Issue 7, 2023

Discovery and development of botanical natural products and their analogues as therapeutics for ovarian cancer


Covering: 2015 through the end of July 2022

Ovarian cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting the female reproductive organs and has the highest mortality rate among gynecological cancers. Although botanical drugs and their derivatives, namely members of the taxane and camptothecin families, represent significant therapeutics currently available for the treatment of ovarian cancer, new drugs that have alternative mechanisms of action are still needed to combat the disease. For this reason, many efforts to identify additional novel compounds from botanical sources, along with the further development of existing therapeutics, have continued to appear in the literature. This review is designed to serve as a comprehensive look at both the currently available small-molecule therapeutic options and the recently reported botanically-derived natural products currently being studied and developed as potential future therapeutics that could one day be used against ovarian cancer. Specifically, key properties, structural features, and biological data are highlighted that are important for the successful development of potential agents. Recently reported examples are specifically discussed in the context of “drug discovery attributes,” including the presence of structure–activity relationship, mechanism of action, toxicity, and pharmacokinetic studies, to help indicate the potential for future development and to highlight where these compounds currently exist in the development process. The lessons learned from both the successful development of the taxanes and camptothecins, as well as the strategies currently being employed for new drug development, are expected to ultimately help guide the future development of botanical natural products for ovarian cancer.

Graphical abstract: Discovery and development of botanical natural products and their analogues as therapeutics for ovarian cancer

Article information

Article type
Review Article
20 des. 2022
First published
30 jún. 2023

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2023,40, 1250-1270

Discovery and development of botanical natural products and their analogues as therapeutics for ovarian cancer

B. K. Mize, A. Salvi, Y. Ren, J. E. Burdette and J. R. Fuchs, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2023, 40, 1250 DOI: 10.1039/D2NP00091A

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