Issue 27, 2024

Electrically mediated self-assembly and manipulation of drops at an interface


The fluid–fluid interface is a complex environment for a floating object where the statics and dynamics may be governed by capillarity, gravity, inertia, and other external body forces. Yet, the alignment of these forces in intricate ways may result in beautiful pattern formation and self-assembly of these objects, as in the case of crystalline order observed with bubble rafts or colloidal particles. While interfacial self-assembly has been explored widely, controlled manipulation of floating objects, e.g. drops, at the fluid–fluid interface still remains a challenge largely unexplored. In this work, we reveal the self-assembly and manipulation of water drops floating at an oil–air interface. We show that the assembly occurs due to electrostatic interactions between the drops and their environment. We highlight the role of the boundary surrounding the system by showing that even drops with a net zero electric charge can self-assemble under certain conditions. Using experiments and theory, we show that the depth of the oil bath plays an important role in setting the distance between the self-assembled drops. Furthermore, we demonstrate ways to manipulate the drops actively and passively at the interface.

Graphical abstract: Electrically mediated self-assembly and manipulation of drops at an interface

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
03 maí 2024
15 jún. 2024
First published
01 júl. 2024

Soft Matter, 2024,20, 5417-5424

Electrically mediated self-assembly and manipulation of drops at an interface

P. R. Kaneelil, J. P. de Souza, G. Turk, A. A. Pahlavan and H. A. Stone, Soft Matter, 2024, 20, 5417 DOI: 10.1039/D4SM00531G

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