*b and
aSchool of Chemistry, Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Biomedical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China. E-mail: yuanzhang@buaa.edu.cn
bCollege of Physics Science & Technology, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, Heibei Province, China. E-mail: zhangxn@hbu.edu.cn
cCAS Key Laboratory of Nanosystem and Hierarchical Fabrication, CAS Center for Excellence in Nanoscience, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing 100190, China. E-mail: zhouhq@nanoctr.cn
dFrontier Institute of Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710054, Shaaxi Province, China
First published on 1st February 2024
Obtaining controllable morphology in organic solar cells (OSCs) has long been sought to improve the photovoltaic efficiency and long-term stability for meaningful applications. Herein, we report a conceptual multiple acceptor OSC based on co-acceptor guests. Through monitoring the solution phase to solid-state film transition of the multi-acceptor based bulk heterojunctions (BHJs) by in situ optical spectroscopy, we show that the introduced co-acceptor guests featuring opposite crystallization trends are highly beneficial for attaining synergies in balancing the crystallization kinetics and modifying phase separation and charge carrier transport behaviors. Our combined investigation with GIWAXS, solid-state NMR, depth-sensitive optical spectroscopy and transient opto-electrical measurements further reveals the central functionality of the co-acceptor guests in leveraging and optimizing the crystallization dynamics and vertical phase separation while maintaining the favored short-range structural order. Based on a multi-acceptor model system, PM6:BTP-eC9:Y6-1O:PC71BM, we achieved a champion power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 19.35%, showing impressive photostability with the PCE decaying by <20% after ∼30 days of continuous irradiation. The demonstrated multi-component approach provides a valuable opportunity for fine optimization of the phase morphology and long-term device stability in OSCs toward realistic energy conversion applications.
Broader contextAlthough it is possible to improve the efficiency of organic solar cells (OSC) via the ternary (or quaternary) approach, our current understanding on how the third (or fourth) component modulates the phase morphology of OSCs and explicitly the structure–function relationship in the presence of molecular guests remains to be fully clarified. Herein, we employ combined experimental techniques, including in situ optical spectroscopy and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance to reveal the essential role of introducing co-mediators comprising a non-fullerene and a fullerene electron acceptor in regulating the morphology and photovoltaic behaviors of OSCs. This not only enriches our insights into the factors governing morphology control but also allows us to achieve an impressive photovoltaic efficiency exceeding 19.3%. The demonstrated quaternary heterojunction exhibits an excellent morphology that translates in a more satisfactory operational stability of OSCs under irradiation, which helps push forward the OSC technology toward realistic energy-related applications. |
In order to render OSCs suitable for meaningful applications, efficiencies above the necessitated threshold PCE values should be achieved. However, due to the narrow absorption characteristics of organic semiconductor materials (typically with an FWHM bandwidth of 200 nm), it is difficult to achieve a full utilization of the solar spectrum in donor–acceptor based binary devices, which limits the improvement of PCEs. To overcome this, ternary blend strategies have been employed. While this approach enables the enhancement of PCEs,3,7–10 complexities in optimizing the phase morphology of heterojunction (BHJ) films are often encountered. For example, the introduction of guest components may accelerate (or decelerate) the crystallization of host components in an unfavorable way,11,12 resulting in a scenario where the phase separation scale or crystallinity of blends is sub-optimal to fully realize the material potential.13–15 Moreover, the addition of single-component based guests (for ternary blends) tends to restrain the absorption complementarity of photoactive layers.16–18 To widen the absorption of OSCs and better control the nanomorphology and carrier transport,18–23 the approach based on quaternary blends has been proposed.24–28 For example, by introducing a co-donor and a co-acceptor (co-DA) into the host blends, the inter-percolated charge transport networks in the quaternary OSCs were improved, leading to a certified power conversion efficiency (PCE) of over 19%.5 Also, the co-DA method enabled achieving a branch-like morphology in the photoactive layer, which further reduced the voltage loss due to non-radiative charge recombination.29 On the basis of multiple polymeric donor components, a proposal was made for improving the hole transport and light-harvesting efficiency in OSCs.30 In this attempt, the multi-donor blends were thought to allow for the increase in the population of D–A interfaces while photo-generated holes were transported independently through the multiple donor phases.31–33 To rationally construct and optimize the quaternary target systems, various properties/parameters need to be considered, including the absorption profile, energetic level, inter-component compatibility, molecular interaction and crystallinity.33 To date, the commonly adopted approaches in this regard rely on trial-and-error, which to a large extent is due to the lack of effective pre-monitoring and control methods for the development of nanomorphology.
