Issue 20, 2024

Nickel/ligand loading-controlled divergent and selective coupling between redox-active methylenecyclopropanes and ArBr


Divergent and selective synthesis has been widely achieved in transition-metal-catalyzed reactions through a ligand property tuning strategy. However, ligand-loading-controlled divergent synthesis has rarely been reported. Due to changes in ligand loading, different metal complexes should be formed and exhibit diverse catalytic properties. Herein, we disclose a Ni/photoredox-catalyzed divergent and selective coupling between redox-active methylenecyclopropanes and aryl bromides through ligand loading adjustment, providing ranges of alkyne derivatives and dibenzylethylene derivatives. Two different catalytic cycles are proposed to demonstrate the generation of two sets of products, where homopropargyl radicals and nickelacyclobutane species should be crucial intermediates in the corresponding catalytic cycle, respectively.

Graphical abstract: Nickel/ligand loading-controlled divergent and selective coupling between redox-active methylenecyclopropanes and ArBr

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
22 júl. 2024
24 ágú. 2024
First published
28 ágú. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Org. Chem. Front., 2024,11, 5720-5730

Nickel/ligand loading-controlled divergent and selective coupling between redox-active methylenecyclopropanes and ArBr

B. Mao, X. Zhang, X. Bi, X. Yang, M. Shi and Y. Wei, Org. Chem. Front., 2024, 11, 5720 DOI: 10.1039/D4QO01346H

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