Issue 24, 2024

Non-conventional luminescent π-organogels with a rigid chemical structure


Low-molecular-weight organogels (LMWGs) with π-conjugated structures typically exhibit excellent photoluminescent properties and have significant potential in optoelectronic materials, sensing, and detection applications due to their large specific surface areas and high sensitivity. Conventional organogelators usually contain multiple amide bonds and long flexible chains to facilitate gelation. In contrast, non-conventional π-conjugated organogelators lack flexible chains, offering enhanced atomic economy. Furthermore, the suppression of non-radiative decay caused by the motion of flexible units could lead to higher emission efficiency. Notably, recent research has indicated that rigid chemical structures are essential for achieving ultra-long room-temperature phosphorescence (RTP) in organogels. This review highlights the structures, photoluminescent properties, and applications of non-conventional LMWGs, and discusses future perspectives and challenges in this emerging field.

Graphical abstract: Non-conventional luminescent π-organogels with a rigid chemical structure

Article information

Article type
Review Article
19 sep. 2024
30 okt. 2024
First published
31 okt. 2024

Mater. Chem. Front., 2024,8, 4029-4048

Non-conventional luminescent π-organogels with a rigid chemical structure

S. Chen, D. Luo, P. Geng, H. Lan and S. Xiao, Mater. Chem. Front., 2024, 8, 4029 DOI: 10.1039/D4QM00811A

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