In this work, based on the widely used polymer donor PM6 and the non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) BTP-eC9 as the binary hosts, we present a proof-of-concept study for fine morphology regulation and prediction based on a multiple acceptor-containing quaternary system. We chose NFA Y6-1O34 and fullerene acceptor PC71BM as co-acceptor guests. Given the donor's proneness to crystallize rapidly and the similarity of melting rings between the NFAs of BTP-eC935 and Y6-1O, the introduction of the Y6-1O guest results in a competing crystallization process where the unfavorable large domain growth of PM6 donor is suppressed. Meanwhile, the PC71BM guest with a high phase crystallinity facilitates the NFA molecules to form dense π–π stacking, improving electron transport. The targeted morphological development in multi-acceptor-containing blends was monitored by in situ optical spectroscopy, revealing the bidirectionally compensatory role of the modified aggregating status of D–A molecules to achieve balanced crystallization kinetics during the film formation process. Furthermore, we employed solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to understand molecular order at the atomic level. The results evidence that in the presence of co-acceptor guests, the microscopic short-range structural order of the PM6 donor can be retained, which provides a foundation for improvements in crystallization. With the multi-acceptor concept, a PCE of 19.35% was attained and the champion quaternary device exhibited an impressive morphology stability, with the PCE decaying by less than 20% after nearly 30 days of continuous irradiation. The demonstrated approach provides an enabler for fine optimization of nanomorphology and maximization of light-harvesting in OSCs toward meaningful applications.
Fig. 1(d) and Fig. S2 (ESI†) show normalized absorption spectra of neat and blend films. As seen from Fig. 1(d), the concerned donor and acceptor materials exhibit complementary light absorption, covering a wide spectral range from 350 to 950 nm. As shown in Fig. S3a, ESI,† due to the large spectral overlap between the absorption of BTP-eC9 and the photoluminescence (PL) of Y6-1O, along with the fact that the emission of Y6-1O has higher energy than the absorption of BTP-eC9, there is a tendency for energy transfer between these two NFAs, which was considered beneficial for the photon-harvesting of acceptor components.13 As a support, we measured PL spectra of neat films of BTP-eC9, Y6-1O and BTP-eC9:Y6-1O blend films (Fig. S3b, ESI†). The PL spectra of neat BTP-eC9 and Y6-1O are positioned between 780 nm and 950 nm with emission maxima at 862 nm (BTP-eC9) and 872 nm (Y6-1O). The emission peak of the BTP-eC9:Y6-1O blend film is at 870 nm, seemingly pointing to the energy transfer from Y6-1O to BTP-eC9.42,43 We further note that there is a cascade energetic level arrangement across these photo-absorbing materials (Fig. S4, ESI†). This feature provides merits for electron transfers between acceptors and charge transport through the device.44
To explore the impact of the introduced acceptor co-guests on photovoltaic performance, OSC devices were fabricated with a conventional device architecture of indium tin oxide (ITO)/poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS)/active layer/poly[[2,7-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-1,2,3,6,7,8-hexahydro-1,3,6,8-tetraoxobenzo[lmn]phenanthroline-4,9-diyl]-2,5-thiophenediyl[9,9-bis [3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-9H-fluorene-2,7-diyl]-2, 5-thiophenediyl] (PNDIT-F3N)/Ag. Fig. 1(E) shows current density versus voltage (J–V) characteristics of OSC devices under AM 1.5 G (100 mW cm−2) illumination. The extracted photovoltaic parameters can be found in Table 1. The PM6:BTP-eC9 binary device delivered a PCE of 17.86% (Jsc = 27.36 mA cm−2, Voc = 0.848 V, and FF = 76.85%), which is consistent with the results reported previously.37 For comparison, the PM6:Y6-1O binary device yielded a PCE of 15.90% (Voc = 0.877 V, Jsc = 23.98 mA cm−2, and a FF of 75.56%). We also fabricated ternary solar cells by adding Y6-1O or PC71BM as the third component. The maximum efficiencies are 18.81% with Y6-1O (Voc = 0.855 V, Jsc = 28.06 mA cm−2, and a FF of 78.15%) and 18.66% with PC71BM (Voc = 0.851 V, Jsc = 27.94 mA cm−2, and a FF of 78.32%). Of note, upon adding the two guest acceptors simultaneously, the PCE (19.35%) increased considerably (Voc = 0.858 V, Jsc = 28.27 mA cm−2, and a FF of 79.65%), owing to the concurrent enhancements of cell parameters (see Table 1). We observed a 10 meV increase in the Voc of the four-component device compared to the binary device (PM6:BTP-eC9). Further evidence supporting the voltage gain was obtained by analyzing the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of electroluminescence (EQEEL, see Fig. S5, ESI†) of solar cells operated like a light-emitting diode. The results of EQEEL confirm that non-radiative voltage losses are reduced in the four-component device, contributing to the higher Voc. In Fig. 1(f), we show the EQE spectra of the corresponding binary, ternary and quaternary devices. The Jsc values integrated from the EQE are consistent with the values obtained from illuminated J–V curves. Apart from the retention of of high EQEs in the donor absorption regime, the quaternary device displays a pronounced EQE enhancement in the acceptor absorption regime (reaching a peak value approaching 90%), showing a more flattened spectral response. This is in contrast to the pronouncedly reduced EQEs around the absorption valley (around 700 nm) in the binary control cell. By comparing the absolute absorption of respective BHJ films (Fig. S2, ESI†), the EQE gains in the quaternary device cannot be solely attributed to the (slight) changes in the absorbance of photoactive layers but other attributes, which are likely related to the improved transport and/or mitigated charge recombination (will be further discussed below).
