Issue 94, 2024

Copper nanoclusters: emerging photoredox catalysts for organic bond formations


Advancements in fine chemical synthesis and drug discovery continuously demand the development of new and more efficient catalytic systems. In this regard, numerous transition metal-based catalysts have been developed and successfully applied in industrial processes. However, the need for innovative catalyst systems to further enhance the efficiency of chemical transformations and industrial applications persists. Metal nanoclusters (NCs) represent a distinct class of ultra-small nanoparticles (<3 nm) characterized by a precise number of metal atoms coordinated with a defined number of ligands. This structure confers abundant unsaturated active sites and unique electronic and optical properties, setting them apart from conventional nanoparticles or bulk metals. The well-defined structure and monodisperse nature of NCs make them particularly attractive for catalytic applications. Among these, copper-based nanoclusters have emerged as versatile and sustainable catalysts for challenging organic bond-forming reactions. Their unique properties, including natural abundance, accessible oxidation states, diverse ligand architectures, and strong photophysical characteristics, contribute to their growing prominence in this field. In this review, we discuss the photocatalytic activities of Cu-based nanoclusters, focusing on their applications in cross-coupling reactions (C–C and C–N), click reactions, multicomponent couplings, and oxidation reactions.

Graphical abstract: Copper nanoclusters: emerging photoredox catalysts for organic bond formations

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
15 sep. 2024
06 nóv. 2024
First published
12 nóv. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Commun., 2024,60, 13858-13866

Copper nanoclusters: emerging photoredox catalysts for organic bond formations

A. Sagadevan, K. Murugesan, O. M. Bakr and M. Rueping, Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 13858 DOI: 10.1039/D4CC04774E

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