Issue 47, 2024

Effective BPA degradation in water: the integration of bimetallic UiO-66 Ce–Zr


In this work, a bimetallic MOF UiO-66 Ce–Zr to degrade bisphenol A (BPA) in water was synthesised. The material exhibited a remarkable degradation efficiency of 84.3% under UV irradiation for 240 minutes. Combining cerium (Ce) and zirconium (Zr) in the MOF structure enhanced the catalytic activity and reinforced its structural stability. Comprehensive characterisation was performed using PXRD, FT-IR, SEM-EDS, XPS, and N₂ adsorption–desorption isotherms. Scavenger tests confirmed that hydroxyl (˙OH) and superoxide (˙O₂⁻) radicals played a crucial role in the photocatalysis. The material demonstrated excellent reusability, maintaining high performance over three cycles with minimal structural changes. Furthermore, a toxicological evaluation of the degradation by-products was conducted using UPLC-MS, reaffirming the potential of the material as an efficient water treatment system. This study underscores the potential of UiO-66 Ce–Zr as a stable and effective photocatalyst for water treatment applications, particularly in removing emerging pollutants such as BPA.

Graphical abstract: Effective BPA degradation in water: the integration of bimetallic UiO-66 Ce–Zr

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Article type
07 sep. 2024
21 okt. 2024
First published
04 nóv. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 35090-35096

Effective BPA degradation in water: the integration of bimetallic UiO-66 Ce–Zr

L. M. Gallo, J. L. Obeso, N. S. Portillo-Vélez, C. E. Garduño-Albino, C. V. Flores, L. Herrera-Zuñiga, A. Islas-Jácome, R. A. Peralta and C. Leyva, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 35090 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA06460G

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