Pavithra Ananthasubramanian,
Rahul Sahay
Nagarajan Raghavan
nano-Macro Reliability Laboratory, Engineering Product Development Pillar, Singapore University of Technology and Design, 8 Somapah Road, Singapore 487372. E-mail:
First published on 10th May 2024
Functionalizing single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) with different chemical functional groups directly enhances their chemical adhesion and dispersion in viscous polymeric resins such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Nevertheless, the ideal surface polarity (hydrophilic or hydrophobic) for SWCNT to foster stronger chemical bonding with PDMS remains uncertain. This investigation delves into the impact of enhanced SWCNT dispersion within PDMS on the surface mechanical characteristics of this flexible composite system. We use carboxylic acid-functionalized SWCNT (COOH–SWCNT) and silane-functionalized SWCNT (sily–SWCNT), recognized for their hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface polarities, respectively, as reinforcing agents at ultra-low weight percentage loadings: 0.05 wt%, 0.5 wt%, and 1 wt%. We perform quasi-static nanoindentation analysis employing a Berkovich tip to probe the localized mechanical behavior of PDMS–SWCNT films at an indentation depth of 1 μm. Plastic deformation within the samples, denoted as plastic work (Wp), as well as the elastic modulus (E), hardness (H), and contact stiffness (Sc) of the composites are examined from the force–displacement curves to elucidate the enhancement in the surface mechanical attributes of the composite films.
Since PDMS is a soft polymer with low elastic modulus in the range of 1–3 MPa in its unmodified conditions,9–11 attempts to improve its local mechanical properties using nanoscale reinforcements are prominent.12,13 Reinforcing PDMS with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) is one of the most successful designs reported to improve the electro-mechanical properties of PDMS.14–21 However, SWCNT-reinforced PDMS composites are fabricated for limited applications attributed to the advanced infrastructural and process control requirements to produce defect-free SWCNT.22 In the last decade, PDMS–SWCNT-based composite systems have been produced for specific applications such as saturable absorbers,18,19 proton radiation shielding,20 wearable electronics,23 novel multilayered structures with improved fracture mechanics,14 porous electrodes,21 and selective permeation membranes of industrial gases.24 Homogeneous dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in a viscous PDMS matrix is a challenge that has been limiting the possibility of upscaling the manufacturing of this material system for multifunctional applications on a large scale.25–28 Interfacial characteristics such as filler dispersion, orientation, waviness, and adhesion between CNT and PDMS determine the final properties of the composite.29 Aggregation or agglomeration of CNT in PDMS leads to inhomogeneous dispersion that negatively impacts the properties of the composite. This occurs even at low weight percentage loadings due to the high surface energy of CNT.30
To overcome this, mechanical shearing or chemical functionalization of CNT has been widely explored to improve CNT dispersion in PDMS.27,28,31–33 While multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) manage to retain their structural integrity upon the use of mechanical forces to disperse them in viscous polymeric matrices, SWCNT loses their structural traits such as length, and defect-free sp2 hybridization upon the use of extensive mechanical shear.34 Young's modulus values obtained for SWCNT35 and MWCNT36 from direct tensile loadings are in the ranges of 320–1470 GPa and 270–950 GPa respectively, indicating the superiority of SWCNT over MWCNT. Electrical conductivities of SWCNT and MWCNT have also been reported on the order of 102 to 106 S cm−1 and 103 to 105 S cm−1 respectively.37 Due to the better electrical and mechanical properties of SWCNT over MWCNT, SWCNT is preferred as a filler for PDMS for electromechanical devices that demand cutting-edge performance.38
To disperse SWCNT in PDMS without the use of mechanical dispersion techniques, chemical functionalization of SWCNT is reported as a successful method that facilitates a direct technique to disperse the low-dense SWCNT fillers in the viscous PDMS matrix.39 In previous reports, carboxylic acid-functionalized MWCNTs (COOH–MWCNT) and hydroxyl-terminated MWCNTs (OH–MWCNT) have been studied comparatively against unfunctionalized MWCNTs as fillers on PDMS for improvement in dispersion in PDMS and the resulting electrical,40,41 and thermal properties.42 Lu Bai et al.,43 comparatively studied COOH-functionalized CNT and OH-terminated polydimethylsiloxane functionalized CNT (OH–PDMS–CNT) as fillers on poly(methylphenylsiloxane) (PMPS) composites. With OH–PDMS–CNT as a filler, improvements in the interfacial