Issue 1, 2024

Sulfonyldibenzoate coordination polymers as bioactive dopants for polysaccharide films with antibacterial and antibiofilm properties


This work describes the preparation, characterization, and antimicrobial properties of bioactive silver(I) and copper(II) coordination polymers (bioCPs) and derived biopolymer materials. Two bioCPs, [Ag26-sdba)]n (1) and [Cu(μ4-sdba)H2O]n·1.5nH2O (2), were assembled from metal salt precursors and 4,4′-sulfonyldibenzoic acid (H2sdba). Both compounds were used as dopants for preparing hybrid biopolymer films based on agarose (AGR) or potato starch (PS) as model polysaccharide biopolymers with varying rates of degradability and silver/copper release. BioCPs and derived biopolymer films (1@[AGR]n, 2@[AGR]n, 1@[PS]n, and 2@[PS]n) with a low loading of dopant (1–5 wt%) show promising antibacterial activity against Gram-positive (S. aureus and S. epidermidis) and Gram-negative (E. coli and P. aeruginosa) bacteria. Silver-doped biopolymer films also totally impair the formation of bacterial biofilms, with undetectable biofilm cells in several cases (∼7.5 log or 99.99999% inhibition). By reporting new bioCPs and biopolymer films obtained from renewable polysaccharides, this multidisciplinary work extends the application of coordination compounds as components of hybrid functional materials with antimicrobial properties and prospective biomedical relevance.

Graphical abstract: Sulfonyldibenzoate coordination polymers as bioactive dopants for polysaccharide films with antibacterial and antibiofilm properties

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Article type
02 ágú. 2023
01 nóv. 2023
First published
02 nóv. 2023
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024,1, 98-109

Sulfonyldibenzoate coordination polymers as bioactive dopants for polysaccharide films with antibacterial and antibiofilm properties

T. A. Fernandes, F. Macedo, R. G. Cabral, T. Guiu, C. H. J. Franco, P. Jorge, A. C. Sousa, V. André, N. Cerca and A. M. Kirillov, RSC Appl. Interfaces, 2024, 1, 98 DOI: 10.1039/D3LF00123G

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