Issue 38, 2018

In silico functional and tumor suppressor role of hypothetical protein PCNXL2 with regulation of the Notch signaling pathway


Since the last decade, various genome sequencing projects have led to the accumulation of an enormous set of genomic data; however, numerous protein-coding genes still need to be functionally characterized. These gene products are called “hypothetical proteins”. The hypothetical protein pecanex-like protein 2 Homo sapiens (PCNXL2) is found to be mutated in colorectal carcinoma with microsatellite instability; therefore, annotation of the function of PCNXL2 in tumorigenesis is very important. In the present study, bioinformatics analysis of PCNXL2 was performed at the molecular level to assess its role in the progression of cancer for designing new anti-cancer drugs. The retrieved sequence of PCNXL2 was functionally and structurally characterized through the web tools Pfam, Batch CD (conserved domain) search, ExPASy, COACH and I-TASSER directed for pathway analysis and design to explore the intercellular interactions of PCNXL2 involved in cancer development. The present study has shown that PCNXL2 encodes multi-pass transmembrane proteins whose tumor suppressor function may involve regulating Notch signaling by transporting protons across the membrane to provide suitable membrane potential for γ secretase function, which may liberate the Notch intracellular domain NICD from the receptor to inside the cell. Furthermore, domain A of PCNXL2 may exhibit nuclear transport activity of NICD from the cytoplasm to the nucleus through interaction with a nuclear localization signal that may act as an activator for Notch signaling in the nucleus. Conclusively, the tumor suppressor role of PCNXL2 by regulation of the Notch signaling pathway and its functional and structural characteristics are important findings. However, further studies are required to validate the putative role of PCNXL2 as a cancer biomarker in cancer development.

Graphical abstract: In silico functional and tumor suppressor role of hypothetical protein PCNXL2 with regulation of the Notch signaling pathway

Article information

Article type
20 jan. 2018
31 maí 2018
First published
12 jún. 2018
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2018,8, 21414-21430

In silico functional and tumor suppressor role of hypothetical protein PCNXL2 with regulation of the Notch signaling pathway

M. Naveed, K. Imran, A. Mushtaq, A. S. Mumtaz, H. A. Janjua and N. Khalid, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 21414 DOI: 10.1039/C8RA00589C

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