Szymon J.
a and
Robert L. Z.
aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QR, UK. E-mail: robert.hoye@chem.ox.ac.uk
bCavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, JJ Thomson Ave., Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK
cDepartment of Materials, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK
dDepartment of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G4 0NG, UK
First published on 25th September 2023
ns2 compounds have recently attracted considerable interest due to their potential to replicate the defect tolerance of lead-halide perovskites and overcome their toxicity and stability limitations. However, only a handful of compounds beyond the perovskite family have been explored thus far. Herein, we investigate bismuth sulfobromide (BiSBr), which is a quasi-one-dimensional semiconductor, but very little is known about its optoelectronic properties or how it can be processed as thin films. We develop a solution processing route to achieve phase-pure, stoichiometric BiSBr films (ca. 240 nm thick), which we show to be stable in ambient air for over two weeks without encapsulation. The bandgap (1.91 ± 0.06 eV) is ideal for harvesting visible light from common indoor light sources, and we calculate the optical limit in efficiency (i.e., spectroscopic limited maximum efficiency, SLME) to be 43.6% under 1000 lux white light emitting diode illumination. The photoluminescence lifetime is also found to exceed the 1 ns threshold for photovoltaic absorber materials worth further development. Through X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and Kelvin probe measurements, we find the BiSBr films grown to be n-type, with an electron affinity of 4.1 ± 0.1 eV and ionization potential of 6.0 ± 0.1 eV, which are compatible with a wide range of established charge transport layer materials. This work shows BiSBr to hold promise for indoor photovoltaics, as well as other visible-light harvesting applications, such as photoelectrochemical cells, or top-cells for tandem photovoltaics.
IPVs can improve the sustainability of the Internet of Things (IoT), which describes an ecosystem of devices connected together via the cloud, embedding intelligence into infrastructure.16,17 This results in more energy-efficient societies (thereby contributing to a reduction in CO2eq footprint), and is having an impact on a wide range of fields, such as information systems, agriculture and cybersecurity.18–21 Nonetheless, the majority of IoT devices are battery-powered, which presents two major challenges. Firstly, the practicality challenges associated with replacing or recharging primary and secondary batteries is expected to prevent >80% of the potential of the IoT from being realized.22 Secondly, replacing billions of batteries annually presents a substantial sustainability challenge due to the waste created and drain upon the earth's limited availability of elements required for fabricating batteries.15,23 These practicality and sustainability challenges can be addressed by using IPVs to harvest the energy widely available from indoor lighting, which has high energy density, is predictable and places no restrictions on the distance between the energy supply and harvester.15,24 Coupling together the IPV and battery on the IoT node can substantially extend the lifetime of the battery. Given the regular time intervals in which indoor lighting is available, the high energy density of batteries is not required in some applications, such that more sustainable energy storage devices (e.g., supercapacitors) can be used. However, the current industry-standard IPV material (hydrogenated amorphous silicon, a-Si:H) is inefficient (4.4–9.2% power conversion efficiency, PCE).15 Current alternatives with indoor PCEs >30% include dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), organic photovoltaics (OPVs) and LHP PVs. However, these are limited by: (1) the use of toxic solvents in their synthesis (e.g., chloroform or N,N-dimethylformamide); (2) high synthetic complexity, increasing costs (OPV); and (3) the presence of toxic elements (Pb) and poor stability (LHPs).15,25,26 It is therefore critical to develop non-toxic alternative materials that not only can achieve high PCEs, but are also stable and can be processed using simple, cost-effective methods that do not make use of toxic precursors or expensive catalysts. Many inorganic Pb-free ns2 compounds have simple chemistry along with high air stability, and very recently, some of them have been shown to exhibit high spectroscopic limited maximum efficiencies (SLMEs) under indoor lighting.15,27 The ns2 materials realized in IPVs so far include BiOI, Cs3Sb2(I,Cl)9, and Ag–Bi–I semiconductors.27–30 These materials are currently too early in their development for life cycle analyses, but the comparatively low temperatures used in their processing, along with the capability for many of these materials to be processed with low-toxicity solvents, or solvent-free, suggest that the CO2eq footprint and human health toxicity would be similar to or smaller than those of lead-halide perovskites and organic photovoltaics. The highest PCE of up to 10% has been reported in Cu2Ag(Bi,Sb)I6 materials under indoor lighting.31 Whilst further optimization is necessary for these materials, it is essential at this early stage to search more broadly for promising ns2 compounds that fit in the field of IPV.
