Pure MeOH | Crude MeOH | ||
A36 | C400 | A36 | C400 | ||
m Cat,Reactor | t | 18.0 | 8.8 | 24.1 | 16.2 |
X MeOH,Reactor | — | 0.45 | 0.88 | 0.16 | 0.56 |
RRDC-01 | — | 2.0 | 0.5 | 10.1 | 1.7 |
RRDC-02 | — | 1.1 | 1.7 | 1.1 | 1.3 |
Q Heat | kW h tDME−1 | 1393 | 258 | 5914 | 1005 |
NCC | € per tDME | 135.0 | 66.9 | 346.9 | 116.7 |
For pure MeOH feed and A36, the cost-optimal configuration is a reactor with 18 t of catalyst, corresponding to a single-pass MeOH conversion of 45%. Using C400 instead, a smaller reactor with 8.8 t allows a conversion of 88% due to the significantly higher reaction rate enabled by the higher temperature stability of C400. Compared to the conventional gas-phase reaction, the liquid phase dehydration entails the advantage of a higher equilibrium conversion due to the lower temperatures (XMeOH,Equil. = 93%@160 °C (ref. 11)). However, the slower reaction kinetics demands a higher catalyst mass (8.8 t C400 vs. 4 t γ-Al2O3).
The RR of DC-01 is significantly lower, as the higher conversion leads to a lower MeOH fraction and higher DME fraction, simplifying the separation. Due to the higher conversion with C400, less MeOH needs to be recycled, which reduces the mass flow in both columns. For this reason, the overall heat demand of the process QHeat with C400 is 81% lower than with A36. The NCC is 50% lower.
For the crude MeOH feed, the same trend can be observed with C400 leading to less catalyst mass, yet a higher MeOH conversion and consequently a lower heat demand and NCC. Compared to using pure MeOH however, the cost-optimal reactor size is bigger and exhibits a smaller MeOH conversion since the reaction is inhibited by the high water concentration.
Parameter | Unit | Pure MeOH | Crude MeOH | ||
A36 | C400 | A36 | C400 | ||
N Feed | — | 9 | 9 | 50 | 30 |
m Cat,RDC | t | 40.4 | 17.2 | 56.8 | 26.4 |
RR | — | 7.6 | 5.2 | 12.8 | 8.3 |
Q Heat | kW h tDME−1 | 897 | 569 | 1515 | 914 |
NCC | € per tDME | 95.2 | 69.8 | 134.3 | 91.0 |
To analyze this process in more detail, Fig. 4 shows exemplarily for C400 and pure MeOH feed the NCC of process P2 broken down into ACC, OPEXind and OPEXdir and operating labor on the left side.
The figure shows the RDC-inherent target conflict between capital expenses and operating expenses: while a small RDC with little catalyst mass leads to a low ACC, a high RR and consequently a high energy demand are required to achieve the desired full MeOH conversion in the RDC. Increasing the catalyst mass of the RDC increases the ACC, since the column size and the amount of catalytic packing increase but reduce the RR and OPEXdir so that an optimum catalyst mass of 17.2 t can be identified. The corresponding WHSV is 1.02 h−1. The exact position of the minimum depends on all assumptions influencing the ACC or OPEX. While only one cost optimal RDC size exists, this optimum is rather “flat”. Consequently, the RDC size and the resulting energy demand of the process can be designed in a wide range without the NCC deviating significantly from the optimal configuration. Also, in the case of temporally reduced feed availability, the plant can be operated at lower WHSV which will reduce the specific energy demand of the plant.
Compared to the conventional process P0, the RD process is characterized by a higher ACC which can majorly be attributed to the higher required catalyst mass due to the significantly lower reaction temperature. The OPEXdir is comparable for both processes: while the RD process P2 has a lower steam cost due to a lower energy demand (569 kW h tDME−1vs. 762 kW h tDME−1), this benefit is compensated by the significantly higher catalyst cost to the higher catalyst mass and the lower assumed catalyst lifetime of IER compared to γ-Al2O3. The right side of Fig. 4 shows the detailed cost breakdown at the optimum catalyst mass. The ACC is dominated by the RDC, particularly the cost of the catalytic packing internals and the cost for the RDC shell, reboiler and condenser. In contrast, the cost for the other process components (pump, heat exchangers) and the structured packing in the RDC is almost negligible. The OPEXdir is dominated by the heat demand of the RDC reboiler, but the influence of the catalyst cost is also significant.
