Issue 7, 2019

Challenges and opportunities for adsorption-based CO2 capture from natural gas combined cycle emissions


In recent years, the power sector has shown a growing reliance on natural gas, a cleaner-burning fuel than coal that emits approximately half as much CO2 per kW h of energy produced. This rapid growth in the consumption of natural gas has led to increased CO2 emissions from gas-fired power plants. To limit the contribution of fossil fuel combustion to atmospheric CO2 levels, carbon capture and sequestration has been proposed as a potential emission mitigation strategy. However, despite extensive exploration of solid adsorbents for CO2 capture, few studies have examined the performance of adsorbents in post-combustion capture processes specific to natural gas flue emissions. In this perspective, we emphasize the importance of considering gas-fired power plants alongside coal-fired plants in future analyses of carbon capture materials. We address specific challenges and opportunities related to adsorptive carbon capture from the emissions of gas-fired plants and discuss several promising candidate materials. Finally, we suggest experiments to determine the viability of new CO2 capture materials for this separation. This broadening in the scope of current carbon capture research is urgently needed to accelerate the deployment of transformational carbon capture technologies.

Graphical abstract: Challenges and opportunities for adsorption-based CO2 capture from natural gas combined cycle emissions

Article information

Article type
13 feb. 2019
08 maí 2019
First published
08 maí 2019

Energy Environ. Sci., 2019,12, 2161-2173

Challenges and opportunities for adsorption-based CO2 capture from natural gas combined cycle emissions

R. L. Siegelman, P. J. Milner, E. J. Kim, S. C. Weston and J. R. Long, Energy Environ. Sci., 2019, 12, 2161 DOI: 10.1039/C9EE00505F

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