Among these ns2 compounds, BiSI has received attention as a potential solar absorber, especially because of its strong light absorption.32–35 However, the experimental indirect bandgap is 1.57 eV,34 falling below the optimal value (1.9 eV) for indoor light harvesting. This bandgap can be widened to 1.9–2.0 eV by substituting I for Br.36 However, there have been very few reports of BiSBr. The current literature shows the use of BiSBr to harvest light from a filtered Xe lamp to produce a measurable photocurrent in photoelectrochemical systems.36 Computations also show that the upper valence band is comprised of bonding and antibonding orbitals between Bi 6s and the two anion p orbitals, while the lower conduction band is comprised of the overlap between Bi 6p and anion p orbitals.37 This electronic band structure is similar to that present in LHPs,6 but the contribution from Bi 6s to the upper valence band in BiSBr is smaller than Pb 6s in LHPs, such that the valence band maximum (VBM) is flatter in BiSBr. Nevertheless, the conduction band remains disperse, leading to a small average electron effective mass of 0.52m0 (m0 is the rest mass of electrons), which is much smaller than the hole effective mass (3.73m0).37 Additionally, BiSBr also exhibits large spin–orbit coupling, due to the presence of the heavy, polarizable Bi3+ cation. As a consequence of this, BiSBr is predicted to have a high ionic dielectric constant of ∼30 (compared to an ionic dielectric constant of 20 for MAPbI3),6,37 which could contribute to Coulombically screening out charged defect states from charge-carriers, thus reducing the non-radiative recombination rate. Furthermore, BiSBr has a quasi-one-dimensional crystal structure, with inorganic chains held together by weak van der Waals interactions (Fig. 1a). Such a structure may enable the surfaces or interfaces to avoid being terminated with dangling bonds, and thereby minimize surface recombination.38 Surprisingly, very little is known about the charge-carrier kinetics of BiSBr thus far, and this material has not been investigated for indoor light harvesting. Furthermore, despite the great efforts on BiSBr single crystals, nanocrystals, and powders,36,39 BiSBr is still rarely fabricated as thin films, which limits its ultimate application in photovoltaics.
In this work, we developed a solution processing route to realize phase-pure and stoichiometric BiSBr thin films, as verified using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX) measurements. The environmental stability was evaluated by tracking the evolution of its XRD pattern and visual appearance over time when stored in ambient air without encapsulation, as well as over a 24 h period under 1-sun illumination, at 85 °C and 85% relative humidity. The optoelectronic properties were determined through absorption coefficient (using a combination of UV-visible spectrophotometry and photothermal deflection spectroscopy) and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. We also calculated the spectroscopic limited maximum efficiency (SLME) of BiSBr under indoor lighting based on its absorption coefficient spectrum and nature of its bandgap. The charge-carrier kinetics were evaluated by measuring the PL lifetime. Finally, in order to evaluate the compatibility of BiSBr with other transport layers, its band positions were determined through photoemission spectroscopy and Kelvin probe measurements.
The as-deposited films were crystallized over a range of annealing temperatures (from 200 to 270 °C) for 10 min and 30 min, and the effect on bulk stoichiometry, crystallinity and phase-purity were measured through EDX (Table S1, ESI†) and XRD (Fig. 1b). We found that films annealed at low temperatures were Br-rich, and became closer to the ideal stoichiometry when the annealing temperature was increased to 250 °C (Table S1, ESI†). When annealed at this temperature for 10 min inside a N2-filled glovebox, the Bi:
Br ratio reached was 1.00
1.12. Annealing for longer than 10 min or at higher temperatures led to the films becoming non-stoichiometric again, which is due to the formation of phase impurities such as BiBr3, as verified from the XRD patterns of 270 °C-annealed (10 min) sample (Fig. S1, ESI†).
