Issue 25, 2024

PExM: polyplex expansion microscopy for cell trafficking studies


Nanomedicine is a field at the intersection of nanotechnology and medicine, promising due to its potential to revolutionize healthcare. Despite its long trajectory, there is still a long road ahead for its full development, and smart design of nanomedicines is still a challenge. Among other problems, this is due to the scarcity of tools available for the precise visualization and comprehension of nano–bio interactions, impeding progress towards the clinical phase. One of the developed tools that stands out to be a strong nanoscopy technique for studying nano-delivery systems within cellular environments is expansion microscopy (ExM). This technique was used for tissue and cell expansion and most recently for lipid molecule expansion inside cells. Herein, we present for the first time polyplex expansion microscopy (PExM); a comprehensive examination of ExM as an already developed technique, but adapted for expanding polymer based nanocarriers, in particular polyplexes within cells, allowing the analysis of their trafficking. With our method set up, PExM will be extensively used for the study of polyplex nanoparticle cell trafficking, becoming a high-resolution technique which can also be applied to primary amine containing polymeric nanoparticles without requiring expensive super-resolution microscopes.

Graphical abstract: PExM: polyplex expansion microscopy for cell trafficking studies

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Article type
03 mar. 2024
01 jún. 2024
First published
03 jún. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 11969-11976

PExM: polyplex expansion microscopy for cell trafficking studies

M. Navalón-López, P. Castells-Colldeforns, S. Pujals, C. Fornaguera and S. Borrós, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 11969 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR00917G

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