Active layer | V oc (V) | J sc (mA cm−2) | J cal (mA cm−2) | FF (%) | PCEb (%) |
a Integrated current densities from EQE spectra. b Average PCEs based on 10 devices. | |||||
PM6:BTP-eC9 | 0.848 (0.845 ± 0.002) | 27.36 (27.08 ± 0.12) | 26.49 | 76.85 (76.49 ± 0.27) | 17.86 (17.52 ± 0.15) |
PM6:Y6-1O | 0.877 (0.876 ± 0.003) | 23.98 (23.45 ± 0.23) | 23.52 | 75.56 (75.13 ± 0.15) | 15.90 (15.60 ± 0.30) |
PM6:BTP-eC9:Y6-1O | 0.855 (0.852 ± 0.002) | 28.06 (27.76 ± 0.17) | 26.97 | 78.15 (77.65 ± 0.41) | 18.81 (18.35 ± 0.19) |
PM6:BTP-eC9:PC71BM | 0.851 (0.850 ± 0.002) | 27.94 (27.42 ± 0.38) | 26.89 | 78.32 (78.96 ± 0.21) | 18.66 (18.52 ± 0.16) |
PM6:BTP-eC9:Y6-1O:PC71BM | 0.858 (0.854 ± 0.003) | 28.27 (28.04 ± 0.26) | 27.25 | 79.65 (78.96 ± 0.38) | 19.35 (19.13 ± 0.12) |
After elaborating the key functionalities of the introduced acceptor guests, it will be of interest to examine how the crystallization kinetics is affected with the simultaneous incorporation of Y6-1O and PC71BM as co-guests. As evidenced in Fig. 2(b) and (c), for the quaternary blends the crystallization time of the host donor (0.96 s) and acceptor (1.08 s) is modified within a window between that of the two ternary blends. Based on this, we consider that the introduced co-guest acceptors promote the balance between the crystallization rate of the donor and acceptor molecules. Generally speaking, a more balanced aggregation kinetics can lead to more uniform growth of donor–acceptor phase domains, which can contribute to the improvement of light-harvesting efficiency in OSCs (given the comparable diffusion distance of excitons generated in the D and A components), as well as the charge transport balance.41,42
We further evaluated the quenching kinetics through in situ PL characterization. Fig. 2(d) shows the contour maps for PL evolution (see in situ spectra in Fig. S7, ESI†). According to the characterization results in Figure S7, the extracted temporal evolutions of the integrated PL intensity and peak position are displayed in Fig. 2(e) and (f) respectively, which are correlated with the spatial distribution of fluorophores and quenchers in the blends. The evolution trend of the PL peak position resembles that in the in situ absorption spectra, characteristic of three stages. For PM6:BTP-eC9, the PL peak location during the first stage (0–0.84 s) remains unchanged with time, while the PL intensity decreases slowly with the evaporation of solvent. For PM6:BTP-eC9:Y6-1O and PM6:BTP-eC9:PC71BM ternary blends, the PL peak retention time slightly differs during the first stage (0.72 s vs. 0.84 s) while both are shorter than the corresponding time for the binary blend film. For the quaternary system, the retention time of the PL peak position is further shortened (0–0.60 s). It points to two facts: (i) the combined interactions involving Y6-1O and PC71BM tend to accelerate the growth rate of the film and (ii) the fluorescence quenching is more efficient when multi-acceptors are present (see Fig. S8, ESI†). In the second stage, we note that the rate of change of the PL intensity is significantly larger than that of the PL peak position. Such rapid drops in the signal can be ascribed to the interaction between the fluorophore and the quencher.43 For the PM6:BTP-eC9 binary blend, the PL quenching (0.84–2.76 s) presents a simple process that decreases over time. In contrast, the quenching of the PM6:BTP-eC9:Y6-1O blend exhibits a two-part feature (0.72–1.80 s), including a rapid quenching process (0.72–1.08 s) followed by a slow quenching process (1.08–1.80 s). The 1st step can result from a further shortening of the distance between the donor and acceptor molecules as the solvent volatilizes.44 The 2nd process corresponds to the slowly occurring aggregation in BTP-eC9:Y6-1O after the rapid aggregation