In comparison with C400, process P2 with A36 shows its optimum at a significantly higher catalyst mass of 40.8 t. Nevertheless, the required RR is higher than that for C400, again underlying the great benefit of the higher reaction rate through higher temperature stability. As a consequence, C400 is able to reduce both the RDC size and the energy demand compared to A36.
For crude MeOH, the optimal feed stage moves down to the bottom of the reactive section, where the water-containing crude MeOH better fits the column profile. As another consequence of the crude MeOH feed, the energy demand and the required catalyst mass are higher as the reaction kinetics is hampered by the higher water content of the feed and more water needs to be evaporated in the reboiler in total. Also, for crude MeOH C400 shows significant improvements compared to A36 regarding the energy demand and NCC. Interestingly, even C400 with crude MeOH feed leads to a lower NCC than A36 with pure MeOH feed.
Parameter | Unit | Pure MeOH | Crude MeOH | ||
A36 | C400 | A36 | C400 | ||
N Feed,DME-rich | — | 7 | 9 | 9 | 7 |
N Feed,H2O-rich | — | 50 | 56 | 56 | 54 |
m Cat,PR | t | 10.8 | 8.4 | 8.2 | 11.1 |
X MeOH,PR | — | 0.52 | 0.91 | 0.09 | 0.52 |
m Cat,RDC | t | 23.0 | 1.6 | 40.0 | 9.2 |
RR | — | 5.7 | 0.8 | 13.1 | 6.2 |
Q Heat | kW h tDME−1 | 756 | 238 | 1530 | 783 |
NCC | € per tDME | 88.9 | 52.4 | 129.5 | 85.5 |
Besides the two feed stages, the optimal size needs to be determined for the PR and RDC. While a larger PR leads to increased cost for the reactor, the increased MeOH conversion allows the RDC to be smaller or operate at a lower RR. Consequently, a target conflict between the PR size and RDC size is present in the system.
Fig. 5 shows this interplay between the PR and RDC sizes. For each RDC size an optimal PR size can be identified. With increasing RDC size, the optimal PR size decreases, the best configuration globally is a PR with 10.8 t and an RDC with 23 t of catalyst.
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Fig. 5 NCC of process P3 in dependence of the catalyst mass in the liquid-phase PR for different RDC sizes. Exemplary for pure MeOH feed and A36. |
Comparing the influence of the catalyst and feed, similar trends to those in the previous processes can be observed: the use of C400 leads to a lower required catalyst mass in the RDC and PR, a lower RR in the RDC and a lower NCC of the process. Also, the crude MeOH feed results in a higher catalyst mas, higher RR and higher NCC.
Comparing process P3 to P2 based on the KPIs presented in Tables 6 and 7, the benefit of the PR can be quantified: for the pure MeOH feed, the NCC is reduced by 7% (A36) and 25% (C400), respectively. The heat demand is reduced even further by 16% (A36) or 58% (C400). Interestingly, despite adding a unit operation compared to the stand-alone RDC, the total catalyst mass in the optimal configuration is reduced, in the case of C400 with pure MeOH feed even by 52%. This can be explained by a more effective utilisation of the catalyst in the PR, since an isothermal operation is possible as opposed to the immanent RDC temperature profile. The PR and RDC complement each other: at conversion significantly below the chemical equilibrium, the PR is beneficial as it delivers the ideal reaction temperature and is not significantly equilibrium inhibited. The cumbersome conversion of the residual MeOH in contrast is more effectively performed in the RDC, where the in situ product removal from the chemical equilibrium allows a full conversion.
For the crude MeOH feed, the benefit of the PR is significantly less pronounced with the NCC only decreasing by 4% (A36) and 6% (C400). This shows a clear disadvantage of the PR concept with crude MeOH: the crude MeOH feed directly enters the PR, where the reaction is heavily inhibited by water and consequently the MeOH conversion is significantly lower compared to the pure MeOH feed.
