Issue 7, 2023

Side-chain engineering of nonfullerene small-molecule acceptors for organic solar cells


Thanks to their broad absorption spectra, easily modifiable molecular energy levels and chemical structures, nonfullerene small-molecule acceptors (SMAs) have attracted significant attention in the recent decade. To date, SMAs and polymer donor-based organic solar cells (OSCs) have achieved power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of over 19%. During this time period, side-chain engineering has emerged as an effective method for enhancing the photovoltaic efficiency of the corresponding OSCs due to its simplicity and effectiveness in optimizing the physicochemical properties of nonfullerene SMAs. In this article, side-chain engineering of nonfullerene SMAs, including A–(π)–D–(π)–A-type SMAs and A–DA1D–A-type SMAs, is summarized. The general methods for modifying the side chains of SMAs and their pivotal structure–performance relationships are combined and highlighted. The future challenges and prospects for the further side-chain optimization of the SMAs are proposed.

Graphical abstract: Side-chain engineering of nonfullerene small-molecule acceptors for organic solar cells

Article information

Article type
Review Article
22 mar. 2023
11 maí 2023
First published
12 maí 2023

Energy Environ. Sci., 2023,16, 2732-2758

Side-chain engineering of nonfullerene small-molecule acceptors for organic solar cells

Z. Luo, T. Xu, C. Zhang and C. Yang, Energy Environ. Sci., 2023, 16, 2732 DOI: 10.1039/D3EE00908D

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