The diffraction pattern of the optimized BiSBr film annealed at 250 °C for 10 min is shown in Fig. 1b, which closely matches with the reference pattern (ICSD database, Coll. Code: 31389). The texture coefficients were calculated (Table S2, ESI†). Although the values of the texture coefficient change with annealing conditions, the preferred orientation consistently remained (110). The preferred orientation may be altered by choosing different substrates for BiSBr deposition and controlling the deposition parameters in the future.52 We used Pawley fitting53 to examine the structure of these thin film materials in more detail. The overall Rwp was 4.4%, showing there to be a close fit, with no major peaks unaccounted for by the BiSBr reference pattern (see Fig. S2, ESI†). This result indicates the films obtained here to be phase pure within the detection limits of the measurement. The broad background spanning from 17 to 30° 2θ originates from the amorphous glass substrate these films were deposited onto.6
The structure of BiSBr viewed from the c-axis and b-axis is depicted in Fig. 1a. This shows the quasi-one-dimensional nature of BiSBr (centrosymmetric orthorhombic space group, Pnma), with parallel double chains of [(BiSBr)∞]2 held together by strong Bi–S and Bi–Br polar covalent bonds. In the constituents of these double chains, a Bi atom is connected in a zigzag configuration to three S and two Br atoms that are separated from the other parallel chain. Each of these double chains are linked together by weak van der Waals interactions. From the quasi-one-dimensional crystal structure of BiSBr, one may assume that the (110) preferred orientation we obtained in these thin films is sub-optimal for photovoltaic devices with a conventional vertical architecture.52 However, investigations into the related 1D ns2 semiconductors, Sb2S3 and Sb2Se3, found that the electronic dimensionality between ribbons was higher than 1D, such that there was still efficient charge-carrier transport.54 Furthermore, a challenge with 1D semiconductors having (hk1) preferred orientation is that this can lead to a discontinuous nanorod morphology, resulting in shunting.55,56 Further work is needed to understand the electronic dimensionality of BiSBr, and approaches to tune its preferred orientation in thin films.
To understand the effects of the annealing conditions on the structure of the BiSBr films, we analyzed the line broadening of the diffraction patterns. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the main diffraction peaks (Fig. 1c) were obtained from profile fitting on the XRD patterns. As the annealing temperature increased from 200 to 220 °C, there was an evident overall reduction in FWHM, which can arise from an increase in grain size or a decrease in strain in the films. Subsequently, with further increases in the annealing temperature up to 270 °C, the FWHM became more stable across the different annealing temperatures. To understand these observations in more detail, we performed Williamson–Hall analysis on the FWHM to extract the crystallite size and microstrain for each sample (Fig. S3, ESI†); note that instrument broadening was accounted for, as detailed in the ESI. The grain size was obtained from the vertical intercept of the Williamson–Hall plot, while the microstrain was obtained from the slope, and the uncertainties were extracted from fitting (Table S3, ESI†). This analysis, shown in Fig. 1d, reveals no significant differences in crystallite size and microstrain above uncertainty among the various annealing temperatures, with the exception of an increase in grain size as the annealing temperature increased from 200 to 220 °C. Overall, these data show that the films were well crystallized with low microstrain, with the films annealed at 250 °C for 10 min giving the highest phase purity. We therefore used these films for all subsequent characterization.
The phase-purity of this film was further verified through Raman scattering measurements. The point group of BiSBr is D2h16, which contains nine Raman active modes. These are: six Ag modes (287, 250, 121, 92, 75, 41 cm−1) and three modes with B1g, B2g or B3g symmetry (for convenience we refer to these are Bg-type modes). In ref. 57, only Bg-type modes at 234 and 46 cm−1 were detected. Interestingly, as shown in Fig. 1e, five Ag modes (at 288, 243, 122, 93, 73 cm−1), along with one Bg-type mode (234 cm−1) were measured in our BiSBr films. The low energy peaks at 41 (Ag) and 46 cm−1 (Bg-type) could not be measured because of instrument limitations. There were no distinct peaks that were not accounted for, consistent with the film being phase pure. We also note that the dominant Raman peak is the Ag peak at 287 cm−1, which is associated with a symmetric breathing mode, and this would dominate Fröhlich coupling in BiSBr.
Finally, we evaluated the environmental stability of BiSBr. This was achieved through the standard approach of storing thin films without encapsulation in ambient air. Over the course of 21 days, the temperature of the laboratory was 23 ± 2 °C, whilst the relative humidity varied between 50–60%. The visual appearance and diffraction pattern of the BiSBr film remained unchanged (Fig. 1f) after 14 days. As we extended the duration of the stability test to 21 days, we observed the appearance of a small Bi2S3 phase impurity peak (Fig. 1f). For comparison, methylammonium lead iodide perovskite would degrade within only 5 days under similar conditions,58 showing BiSBr to exhibit higher air stability.