adhesion, and thermal and macroscopic tensile mechanical properties are reported. The improvement is attributed to two reasons: (i) hydrogen bonds formed between OH–PDMS–CNT and PMPS, and (ii) the –OH groups in OH–PDMS react with PMPS forming an additional chemical crosslinking. Their study emphasizes the importance of chemical adhesion between the filler and matrix to effectively improve the desired composite properties. In another study by T. P. Chua et al.,44 diphenyl-carbinol (DPC) and silane (sily) functionalized MWCNTs are comparatively studied as fillers on PDMS. The effect of the better-dispersed composite on the improved dynamic mechanical properties and electrical and thermal conductivities are discussed. From all these reports, it is observed that CNTs with hydrophilic surface polarities (OH–CNT/COOH–CNT) and hydrophobic surface polarities (DPC–CNT/sily–CNT) have been interchangeably used on PDMS as a reinforcing filler. However, there is no report comparatively evaluating the role of surface polarity of the functionalized CNTs (hydrophilic vs. hydrophobic) on the interfacial chemical adhesion between CNT and PDMS. We hypothesize that SWCNT with a hydrophobic surface polarity achieved through a facile silane functionalization would impart better dispersion and interfacial adhesion of sily–SWCNT with PDMS. This shall be achieved jointly because of the compatible hydrophobic surface polarities of sily–SWCNT and PDMS and the formation of Si–O–Si covalent bond between the silane groups on SWCNT and siloxane groups in PDMS.45 In a previous study, our group reported an improvement in the dispersion of SWCNT in PDMS using a hydrophobic silane functionalization.17 The effect of the improved dispersion is reflected on the enhanced optical and macroscopic mechanical properties such as the optical transmittance, elastic modulus, bonding strength, and debonding time. The study focussed on estimating the three-dimensional macroscopic mechanical properties.
The degradation and failure of PDMS–SWCNT-based soft composite films begins to happen through the weakest links which are usually on the surface of a material. Surface defects act as nucleation sites for cracks, contributing significantly to failure initiation in thin films.46–48 Localized surface mechanical properties of PDMS-based soft materials reveal valuable information on the mechanical robustness of the fabricated microstructure by investigating the surface properties of the sample at a nanoscale.49,50 Classical methods of material testing become extremely difficult or almost impossible at the micro or nanoscale. It is also challenging to conduct conventional mechanical tests on soft materials, that have limited dimensions and complex microstructures. Depth sensing indentation is one of the testing methods that can be fine-tuned and tested on such samples at multiple length scales.51 Localized nanoindentation analysis is a reliable test to compare the homogeneity of the achieved mechanical properties at the nanoscale with macroscopic mechanical tests such as delamination and dynamic mechanical analysis.52–55
Nanoindentation analysis has been explored as a reliable technique by several research groups to estimate the surface properties and nanomechanics of soft materials such as biological tissues with heterogeneous microstructures and irregular dimensions.56 Localized hardness and modulus of biomaterials such as hydrogels57–59 and cartilage60,61 have been reported from nanoindentation analysis. Nanoindentation analysis of PDMS has also been reported by several research groups over the last two decades across several length scales and a range of sample thicknesses to understand the localized mechanics for different crosslinking methods/ratios, ages, and fluid environments.10,12,49,50,55,62–69 From a recent study by Arevalo, S. E. et al.,70 it is understood that the number of publications related to understanding the nanomechanics and surface properties of soft polymers has increased 3× in 2022 since the early 2000s. Table 1 briefly summarizes the nanoindentation analysis done by several research groups on Sylgard® PDMS using different analysis methods and the objectives behind each type of study. As indicated in the table, this study is one of the first studies to evaluate the surface mechanical properties of SWCNT-reinforced PDMS composites. The study evaluates the effect of the chemical surface functionality of SWCNT on the quality of reinforcement and imparted mechanics to PDMS. Nanomechanical properties evaluated from the surface of the composite such as the elastic modulus (E), hardness (H), and contact stiffness (Sc) are discussed in detail. Quasi-static nanoindentation analysis used in this study employs a standard Berkovich tip under a displacement-controlled mode to locally probe the sample at a depth of 1 μm. The area under the loading–unloading curves reveals the mechanics behind the viscoelasticity of the sample.