Parameter | Unit | Pure MeOH | Crude MeOH | ||
A36 | C400 | A36 | C400 | ||
N Feed | — | 7 | 11 | 56 | 15 |
N WD | — | 7 | 13 | 7 | 9 |
N RCY,DME-rich | 9 | 11 | 7 | 7 | |
N RCY,H2O-rich | 58 | 56 | 56 | 56 | |
Sidestream | kmol h−1 | 375 | 675 | 250 | 525 |
m Cat,SR | t | 10.5 | 7.3 | 10.0 | 8.7 |
X MeOH,SR | — | 0.66 | 0.86 | 0.76 | 0.85 |
m Cat,RDC | t | 23.2 | 1.0 | 28.4 | 10.4 |
RR | — | 5.5 | 1.5 | 12.9 | 5.5 |
Q Heat | kW h tDME−1 | 727 | 317 | 1555 | 716 |
NCC | € per tDME | 87.7 | 54.2 | 123.5 | 79.8 |
For pure MeOH and both catalysts and crude MeOH with A36, the feed stage NFeed is similar to the stand-alone RD process P2. For crude MeOH and C400 however, a feed stage at the top of the reactive section proved to be more efficient than in the lower rectifying section. For both catalysts and feeds, the configurations of the withdrawal and recycling stages are almost identical. The withdrawal stage NWD is located at the top or right above the reactive section where the MeOH concentration in the column is the highest. An exemplary column profile is given in the ESI.† The position of the recycling stages NRCY,DME-rich and NRCY,H2O-rich is almost identical to the feed stages NFeed,DME-rich and NFeed,H2O-rich in P3. For the pure MeOH feed and both catalysts, also the sizes of the SR and RDC are very similar to the sizes of the RDC and PR obtained in P3. Consequently, also the RR, heat demand and the resulting NCC are comparable. The similarity between both processes can be explained, since in both processes (nearly) pure MeOH is fed to the reactor. While in P3, pure MeOH is fed directly to the reactor, in P4 it enters the RDC first, and a MeOH-rich stream is withdrawn from the top of the reactive section. Thus, the PR in P3 and the SR in P4 operate under nearly identical conditions and therefore, the similar process configuration and performance of P3 and P4 can be explained.
For the crude MeOH feed in contrast, the process configuration and performance of P3 and P4 differ from each other: for A36 a MeOH conversion of 76% is achieved in the SR, while in the PR only 9% conversion is reached in the optimal configuration. For C400, 85% of the fed MeOH is converted in the SR and only 52% in the PR. As mentioned before, the process performance of P3 suffers significantly from the crude MeOH feed, since the reaction in the PR is strongly inhibited by the water content of the feed. Contrarily, in process P4, the crude MeOH is first fed to the RDC, and a MeOH-enriched side stream is fed to the SR. This way, the water inhibition in the SR is significantly reduced compared to that in the PR and consequently process P4 performs better with the crude MeOH feed than P3. Precisely, in the case of C400, P4 leads to 3% higher NCC than P3 for the pure MeOH feed, but to 7% lower NCC than P3 for the crude MeOH feed.
The cost of the conventional process P0 including the cost for the CMD is shown as a dashed line.
For all the process concepts, the use of C400 leads to significant cost reduction compared to A36. Consequently, the higher catalyst cost of C400 and the higher pressure demand of the process due to the higher operating temperature of C400 are clearly overcompensated by the increased reaction rate, resulting in lower apparatus sizes and – indirectly – a lower energy demand.
The liquid phase reaction process P1 exhibits a very high NCC when using A36; especially in case B, the NCC is nearly 3 times higher than for the conventional process P0. Using the more active C400 instead, the process performs significantly better, outperforming the conventional process slightly. Remarkably, with C400 the process concept P1 performs also well with the crude MeOH feed (case B) yielding a slightly lower cost than in case A although the water containing crude MeOH is directly fed to the reactor without prior water removal.
The RD process P2 generally shows a lower NCC than P1. For both catalysts, directly feeding crude MeOH is preferable to using a dedicated CMD column. For C400, this leads to a NCC reduction of 27%. Compared to the conventional process, P2 with C400 and crude MeOH feed exhibits 31% lower conversion costs.
