Issue 17, 2024

Electrosprayed Eudragit RL100 nanoparticles with Janus polyvinylpyrrolidone patches for multiphase release of paracetamol


Advanced nanotechniques and the corresponding complex nanostructures they produce represent some of the most powerful tools for developing novel drug delivery systems (DDSs). In this study, a side-by-side electrospraying process was developed for creating double-chamber nanoparticles in which Janus soluble polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) patches were added to the sides of Eudragit RL100 (RL100) particles. Both sides were loaded with the poorly water-soluble drug paracetamol (PAR). Scanning electron microscope results demonstrated that the electrosprayed nanoparticles had an integrated Janus nanostructure. Combined with observations of the working processes, the microformation mechanism for creating the Janus PVP patches was proposed. XRD, DSC, and ATR-FTIR experiments verified that the PAR drug was present in the Janus particles in an amorphous state due to its fine compatibility with the polymeric matrices. In vitro dissolution tests verified that the Janus nanoparticles were able to provide a typical biphasic drug release profile, with the PVP patches providing 43.8 ± 5.4% drug release in the first phase in a pulsatile manner. In vivo animal experiments indicated that the Janus particles, on one hand, could provide a faster therapeutic effect than the electrosprayed sustained-release RL100 nanoparticles. On the other hand, they could maintain a therapeutic blood drug concentration for a longer period. The controlled release mechanism of the drug was proposed. The protocols reported here pioneer a new process–structure–performance relationship for developing Janus-structure-based advanced nano-DDSs.

Graphical abstract: Electrosprayed Eudragit RL100 nanoparticles with Janus polyvinylpyrrolidone patches for multiphase release of paracetamol

Article information

Article type
01 mar. 2024
28 mar. 2024
First published
28 mar. 2024

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 8573-8582

Electrosprayed Eudragit RL100 nanoparticles with Janus polyvinylpyrrolidone patches for multiphase release of paracetamol

J. Zhou, H. Pan, W. Gong, D. Yu and Y. Sun, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 8573 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR00893F

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