Issue 21, 2024

Polyethylene glycol-decorated n-type conducting polymers with improved ion accessibility for high-performance organic electrochemical transistors


High-performance n-type organic mixed ionic-electronic conductors (OMIECs) are essential for advancing complementary circuits based on organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs). Despite significant progress, current n-type OMIECs often exhibit lower transconductance and slower response times compared to their p-type counterparts, limiting the development of OECT-based complementary circuits. Optimizing the conjugated backbone and side chain structures of OMIECs is critical for enhancing both ion and electron transport efficiencies while maintaining a delicate balance between the two. In this study, hydrophilic polyethylene glycol (PEG) side chains were incorporated into the highly conductive n-type polymer poly(3,7-dihydrobenzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]difuran-2,6-dione) (PBFDO) backbone to achieve this goal. The incorporation of PEG chains improved ion accessibility, and by adjusting the PEG content, the electronic and ionic transport properties were fine-tuned, ultimately enhancing the performance of OECTs and related p–n complementary circuits. The n-type OECTs based on PBFDO-PEG50wt% demonstrated exceptional transfer characteristics, including a transient response time (τON) as low as 72 μs, a high geometry-normalized transconductance exceeding 400 S cm−1, and an impressive μC* value surpassing 720 F cm−1 V−1 s−1. Notably, the use of PBFDO-PEG50wt% in a complementary inverter resulted in a voltage gain of 20 V/V, more than five times higher than that achieved with unmodified PBFDO (<4 V/V). These findings highlight the importance of balancing electron and ion transport characteristics in OMIECs to achieve high performance in OECTs and their associated circuits, and they validate PEG decoration as an effective approach.

Graphical abstract: Polyethylene glycol-decorated n-type conducting polymers with improved ion accessibility for high-performance organic electrochemical transistors

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Article type
26 júl. 2024
09 ágú. 2024
First published
13 ágú. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Mater. Horiz., 2024,11, 5419-5428

Polyethylene glycol-decorated n-type conducting polymers with improved ion accessibility for high-performance organic electrochemical transistors

H. Tang, Y. Liang, C. Yang, X. Luo, J. Yu, K. Zhang, S. Fabiano and F. Huang, Mater. Horiz., 2024, 11, 5419 DOI: 10.1039/D4MH00979G

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