Complementing the RDC with a PR or SR allows even lower conversion costs. The best process overall is the RDC with a SR and direct crude MeOH feed to the RDC. In this case, the NCC can be reduced by 39% compared to the conventional process. When pure MeOH feed is already available, process P3 with C400 presents the best process with a 31% NCC reduction compared to the conventional process.
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Fig. 7 Sensitivity analysis of economic parameters on the NCC of process P4 with C400 and crude MeOH feed (case B). |
The cost of the catalytic packing, catalyst cost and catalyst lifetime have a significant, but comparatively small influence on the NCC. The same applies to the economic parameters, namely the interest rate and project lifetime. The steam cost presents the most sensitive parameter, since it dominates the OPEX of the process, which presents a high share of the NCC. Yet, a 50% increase of steam cost increases the NCC by less than 15%, thus underlying the significance of the values obtained in this work.
The simulated MeOH synthesis plant has an annual production capacity of 218640 t crude MeOH, corresponding to 140
000 t of pure MeOH. The isotherm MeOH reactor operates at 250 °C and releases an exothermic heat of 9.47 MW, corresponding to 754 kW h tDME−1. The RDC reboiler operates at 190 °C and the side reactor feed heat exchanger HX-pre operates at 160 °C, allowing the full integration of the MeOH exothermic heat into the DME process. As the MeOH reactor is a steam cooled tube and shell type reactor, the generated steam can directly be heat integrated with the reboiler of the RDC and the heat exchanger HX-pre without the necessity of additional process equipment. The heat released at the medium temperature level in the condensation of the MeOH synthesis reactor product (HX-01) does not need to be heat integrated and is consequently still available e.g., for a direct air capture process.
Fig. 9 breaks down the heat demand of the DME process P4 considering this heat integration.
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Fig. 9 Energy demand of process P4 when heat integrated with the reactor of a MeOH synthesis plant (left) and equipment cost breakdown of the DME process (right). |
The EC breakdown on the right part of Fig. 9 shows that the RDC and SR contribute almost equally to the overall EC. The residual components – namely heat-exchangers, pumps and the flash separator – are almost negligible. The cost of the RDC is dominated by the catalytic packing rather than the cost for the column shell itself. This detail shows again the benefit of using high-temperature stable IER since the higher activity allows a smaller reactive section, which leads to proportionally decreasing cost for the catalytic packing. In contrast, the additional cost for the pressure stability of the column plays a less important role. Moreover, the large cost share of the catalytic packing shifts the focus to potential alternative methods of employing the catalyst in the RDC, such as catalyst bales or the placement on trays.31,32
On the left side of the diagram, the exothermic heat of the MeOH reactor is displayed as a negative energy demand. Consequently, it is offset against the two energy demanding apparatuses of the DME process, namely the RDC and the SR feed heat exchanger HX-pre. From the illustration, a net heat demand of QNet = −39 kW h tDME−1 at the MeOH reaction temperature can be identified, implying that the integrated process releases more heat than it consumes. The only energy demand of the DME process is the electric energy required for the pumps P-Feed and P-SR which is 11.4 kW hel tDME−1. The MeOH synthesis plant has no external heat demand either, as a feed to product heat exchanger is sufficient to heat up the feed gas. Overall, process P4 allows a DME production process from CO2 and H2 feedstocks with no external heat demand. Instead, the process entails the possibility of exporting 39 kW h of MP steam per ton of DME produced. This is a decisive advantage in the PtX context, where plants are more likely to be constructed in remote areas without the infrastructure commonly found in chemistry parks. Integrating the “free” heat from the MeOH synthesis reduces the NCC of the process from 79.6 € per tDME (no heat integration, Table 8) to 55.6 € per tDME as the steam costs can be omitted. As the amount of exothermic heat is even higher than the heat demand, in this process configuration, the residual excess heat of 39 kW h tDME−1 would be dissipated. Consequently, by reoptimizing the process under the boundary conditions of using the entire available exothermic heat, a new optimal configuration can be found that is characterized by a higher reboiler duty of the RDC but lower CAPEX. Table 9 sums up the KPIs at this process design configuration.
Parameter | Unit | Crude MeOH |
C400 | ||
N Feed | — | 15 |
N WD | — | 9 |
N RCY,DME-rich | 7 | |
N RCY,H2O-rich | 56 | |
Sidestream | kmol h−1 | 525 |
m Cat,SR | t | 8.9 |
X MeOH,SR | — | 0.87 |
m Cat,RDC | t | 8.8 |
RR | — | 5.9 |
Q Heat | kW h tDME−1 | 0 |
NCC | € per tDME | 54.4 |
![]() | ||
Fig. 10 NPC of DME in dependence of the crude MeOH feedstock cost, as calculated by eqn (7). Cost for the optimal process presented in this work and comparison with the theoretical minimal cost, when neglecting all cost for the DME process. |
The NPC increases linearly with the crude MeOH cost, thereby reflecting the linear character of eqn (7). The NCC of the DME process is visible as the vertical distance between the two lines in the diagram.
Throughout all proposed processes, the use of high-temperature stable IER C400 proved to be significantly beneficial in terms of the energy demand and production cost. Consequently, the higher operating pressure with this catalyst can be overcompensated by the higher activity. Employing C400, all proposed processes show lower production cost than the conventional process. This can be attributed to the lower energy demand of the liquid phase processes. Interestingly, the reduced energy demand overcompensates the higher CAPEX, which can be traced back to the more expensive isothermal reactor required in liquid phase DME synthesis and/or the high cost for the catalytic packings in the RDC.
All processes with the RDC (P2–P4) benefit from directly feeding crude MeOH to the DME process as opposed to prior purification in a CMD column. While the stand-alone RD process P2 enables a 31% lower production cost than the conventional gas phase process, the RD process can be optimized even further, when complementing the RDC with a pre-reactor (P3) or side-reactor (P4). Despite the additional unit operation, these two process concepts allow a more efficient process and a reduced catalyst mass. Process P3 presents the lowest production cost for the pure MeOH feed, allowing a 31% reduction of NCC compared to the conventional process. When feeding crude MeOH however, process P4 is superior, as the crude MeOH is purified in the RDC prior to entering the reactor. Overall, process P4 with crude MeOH feed and employing C400 presents the best process, leading to a 39% NCC reduction compared to the conventional gas-phase process. By heat integration of this process with a CO2-based MeOH synthesis, a NCC of 54.4 € per tDME was achieved and it was demonstrated that a plant without an external heat demand can be realized, presenting a particularly beneficial process concept in the PtX context. This novel process configuration allows economically competitive DME production at a large scale relying on state-of-the-art process components.
A36 | Amberlyst 36 |
AACE | Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering |
ACC | Annual capital cost |
C400 | Treverlyst CAT 400 |
CAPEX | Capital expenditure |
CEPCI | Chemical engineering plant cost index |
CMD | Crude methanol distillation |
CO | Carbon monoxide |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
DME | Dimethyl ether |
EC | Equipment cost |
FCI | Fixed capital investment |
H2 | Hydrogen |
H2O | Water |
HETP | Height equivalent to a theoretical plate |
IER | Ion exchange resin |
KPI | Key performance indicator |
LP | Low pressure |
MeOH | Methanol |
MP | Medium pressure |
Mtpa | Million tonnes per annum |
NCC | Net conversion cost |
NPC | Net production cost |
OL | Operating labour |
OPEX | Operational expenditure |
PFR | Plug flow reactor |
PR | Pre-reactor |
RD | Reactive distillation |
RDC | Reactive distillation column |
RR | Reflux ratio |
SR | Side-reactor |
WHSV | Weight hourly space velocity |
c | Specific cost |
E power | Electrical energy |
F i | Lang factor |
h | Working hours |
i | Interest rate |
L | Lifetime |
m | Mass |
n | Project lifetime |
N | Stage number of the distillation column |
Q | Heat demand |
V | Volume |
w | Working capital share |
X | Conversion |
ρ cat,bulk | Bulk density of the catalyst |
Ψ cp | Volume fraction of the catalyst bulk in catalytic packing |
Cat | Catalyst |
Cool | Cooling medium |
Dir | Direct |
i | Index |
Ind | Indirect |
k | Index |
Power | Electric power |
RCY | Recycle |
WD | Withdrawal |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |