Issue 31, 2024

“Clicking” trimeric peptides onto hybrid T8POSS nanocages and identifying synthesis limitations


Macromolecule branching upon polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) via “click” chemistry has previously been reported for promoting natural biological responses in vitro, particularly when regarding their demonstrated biocompatibility and structural robustness as potential macromolecule anchoring points. However, “clicking” of large molecules around POSS structures uncovers two main challenges: (1) a synthetic challenge encompassing multi-covalent attachment of macromolecules to a single nanoscale-central position, and (2) purification and separation of fully adorned nanocages from those that are incomplete due to their similar physical characteristics. Here we present peptide decoration to a T8POSS nanocage through the attachment of azido-modified trimers. Triglycine- and trialanine-methyl esters “clicked” to 97% and 92% completion, respectively, resulting in 84% and 68% yields of the fully-adorned octamers. The “clicks” halt within 27-h of the reaction time, and efforts to further increase the octamer yield were of negligible benefit. Exploration of reaction conditions reveals multiple factors preventing full octa-arm modification to all available POSS nanocages, and offers insights into macromolecule attachment between both peptides and small inorganic-organic structures, all of which require consideration for future work of this nature.

Graphical abstract: “Clicking” trimeric peptides onto hybrid T8POSS nanocages and identifying synthesis limitations

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Article type
17 apr. 2024
03 júl. 2024
First published
11 júl. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 14802-14812

“Clicking” trimeric peptides onto hybrid T8POSS nanocages and identifying synthesis limitations

L. R. Anderson, A. P. Hunter, M. J. Kershaw, S. Y. Bylikin, J. Bowen, P. G. Taylor, M. A. Birchall and N. Mehrban, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 14802 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR01685H

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