Issue 42, 2024

A 3D printed dual screen-printed electrode separation device for twin electrochemical mini-cell establishment


We describe a tiny 3D-printed polymethyl-methacrylate-based plastic sleeve that houses two disposable screen-printed electrodes (SPE) and enables each of the working electrodes (WEs) to work independently, on a different side of a thin barrier, in its own electrochemical (EC) mini-cell, while the SPE counter and reference units are shared for electroanalysis. Optical and EC performance tests proved that the plastic divider between WE1 and WE2 efficiently inhibited solution mixing between the mini-cells. The two neighboring, independently operating mini-cells enabled matched differential measurements in the same sample solution, a tactic designed for elimination of electrochemical interference in complex samples. In a proof-of-principle glucose biosensor trial, a glucose oxidase-modified WE2 and an unmodified WE1 delivered the EC data for the removal of anodic ascorbic acid (AA) interference simply by subtracting the WE1 (background) current from the analyte-specific WE2 current (from buffered sample solution supplemented with glucose/AA), at an anodic H2O2 detection potential of +1 V. The microfabricated SPE accessory is cheap and easy to make and use. For the many dual electrode SPE strips on the market for multiple analytical targets the new device widens the options for their exploitation in assays of biological and environmental samples with complex matrix compositions and significant risks of interference.

Graphical abstract: A 3D printed dual screen-printed electrode separation device for twin electrochemical mini-cell establishment

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Article type
15 ágú. 2024
10 sep. 2024
First published
26 sep. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 30830-30835

A 3D printed dual screen-printed electrode separation device for twin electrochemical mini-cell establishment

T. Thaweeskulchai, W. Prempinij and A. Schulte, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 30830 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA05929H

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