is completed. The peculiar quenching behaviors are also observed in the PM6:BTP-eC9:PC71BM ternary blends. Referring to the quaternary system, the changing rate of PL intensity is pronouncedly higher. This phenomenon is explained by the increase in the probability of contact between the polymer donor and muti-acceptors when Y6-1O and PC71BM are simultaneously introduced. The results also imply another aspect related to energy transfer, which is likely promoted in the presence of the co-acceptor guests. The last stage of PL evolution is similar to the evolution of absorption, representing the solvent removal toward the stabilization of phase morphology in the solid state (Fig. 2(b) and (c)). The in situ PL measurements affirm the modified interdiffusion process between the donor and acceptor molecules during film evolution, leading to favorable crystallization and morphology.
To gain a better understanding of the photophysical and morphological properties in these blends, transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy was performed to examine the hole transfer (HT) kinetics and exciton diffusion characteristics. The pronounced ground state bleaching (GSB) bands (500–670 nm) originate from the PM6 donor (see Fig. S13(e) and (f), ESI†). Based on the 2D maps of TA spectra (Fig. S11(a)–(d), ESI†), we focus on the decay kinetics of GSB bands (probe at 635 nm). As seen in Fig. 4(a) inset, the decays feature a fast rising followed by a slow decay part characterized by the time constants τ1 and τ2, respectively. The fast component τ1 is commonly assigned to the dissociation of acceptor-generated excitons formed at the D:
A interface. The second component τ2 is a representation of the diffusion-limited dissociation process involving excitons generated in the bulk film.49 The concerned binary, ternary and quaternary films exhibit a similar time constant τ1 (see Fig. 4(a) and Table S3 in ESI†), indicative of the temporally comparable photoexcitation in these blends. The decay time constant τ2 is associated with the domain size and phase separation.50 Of interest, by adding a single acceptor guest of Y6-1O or PC71BM to the binary hosts, the decay time τ2 sharply reduces to 239 ps or adversely increases to 311 ps. These trends outline a scenario where the diffusion-limited dissociation occurs more rapidly with the addition of only Y6-1O, hinting a shrinkage of phase separation. Oppositely, the diffusion toward interfacial dissociation may take a longer time with the addition of only PC71BM, implicative of an enlargement of phase-separation or grain sizes. In comparison to the ternary blends, we observe an intermediate τ2 value (250 ps) in the quaternary blends (Fig. 4(a)). Based on these results, we consider that the co-introduction of Y6-1O and PC71BM guest components synergistically modifies the phase sizes, such that over-phase separation or over-intermixing could be avoided. These merits can be attributed to the improved balance in the crystallization kinetics in the multicomponent-based blends. The surface morphology captured by atomic force microscopy confirms the modified phase separation (see results of AFM in Fig. 4(b)–(e)). The binary blend film PM6:BTP-eC9 has a surface roughness (Rq) of 1.33 nm (a Rq of 2.06 nm was determined on pure PM6 films, see Fig. S14, ESI†). The addition of Y6-1O or PC71BM guests results in a different changing trend in the surface topography and roughness (Rq = 1.21 nm with Y6-1O versus Rq = 1.64 nm with PC71BM). Compared to the binary or ternary blends, the quaternary blend film presents an intermediate change in surface roughness (Rq = 1.45 nm), associated with a finely tuned structure with more ordered features. This can be attributed to the improved crystallization dynamics or the balance in crystallization rates.