Additionally, the environmental and photo-stability of unencapsulated BiSBr thin films under 1-sun illumination, and storage at 85 °C and 85% relative humidity, was investigated with comparison to a state-of-the-art triple-cation perovskite thin film reference (Fig. 1g and h). The BiSBr thin film was synthesized by annealing at 250 °C for 10 min, and the perovskite thin film was fabricated according to our previous publication.59 Afterwards, six thin film samples (three for each material) were mounted on a hotplate at 85 °C, and a large transparent beaker cover was placed on top, with a small cup of water placed next to the thin films to increase the humidity (detected by humidity meter) of the surrounding environment. Simultaneously, the thin films were illuminated under 1-sun. We took out two of the samples (one BiSBr and one perovskite) after 3, 8 and 24 h, respectively, and then took photographs and measured the XRD pattern. The visual appearance and diffraction pattern of the BiSBr films remained unchanged after 24 h of exposure to these conditions. In contrast, degradation products (delta phase, as well as more PbI2) appeared as impurities in the lead-halide perovskite film after 8 h of testing, along with a color change from black to slightly reddish. At the end of the 24 h test, almost no perovskite peaks could be detected from XRD measurements, and the film appeared yellow. Thus, BiSBr is significantly more environmentally and photo-stable than triple-cation perovskite thin films.
From Elliott model fitting,61 the exciton binding energy of BiSBr was found to be 20 meV, which is below the thermal energy at room temperature. This result is also consistent with the absence of excitonic peaks in the absorption spectrum (Fig. 2a). We would therefore expect free charge-carriers to dominate the photogenerated species present in BiSBr.
Promisingly, we observed photoluminescence (PL) from BiSBr films (Fig. 2a) at room temperature. This PL peak is centered at 1.9 eV, matching the optical bandgap of this material. The absence of a red shift in PL is consistent with the small exciton binding energy in this material.
To derive numerical values of the bandgap, we constructed Tauc plots using the PDS data rather than UV-vis data because PDS measurements provided a more accurate measure of the absorption onset, with reduced sub-bandgap absorption. As shown in Fig. 2b & S7, ESI,† the first direct transition of the BiSBr thin film is 2.03 ± 0.01 eV, and the first indirect transition is 1.91 ± 0.06 eV. This confirms that the bandgap of BiSBr is indirect, which agrees with the computed band structure of this material (Fig. 2c). From this computed E vs. k diagram, BiSBr has a valence band maximum (VBM) between the Γ and Z points, and conduction band minimum (CBM) between the Γ and Y points. The computed band structure shown in Fig. 2c was determined using the Kohn–Sham formulation of density functional theory (DFT) and r2SCAN functional. Due to the well-known bandgap problem of DFT, we cannot expect absolute bandgaps to correlate well with experiment at this level of theory, however the indirect nature of the band edge is correctly predicted. We calculated the difference between the first direct transition and indirect bandgap to be 0.06 eV, which is within error of the experimentally determined value (0.12 ± 0.06 eV). Dispersion-corrected van der Waals functionals were also tested, however the inclusion of long-range interactions did not affect the nature of the band edges, as shown in Fig. S8 and Table S4, ESI.† The closeness in energy between the indirect bandgap and first direct transition is consistent with the PL peak being coincident with the optical bandgap (Fig. 2a).
To evaluate the potential of BiSBr for indoor photovoltaics, we calculated the spectroscopic limited maximum efficiency (SLME) under a standard 1000 lux white light emitting diode (WLED) spectrum. The SLME model estimates the maximum efficiency that a light-harvesting material can potentially reach if all absorbed photons can be converted into free charge-carriers that can all be extracted.62 The level of non-radiative recombination is estimated based on the difference in energy between the bandgap and the first direct transition, which we took to be 0.1 eV for this calculation. This method is an improvement over calculating the Shockley–Queisser limit for an indoor light spectrum because the experimentally-determined optical absorption spectrum of the material is accounted for, and it is not assumed that all recombination processes are radiative. The detailed methodology for calculating SLME is given in our previous work,27 and from this we determined the SLME (under WLED illumination) of BiSBr to be 43.6% (Fig. 2d), which exceeds that of a-Si:H (41.4%), and is close to that of methylammonium lead iodide (48.2%). Notably, the SLME of BiSBr significantly exceeds the performance of the most efficient a-Si:H IPV (9.2%). Given that a-Si:H is a well-established material, there is significant potential for BiSBr IPV to outperform the current industry-standard material. To put the SLME of BiSBr further into context, it also exceeds the highest PCE reported thus far for LHP IPV (41.2% under 1062 lux WLED light).63 The optical properties of BiSBr are therefore very well suited to applications in IPV, but it will be critical to determine whether the charge-carrier kinetics will enable BiSBr to approach its optical limits.