S. no. | PDMS thickness (μm) | PDMS base: curing agent ratio | Curing temperature and time | Type of indentation tip | Mode of indentation | Purpose of study | Ref. |
1 | 2500 | 10/15/20/25/30![]() ![]() |
RT/2 weeks | Cono-spherical diamond tip | Load-controlled | Estimation of elastic modulus as a function of PDMS crosslinking density | 67 |
2 | 3000 | 5![]() ![]() |
65 °C/1 h | Berkovich & flat punch tips | Displacement-controlled | Estimation of compressive elastic modulus | 49 |
3 | 2500 | 10/15/20/25/30![]() ![]() |
RT/2 weeks | Cono-spherical diamond tip | Load-controlled | Consideration of adhesion energy in elastic modulus | 74 |
4 | 1000–2000 | 5/7/10/16.7/20/25/30/33![]() ![]() |
65 °C/24 h | Spherical/Berkovich/cube-corner/conical tips | Displacement-controlled | Estimation of elastic modulus as a function of PDMS crosslinking density and sample thickness | 10 |
5 | 500 | 10![]() ![]() |
70 °C/4 h | Berkovich tip | Displacement-controlled | Estimation of elastic modulus, hardness, and contact stiffness as a function of the surface functionality of SWCNT reinforced in PDMS | This work |
In this study, carboxylic acid functionalized SWCNT (COOH–SWCNT) and silane functionalized SWCNT (sily–SWCNT), respectively with hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface polarities, are comparatively studied as reinforcing fillers on PDMS at ultra-low loadings: 0.05 wt%, 0.5 wt%, and 1 wt%. The novelty of this study lies in three parts listed as follows:
(i) Since crosslinked PDMS in its unmodified condition is a polymer with one of the highest reported hydrophobic surface polarities,71 we choose hydrophobic (sily–SWCNT) and hydrophilic (COOH–SWCNT) SWCNTs to comparatively study the effect of opposite surface polarities on the homogeneity in reinforcement of PDMS and the resulting surface mechanical properties.26,71–73 This is one of the first studies to evaluate the effect of surface polarity of CNT achieved from chemical functionalization on the dispersion and interfacial adhesion between the filler and matrix.
(ii) This is also one of the first reports to evaluate the effect of improved filler dispersion and interfacial adhesion between functionalized SWCNT and PDMS on the surface mechanics of the composite. Enhancement in the local surface mechanical properties investigated at a nanoscale is a strong indicator of the homogeneity in the dispersion of SWCNT in PDMS at high resolution.
(iii) Nanoindentation analysis is chosen as a nano-scale probing method to indent the sample and evaluate the surface mechanical properties. Since the nanoindentation technique tests the sample locally at single individual points, this is one of the first studies to report the variability of surface mechanical properties across a sample at several points. Each sample is tested at over 50 points to assess the repeatability of the results across a sample. This is also one of the first studies on PDMS-based composites to evaluate the force–displacement curves obtained using nanoindentation analysis in detail to evaluate the specific surface mechanical properties of the test structures. The slope of the unloading curve for each point on every sample is investigated to calculate the elastic modulus (E), hardness (H), and contact stiffness (Sc).
This can be further seconded using a cross-sectional FESEM analysis. Fig. 2 shows the FESEM images of the test structures. The COOH–SWCNT loaded composite samples (Fig. 2(e)–(g)) show distinct SWCNT agglomerates while the sily–SWCNT loaded composites show less prominent agglomerates (Fig. 2(b)–(d)) indicating the better dispersion of sily–SWCNT in PDMS matrix. FTIR analysis of the functionalized SWCNT (sily and COOH) and the composite films are conducted, and the results are discussed in Section S1 of the ESI.† From the analysis, it is understood that the silane functionalization of SWCNT creates a chemical Si–O–Si adhesion between sily–SWCNT and PDMS.17
Contact angle measurements of functionalized SWCNT (COOH and sily) are comparatively conducted to ensure the respective hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface polarities imparted to the nanotubes from the chemical functionalization. The results reveal that COOH–SWCNT is highly hydrophilic with the contact angle values dropping to less than 10° within 1 s from the contact of the water droplet onto the surface of COOH–SWCNT coated on a glass slide. However, in the case of sily–SWCNT, the contact angle value is stable at ∼140° for over 30 s from the initial contact time of the water droplet onto the surface of sily–SWCNT coated on a glass slide. This emphasizes the highly hydrophobic nature of the sily–SWCNT. The results from contact angle measurements are thoroughly discussed in Section S2 of the ESI.†
Wp = Wt − We | (1) |
PDMS is a viscoelastic material that retracts to its original dimensions upon the removal of an applied force. The incorporation of mechanically robust SWCNT in PDMS increases the plasticity of the elastic PDMS material and therefore enhances the overall viscoelastic mechanics.80–82 Fig. 4 is a plot of the average area under the curves indicating the Wp undergone by each of the samples. The plot represents the average of three Wp values of each sample along with the respective standard deviation. As expected, the area under the curve for PDMS–SWCNT polymer nanocomposite tends to increase with an increase in the amounts of SWCNT, even at very low SWCNT loadings.
While PDMS–SWCNT (sily) samples show an increasing trend in Wp with increasing sily–SWCNT loadings, it is interesting to note an increasing trend followed by a decreasing trend in the case of PDMS–SWCNT (COOH) samples. The increase followed by a decreasing trend in the Wp for COOH–SWCNT loaded PDMS samples at 1 wt% SWCNT loading can be attributed to the increased agglomeration of COOH–SWCNT in PDMS. As the dispersion and chemical adhesion of COOH–SWCNT with PDMS is not as good as that of sily–SWCNT (seconded using physical photos, FESEM analysis, and FTIR analysis in Section 3.1), COOH–SWCNT tends to form agglomerates in the PDMS matrix. This effectively reduces the homogeneity of COOH–SWCNT distribution on the surface. Agglomeration of COOH–SWCNT facilitates the nanoindentation tip to encounter larger chunks of COOH–SWCNT in some areas and neat PDMS in other areas as the reinforcement is not homogeneous. This leads to a lowering of the overall Wp of the PDMS–SWCNT (COOH) at a higher weight percentage COOH–SWCNT loading in PDMS.
![]() | (2) |
A box plot of the Ac of the tip across all points of analysis in a sample is depicted in Fig. 5. It can be observed from the box plot that the contact area of the tip is not consistent across all the samples though the depth of indentation (h) was constantly set to 1000 nm. Due to the inhomogeneity in the distribution of COOH–SWCNT in PDMS, the variance in the Ac is significantly high in neat PDMS and COOH–SWCNT samples. This can be attributed to the viscoelastic nature of PDMS. PDMS exhibits both viscous (flow-like) and elastic (spring-like) behaviors. The addition of SWCNT affects both the elastic and viscous nature of PDMS individually in the following ways:
(i) Elasticity (spring-like nature): by adding SWCNT to PDMS, the material is reinforced which often increases the elastic modulus (discussed in detail in the coming sections).
(ii) Viscosity (flow-like nature): viscosity is the ability of a fluid to flow or deform over time when subjected to an applied force or stress. This behavior is a result of the polymer chains sliding past each other. Upon addition of sily–SWCNT in PDMS which chemically bonded with PDMS chains, it restricts the flow of PDMS chains under the applied load, adding to the stiffness of the PDMS against the applied load.
Due to the better reinforcement of sily–SWCNT in PDMS, the samples offer a stiffer surface for the tip to establish a consistent contact area for the tip, unlike PDMS–SWCNT (COOH) samples. In line with this, the variance in the Ac values for PDMS–SWCNT (sily) is reducing with an increase in CNT concentration.
The Er was also determined using the Oliver–Pharr method:
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
Fig. 6(a) and (b) are box plots of Er and E calculated from the slope of the unloading curves in Fig. 3 for all the 50 points of analysis on the samples using eqn (3) and (4). From the box plots, it can be understood that the outliers and variance values are higher in COOH–SWCNT reinforced PDMS across 0.05, 0.5, and 1 wt% samples indicating the inhomogeneity in the reinforcement. As the chemical adhesion and dispersion of sily–SWCNT has improved in PDMS, the outliers and variance of the moduli values are much lesser. The mean, median, lower quartile value, upper quartile value, and variance (highlighted in italic font) are summarized from the box plots in Table 2. It can be understood that the variance values for Er and E are quantitatively lesser with improved surface mechanics for sily–SWCNT reinforced PDMS.
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Fig. 6 Box plots of (a) reduced elastic modulus (Er), (b) elastic modulus (E), (c) hardness (H) and (d) contact stiffness (Sc) estimated through nanoindentation analysis. |
S. no. | Sample name | Median | Mean | 25% lower quartile value | 75% upper quartile value | Variance |
(A) Reduced elastic modulus (Er) (MPa) | ||||||
1 | Neat PDMS | 4.59 | 5.02 | 4.43 | 5.45 | 1.02 |
2 | Sily (0.05 wt%) | 4.58 | 4.64 | 4.44 | 4.76 | 0.32 |
3 | COOH (0.05 wt%) | 7.53 | 7.6 | 6.91 | 8.05 | 1.14 |
4 | Sily (0.5 wt%) | 5.28 | 5.35 | 5.07 | 5.50 | 0.43 |
5 | COOH (0.5 wt%) | 7.04 | 7.12 | 6.78 | 7.29 | 0.51 |
6 | Sily (1 wt%) | 5.43 | 5.52 | 5.15 | 5.61 | 0.46 |
7 | COOH (1 wt%) | 0.91 | 0.07 | 0.87 | 1.01 | 0.14 |
![]() |
(B) Elastic modulus (E) (MPa) | ||||||
1 | Neat PDMS | 3.47 | 3.77 | 3.31 | 4.10 | 0.79 |
2 | Sily (0.05 wt%) | 3.44 | 3.48 | 3.33 | 3.57 | 0.24 |
3 | COOH (0.05 wt%) | 5.65 | 5.71 | 5.18 | 6.04 | 0.86 |
4 | Sily (0.5 wt%) | 3.96 | 4.02 | 3.80 | 4.12 | 0.32 |
5 | COOH (0.5 wt%) | 5.28 | 5.34 | 5.09 | 5.47 | 0.38 |
6 | Sily (1 wt%) | 4.07 | 4.15 | 3.86 | 4.21 | 0.35 |
7 | COOH (1 wt%) | 0.69 | 0.05 | 0.65 | 0.76 | 0.11 |
![]() |
(C) Hardness (H) (MPa) | ||||||
1 | Neat PDMS | 1.4 | 1.45 | 1.28 | 1.58 | 0.30 |
2 | Sily (0.05 wt%) | 1.41 | 1.42 | 1.35 | 1.49 | 0.14 |
3 | COOH (0.05 wt%) | 2.32 | 2.32 | 1.89 | 2.59 | 0.70 |
4 | Sily (0.5 wt%) | 1.54 | 1.56 | 1.43 | 1.68 | 0.25 |
5 | COOH (0.5 wt%) | 1.95 | 2.1 | 1.79 | 2.30 | 0.51 |
6 | Sily (1 wt%) | 1.53 | 1.58 | 1.44 | 1.62 | 0.18 |
7 | COOH (1 wt%) | 0.14 | 0.26 | 0.13 | 0.20 | 0.07 |
![]() |
(D) Contact stiffness (Sc) (μN nm−1) | ||||||
1 | Neat PDMS | 0.014 | 0.015 | 0.013 | 0.016 | 0.003 |
2 | Sily (0.05 wt%) | 0.014 | 0.014 | 0.013 | 0.014 | 0.001 |
3 | COOH (0.05 wt%) | 0.023 | 0.023 | 0.021 | 0.024 | 0.003 |
4 | Sily (0.5 wt%) | 0.016 | 0.016 | 0.015 | 0.016 | 0.001 |
5 | COOH (0.5 wt%) | 0.021 | 0.021 | 0.020 | 0.022 | 0.002 |
6 | Sily (1 wt%) | 0.016 | 0.016 | 0.016 | 0.017 | 0.001 |
7 | COOH (1 wt%) | 0.003 | 0.004 | 0.003 | 0.004 | 0.001 |
![]() | (5) |
The contact stiffness (Sc) is indicative of a material's ability to resist deformation under load.86 This information is crucial for predicting the structural integrity and long-term performance of PDMS–SWCNT composites in real-world applications. Understanding the Sc helps in designing PDMS–CNT composites with specific mechanical properties, optimizing them for various applications such as sensors, actuators, or biomedical devices. In applications where PDMS–SWCNT composites are used as sensors or actuators, the contact stiffness affects the sensitivity and responsiveness of the material.86–88 Sc is estimated by fitting a regression function to the upper part of the unloading curve. It is correlated using the following equation.
Sc = 2βAcπEr | (6) |
Based on the box plots in Fig. 6 and the variance values listed in Table 2, a variance plot is plotted in Fig. 7 to better understand the trend. It is interesting to note that across all the four surface mechanical properties discussed in this study, sily–SWCNT reinforced PDMS has lesser variance with respect to its respective COOH–SWCNT reinforced PDMS counterpart. This indicates the homogeneous dispersion of sily–SWCNT in PDMS up to a precision of 1 μm depth. The viscous nature of neat PDMS leads to an inconsistent stiffness across its surface. Reinforcing PDMS with sily–SWCNT has improved the homogeneity of SWCNT dispersion in PDMS and the localized stiffness of the composite. The viscoelasticity of sily–SWCNT reinforced PDMS has improved leading to lesser variance in the properties across different points in a sample.
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Fig. 7 Variance in the values of reduced elastic modulus (Er), elastic modulus (E), hardness (H), and contact stiffness (Sc) were tested at over 50 points on each sample. |
Based on these results, a schematic of the interaction of the nanoindentation tip with the PDMS–SWCNT composite samples is proposed in Fig. 8. Points A–H respectively represent random points of the nanoindentation test conducted on sily–SWCNT reinforced PDMS and points I–P respectively represent random points of the nanoindentation test conducted on COOH–SWCNT reinforced PDMS. Since the dispersion and chemical adhesion of sily–SWCNT are homogeneous in PDMS, the resistance offered by PDMS–SWCNT (sily) composite to the nanoindentation tip is uniform throughout the sample up to a precision of 1 μm depth.
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Fig. 8 Schematic of the interaction of nanoindentation tip with (I) sily–SWCNT reinforced PDMS, and (II) COOH–SWCNT reinforced PDMS. |
As the hydrophilic COOH–SWCNT did not chemically adhere to the hydrophobic PDMS matrix, COOH–SWCNT failed to homogeneously disperse in the PDMS matrix. This leads to the formation of COOH–SWCNT agglomerates in the PDMS matrix. In this system, the distribution of COOH–SWCNT in PDMS is inhomogeneous. This leads the nanoindentation tip to interact with agglomerates of COOH–SWCNT (more elastic) at some points and neat PDMS (more viscous) at other points. Due to this, the resistance offered by the composite to nanoindentation tip is inconsistent across the sample leading to a large variance and outliers in the measurements made across the sample at over 50 tests.
Table 3 is a literature review of the nanoindentation analysis conducted on CNT-reinforced PDMS samples. The table collates the information reported in previous studies and compares the loading–unloading plots obtained from the nanoindentation analyses using a Berkovich tip to understand the surface mechanical properties of PDMS–CNT-based composite structures. None of the previously reported studies have dealt with the analysis of nanoindentation plots of PDMS–CNT composites in detail. The results majorly discuss the improvement in the resistance to indentation force because of the incorporation of CNT in the matrix and the associated Wp in the plots.
