Issue 4, 2025

A layered basic zinc acetate coating for dendrite-free Zn anodes by interface environment regulation in aqueous zinc-ion batteries


Zinc metal is an excellent anode material due to its high theoretical capacity, low cost, good safety, and many other advantages. However, uncontrollable side reactions and dendrite growth remain significant challenges in developing aqueous zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs). Building artificial coatings is one of the most effective strategies for addressing these problems. Herein, porous layered basic zinc acetate nanosheets (LBZA) were innovatively constructed to protect zinc anodes (LBZA@Zn) against uncontrollable side reactions and dendrite growth in aqueous ZIBs. The hydrophobic and positively charged surface eventually constructs a local high-concentration region, thereby facilitating the dissociation and transport of Zn2+, as well as reducing the hydrogen evolution reaction and the by-product growth of the Zn anode. The LBZA@Zn∥LBZA@Zn symmetrical cell has a cycling stability of 1800 h at 2 mA cm−2 and 1 mA h cm−2. While the LBZA@Zn∥Cu cell maintains stable deposition of Zn2+ after 5000 cycles at 1 mA cm−2 and 0.5 mA h cm−2, with a high average coulombic efficiency of 99.91%. These findings provide new ideas for the construction of efficient artificial coatings.

Graphical abstract: A layered basic zinc acetate coating for dendrite-free Zn anodes by interface environment regulation in aqueous zinc-ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
01 nóv. 2024
07 jan. 2025
First published
15 jan. 2025

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025,12, 1427-1436

A layered basic zinc acetate coating for dendrite-free Zn anodes by interface environment regulation in aqueous zinc-ion batteries

Q. Cai, Z. Guan, Y. Hu, J. Zhang, K. Zhang and Z. Zheng, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, 12, 1427 DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02769H

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