Issue 13, 2024

Nanoparticle-directed bimodal crystallization of the quasi-1D van der Waals phase, Bi4I4


Anisotropy often yields unexpected structures and properties in the solid state. In van der Waals (vdW) solids comprised of 1D or quasi-1D (q-1D) building blocks, anisotropy in both intra- and inter-chain directions results in an abundance of crystalline packing motifs and drastically altered physical states. Among these, structurally and chemically complex 1D/q-1D vdW solids that display topologically protected states, unique optical properties, and enhanced electrical transport properties in 1D are sought after owing to their potential as building blocks for next-generation quantum devices that approach the sub-nanometer regime. Yet, the access to such facet- and edge-specific physical states is still limited by the stochastic nature of micromechanical exfoliation. Here, we demonstrate that the representative Bi4I4 phase, an established pnictohalide q-1D vdW topological insulator in the bulk, can be crystallized from the vapor phase either into well-defined nanowires or quasi-2D nanosheets. We find that gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) on the growth substrate, in conjunction with the highly anisotropic structure of Bi4I4 common to many q-1D vdW crystals, direct the dimensionality of high-purity Bi4I4 nanostructures. Systematic variation of Au NP diameters, Bi : I precursor ratios, and growth-deposition temperatures reveal that Au NPs generally act as nucleation sites for vapor–solid (VS) growth of Bi4I4 nanowires. Strikingly, post-synthesis analyses of the elemental composition of 20 nm Au NPs on the substrate surface show an equisotichiometric 1 : 1 ratio of Bi to I within the Au NP that triggers the vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) growth of [001]-oriented quasi-2D nanosheets comprised of laterally-ordered [Bi4I4]n chains along the perpendicular [100] direction. We rationalize the observed bimodal growth pathways and the morphologically distinct nanostructures based on crystallization habits and orientations of the nanostructures, Bi : I ratios in the resulting Au NPs post-synthesis, and the orientation of stereochemically active Bi lone pairs between adjacent chains. We anticipate that these growth pathways are adaptable to the synthesis of emergent halide- and chalcogen-based 1D vdW nanocrystals with diverse physical and quantum properties.

Graphical abstract: Nanoparticle-directed bimodal crystallization of the quasi-1D van der Waals phase, Bi4I4

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
02 des. 2023
18 feb. 2024
First published
19 feb. 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 4811-4823

Nanoparticle-directed bimodal crystallization of the quasi-1D van der Waals phase, Bi4I4

S. J. Allison, D. L. M. Cordova, M. Hasib, T. Aoki and M. Q. Arguilla, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 4811 DOI: 10.1039/D3SC06456E

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