Issue 10, 2023

Issues of phase segregation in wide-bandgap perovskites


Perovskite solar cells have attracted tremendous attention due to their rapid increase in efficiency and convenience of preparation. Among them, wide bandgap (WB) perovskites show advantages for tandem solar cell development and have become the most promising candidate for commercialization. However, stability issues crucially restrict the further development of WB perovskites. Due to their ionic nature, WB perovskites suffer severe photo-induced segregation and degradation under illumination. Therefore, in view of the above problems, we summarize the reasons for the instability of WB perovskites and discuss strategies for stability improvement. Finally, we provide prospects for the future development of WB perovskites.

Graphical abstract: Issues of phase segregation in wide-bandgap perovskites

Article information

Article type
Review Article
23 des. 2022
20 feb. 2023
First published
21 feb. 2023

Mater. Chem. Front., 2023,7, 1896-1911

Issues of phase segregation in wide-bandgap perovskites

Z. Cui, Q. Zhang, Y. Bai and Q. Chen, Mater. Chem. Front., 2023, 7, 1896 DOI: 10.1039/D2QM01341J

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