In order to explore the effect of the introduced guest components on the structural order of blends, we performed solid-state 19F magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic microscopy (19F MAS-NMR) measurements (see results in Fig. 5(a)). In the concerned materials, both PM6 and Y6-1O are fluorinated and the signal appearing at −130.9 ppm originates from the 19F sites on the fluorinated thiophene of PM6.42 For the 19F sites on the fluorinated and thiol-substituted thiophene of Y6-1O, the 19F signal appears at −124.5 ppm and −122 ppm, respectively. As can be seen from the peak deconvolution (Fig. 5(b)), the resolved two 19F signals are attributed to the 19F sites on different end groups of Y6-1O, rather than the 19F sites at the ortho-positions within the same one end group of Y6-1O (the chemical environment around the F terminal group at both ends of Y6-1O is different).33 Since BTP-eC9 has no F element, the position of the 19F signal remains unchanged (131.2 ppm) upon mixing PM6 with BTP-eC9, while the bandwidth changes slightly (full-width-at-the half-maximum or FWHM reduced from 5.9 ppm to 5.8 ppm). It indicates that the short-ranged structural order of PM6 phase is enhanced with the interaction between PM6 and BTP-eC9. With the introduction of the Y6-1O guest, a new acceptor phase is generated atop the original PM6 and BTP-eC9 phases. At the same time, an additional local environment is created for the 19F sites on the PM6 molecule. We further note that in the presence of Y6-1O, the 19F signal of PM6 remains at 130. 9 ppm and the bandwidth become wider (5.8–6.0 ppm, see Fig. 5(b)). The tendency is understood as follows: due to the similar chemical structures of Y6-1O and BTP-eC9, the guest phase can penetrate well into the PM6:BTP-eC9 phase interface, so a part of PM6 does not interact with the BTP-eC9 host but with Y6-1O. The situation differs with the addition of PC71BM to PM6:BTP-eC9:Y6-1O: the bandwidth adversely decreases (6.0–5.8 ppm) while the 19F signal of the donor remains at 130.9 ppm. The reduction of the bandwidth again suggests the preservation of the short-range structural order of PM6 when PC71BM and Y6-1O guests are simultaneously present. We would like to further mention that tuning on the local environments of the 19F sites on PM6 via adding the guests is associated with rearrangements in the aggregating structure of PM6, which is reflected by the red shifting in the absorption spectra (the donor absorption peak at 624 nm shifts to 625 nm in the PM6:BTP-eC9 binary blend and further to 626 nm with the addition of Y6-1O and Y6-1O:PC71BM co-guests, see Fig. S19, ESI†).
Combining these analyses, we attempt to provide the diagrams illustrating the aggregating structures of the control PM6:BTP-eC9 binary blends and PM6:BTP-eC9:Y6-1O:PC71BM quaternary blends (Fig. 5(c)). As indicated by the results of solid-state NMR, the formation of individual Y6-1O and PC71BM phases can introduce additional interactions to the hosts, creating new local environments for the 19F sites on PM6. Importantly, the short-range structural order of the PM6 donor is favorably retained in the presence of co-guest acceptors, which provides a microscopic explanation for the achievement of the finely tuned phase-separated morphology and superior charge transport in the bulk heterojunction film.
To gain a more in-depth understanding on the improved stability, we aged the blend films under AM 1.5 G (100 mW cm−2) illumination and performed UV-vis spectroscopy on the aged films. As shown in Fig. S21 (ESI†), the absorption peak arising from the acceptor host (BTP-eC9) displays redshifts after light soaking and the degree of redshifts varies among different systems and is aging-time dependent. Moreover, upon aging, we observe a slight broadening in the acceptor absorption peak, which could be related to the increase in disorder.55 The key difference lies in that, compared to the binary or ternary blends, the quaternary blend film presents the least spectral variation after aging, namely, the absorption curves are largely overlapped in a wide spectra range (350–1000 nm). These behaviors strongly indicate that excessive aggregation could be suppressed in the quaternary blends.
To affirm this, we carried out thin film morphology aging characterization on the same set of thin film samples. As shown in the AFM images (Fig. S22, ESI†), the surface roughness of the aged (336 hours) quaternary blend film slightly increases (Rq = 1.56 nm versus Rq = 1.45 nm before aging), showing a surface morphology resembling that of the freshly prepared film. As a comparison, the control binary and ternary blend films experience substantial increases in the surface roughness after aging, especially for the sample containing only PC71BM as an acceptor guest. The contrast emphasizes the necessity of the introduced co-acceptor guests for suppressing the light-driven aggregation in the blends. Additional insights into the changes of disorder are gained from AFM characterization. For example, the fibril structure is maintained in the aged quaternary blends whereas in the other blends, structureless features tend to become more visible. We consider that the preservation of the favored molecular order together with the minimization of self-aggregating provides a fundamental merit for the enhanced morphology and long-term photostability in the multi-acceptor solar cell.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ee04169g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |