Issue 21, 2024

Smart self-defensive coatings with bacteria-triggered antimicrobial response for medical devices


Bacterial colonization and biofilm formation on medical devices represent one of the most urgent and critical challenges in modern healthcare. These issues not only pose serious threats to patient health by increasing the risk of infections but also exert a considerable economic burden on national healthcare systems due to prolonged hospital stays and additional treatments. To address this challenge, there is a need for smart, customized biomaterials for medical device fabrication, particularly through the development of surface modification strategies that prevent bacterial adhesion and the growth of mature biofilms. This review explores three bioinspired approaches through which antibacterial and antiadhesive coatings can be engineered to exhibit smart, stimuli-responsive features. This responsiveness is greatly valuable as it provides the coatings with a controlled, on-demand antibacterial response that is activated only in the presence of bacteria, functioning as self-defensive coatings. Such coatings can be designed to release antibacterial agents or change their surface properties/conformation in response to specific stimuli, like changes in pH, temperature, or the presence of bacterial enzymes. This targeted approach minimizes the risk of developing antibiotic resistance and reduces the need for continuous, high-dose antibacterial treatments, thereby preserving the natural microbiome and further reducing healthcare costs. The final part of the review reports a critical analysis highlighting the potential improvements and future evolutions regarding antimicrobial self-defensive coatings and their validation.

Graphical abstract: Smart self-defensive coatings with bacteria-triggered antimicrobial response for medical devices

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Article information

Article type
Review Article
15 júl. 2024
07 sep. 2024
First published
25 sep. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Biomater. Sci., 2024,12, 5433-5449

Smart self-defensive coatings with bacteria-triggered antimicrobial response for medical devices

M. A. Cassa, P. Gentile, J. Girón-Hernández, G. Ciardelli and I. Carmagnola, Biomater. Sci., 2024, 12, 5433 DOI: 10.1039/D4BM00936C

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