To gauge the minority-carrier lifetime, we measured the decay in PL after exciting the BiSBr sample with a pulsed excitation laser (520 nm wavelength). These measurements were obtained using a confocal microscopy-PL setup, which provided sufficiently high excitation fluences for us to obtain resolvable PL signals. The advantage of using this setup is that we can also obtain the information from PL intensity mapping (Fig. 3a). This PL map matched the needle-like morphology of the sample (Fig. S9, ESI†). Interestingly, the PL signal was stronger at the edge of each needle rather than in the hollow regions between each microfeature. In addition, we can see from the PL maps and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs (Fig. S9, ESI†) that the films grown by this solution processing route form a discontinuous morphology. This arises from its quasi-one-dimensional structure, and has been widely found in other 1D materials, such as Sb2S3 and BiSI.65,66 Future efforts focusing on photovoltaics will therefore need to achieve a more compact morphology, and this can draw upon the success of antimony chalcogenide thin films, potentially using similar fabrication routes.38,67 On the other hand, the discontinuous morphology is compatible with photoelectrochemical or photocatalytic applications, and the higher surface area to volume ratio enabled by this porous structure may be favorable for increasing the overall reaction rate.
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Fig. 3 (a) Microscopy-PL image of BiSBr thin film sample. The bright-field optical micrograph and PL map of the sample were taken over exactly the same area. The optical micrograph is in black and white, while the PL map is shown in color, with the intensity of PL represented by the colorscale displayed. The PL map is superimposed over the optical micrograph. (b) Confocal microscopy-time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) measurements of BiSBr in air at 10.9 μW and 56.9 μW excitation laser power, along with the instrument response function (IRF) and fitted models (refer to Tables S5 and S6, ESI† for details). The excitation wavelength was 520 nm, with a repetition rate of 5 MHz, incident on the film side. |
Herein, we selected the brightest region on the PL map, and measured the PL decay at two excitation fluences. As shown in Fig. 3b, increasing the fluence led to a faster decay. This is consistent with transitioning the recombination regime from radiative to Auger-dominated, which occurs at high fluences. We fitted the PL decays measured at 10.9 μW and 56.9 μW excitation laser power using a phenomenological triexponential model, from which we estimated the average time constants to be 1.86 and 1.48 ns, respectively. More information can be found in Table S5, ESI,† and it can be seen in Fig. S10, ESI† that a very close fit was obtained to the measured data. We also fitted the PL decays using a model that accounts for surface and bulk recombination, as well as the diffusion of charge-carriers from the excitation spot (see ref. 68 and 69). The fits to the data are shown as dashed lines in Fig. 3b, and the parameter fits are provided in Table S6, ESI.† The effective total lifetimes, accounting for bulk and surface recombination, were 4.7 and 2.9 ns for 10.9 μW and 56.9 μW excitation measurements, respectively. The charge-carrier kinetics of BiSBr therefore justifies development in photovoltaics.
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Fig. 4 (a) Valence band spectrum from X-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements of BiSBr thin films, showing our fit to the primary edge; (b) Kelvin probe measurements of the workfunction of BiSBr thin films deposited on FTO, as well as measurements of the FTO substrate. For each sample, 100 measurements were taken, and the average workfunction obtained, along with the uncertainty. (c) Photoemission spectroscopy in air (PESA) of BiSBr. (d) Schematic diagram of the band positions of BiSBr determined through photoemission spectroscopy, Kelvin probe and bandgap measurements compared with the band positions of common electron and hole transport layers.4,5 |
To determine the electron affinity, we subtracted the bandgap from the ionization potential, obtaining a value of 4.1 ± 0.1 eV. These conduction and valence band positions are very well aligned with common electron and hole transport layers, as shown in Fig. 4d. The wide variety of options available for feasible charge transport layers (CTLs) means that early device fabrication efforts can focus more on CTL materials with suitable morphologies (e.g., mesoporous structured) and surface energies for obtaining compact thin films of BiSBr. Furthermore, the band positions of BiSBr are well suited to carrying out H+ and CO2 reduction reactions, as well as the oxygen evolution reaction,14 which opens up another opportunity for BiSBr in terms of photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical applications. We add that the anisotropic structure of BiSBr could lead to variations in the band position along different faces, and this should be studied in greater detail in the future.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Supporting X-ray diffraction measurements and analysis, UV-vis measurements, fitting of the Urbach tail, density of states calculations, scanning electron microscopy images and PL lifetime fitting. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ta04491b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |