Issue 24, 2023

Multifunctional dielectric/optical response with broadband white light emission in a hybrid stannic halide crystal


The integration of switchable dielectrics and luminescent properties has significant application potential in emerging sensing and optoelectronic devices. Despite great progress in various colours, such as green, red, or yellow lights, the dielectric switching response equipped with intrinsic broadband white-light emission in a single material has been a very rare and ongoing challenge. Herein, we present an organic–inorganic hybrid crystal (TMPA)2SnCl6 (TMPA = 3-methoxypropylamine), which simultaneously exhibits a dual-channel electric/optical response with switchable dielectric biostability and broadband white light emission. This is a rare phenomenon among the reported switchable dielectric materials. Additionally, its analogue (TMPA)2SnBr6 displays a thermochromic phenomenon related to temperature-dependent [SnBr6] octahedral distortion. This study would provide constructive insights for exploring the integration of dual-channel optical/electrical response characteristics in a single material at the molecular level.

Graphical abstract: Multifunctional dielectric/optical response with broadband white light emission in a hybrid stannic halide crystal

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Research Article
17 júl. 2023
02 okt. 2023
First published
04 okt. 2023

Mater. Chem. Front., 2023,7, 6247-6253

Multifunctional dielectric/optical response with broadband white light emission in a hybrid stannic halide crystal

Q. Luo, H. Ni, P. Huang, M. Zhu, C. Wang, Q. Zhuo, D. Fu, Y. Zhang and Z. Zhang, Mater. Chem. Front., 2023, 7, 6247 DOI: 10.1039/D3QM00800B

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