S. no. | CNT wt% loading | PDMS thickness (μm) | PDMS base![]() ![]() |
Curing temperature and time | Depth of indentation (nm) | Maximum load (μN) | Plastic work (Wp) | Ref. |
1 | 0 | 3000 | 5![]() ![]() |
65 °C/1 h | 5000 nm | 80 | 191![]() |
49 |
2 | 0 | 45 | 15![]() ![]() |
80 °C/8 h | 5000 nm | 57 | 163![]() |
90 |
3 | 0 | 200 | 10![]() ![]() |
150 °C/15 min | 1000 nm | 13 | 8576 | 91 |
4 | 3 | 1000 nm | 20 | 11![]() |
5 | 0 | 500 | 10![]() ![]() |
70 °C/4 h | 1000 nm | 10 | 38![]() |
This work |
6 | 0.05-sily | 11 | 39![]() |
7 | 0.05-COOH | 14 | 46![]() |
8 | 0.5-sily | 11 | 41![]() |
9 | 0.5-COOH | 15 | 53![]() |
10 | 1-sily | 14 | 52![]() |
11 | 1-COOH | 12 | 48![]() |
This is one of the first studies to report the surface mechanical properties of the soft PDMS–SWCNT composite in detail with specific emphasis on elastic modulus (E), hardness (H), and contact stiffness (Sc). In addition, our study also emphasizes the statistical reliability of the measurements across different points on each sample. The results indicate that due to the surface functionalization of SWCNT and an efficient solvent-medicated dispersion process, the Wp values of the composites fabricated in this study are higher than the previously reported values.
It is convincing to note that the resistance to indentation force obtained in this study is comparable to the previous reports involving the same depth of indentation (1 μm). From the table, it is also understood that there are certain specific testing parameters during nanoindentation analysis that affect the output directly: (1) depth of indentation, (2) rate of loading and unloading of the tip, (3) thickness of the sample, and (4) sample formulation such as elastomer: curing agent ratio, curing cycle and fabrication process.
In the field of mechanobiology, surface mechanical forces play a key role in maintaining tissue functions of the cells developed on PDMS substrates during and after the developmental stage.5 As a result, the impairment of mechanical forces on the substrate can lead to various diseases such as cardiac hypertrophy,97,98 arthritis,99–101 asthma,102 osteoporosis,103 deafness,104,105 atherosclerosis,106 cancer,107 glaucoma,108 and muscular dystrophy.109 To quantify the surface and intracellular forces involved during tissue growth, PDMS, attributing to its tuneable mechanical properties and high refractive index, is one of the most used substrate materials to mark force fields in traction force microscopy (TFM) and microfabricated post array detectors (mPADs) in mechanobiology laboratories.5 With such high significance of the surface mechanics of PDMS in several biomedical applications, our test structures with homogeneously improved surface mechanical properties and a standard method to reliably quantify the variability in surface mechanical properties using nanoindentation analysis hold great potential in mechanobiology labs.
In addition to wearable devices and mechanobiology, the bulk photovoltaic effect (BPE) in 1D nanotubes fabricated from carbon nanomaterials and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMD) is reported to be commendable.110 Recent reports evaluate the effect of strain-induced efficiency improvement in the BPE by an order of 1.9× in 1D nanotubes made from TMD supported on flexible polyethylene terephthalate as a substrate.111,112 This enhances the potential application of SWCNT-reinforced PDMS both as a mechanically robust substrate material for photovoltaic applications and as an active flexible material for energy harvesting. While SWCNT can be used as an active photovoltaic material, SWCNT-reinforced PDMS with improved surface and bulk mechanics can be used for strain-induced enhanced photovoltaic applications after optimizing the concentration of SWCNT in flexible PDMS to achieve adequate photovoltaic response.
In this study, hydrophobic silane functionalization is improving the anchorage between SWCNT and PDMS promoting load transfer from the soft PDMS to the mechanically robust SWCNT. This enhances the overall mechanical endurance of the soft composite system. Future work in this direction involves the probing of the composite system at different depths using micro and nano scratch techniques to estimate the coefficient of friction and advanced fracture mechanics. In situ FESEM assisted nanoindentation experiments also hold high potential in revealing the fracture mechanics involved during the deformation of PDMS-based soft composite materials. PDMS–SWCNT composites with improved surface and macroscopic mechanical properties find extensive electromechanical applications in wearable devices, strain sensors, and electromagnetic interference shielding materials.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |