Issue 46, 2024

Selective hydrogenolysis of the Csp2–O bond in the furan ring using hydride–proton pairs derived from hydrogen spillover


Selective hydrogenolysis of biomass-derived furanic compounds is a promising approach for synthesizing aliphatic polyols by opening the furan ring. However, there remains a significant need for highly efficient catalysts that selectively target the Csp2–O bond in the furan ring, as well as for a deeper understanding of the fundamental atomistic mechanisms behind these reactions. In this study, we present the use of Pt–Fe bimetallic catalysts supported on layered double hydroxides [PtFex/LDH] for the hydrogenolysis of furanic compounds into aliphatic alcohols, achieving over 90% selectivity toward diols and triols. Our findings reveal that the synergy between Pt nanoparticles, atomically dispersed Pt sites and the support facilitates the formation of hydride-proton pair at the Ptδ+⋯O2− Lewis acid–base unit of PtFex/LDH through hydrogen spillover. The hydride specifically targets the Csp2–O bond in the furan ring, initiating an SN2 reaction and ring cleavage. Moreover, the presence of Fe improves the yield of desired alcohols by inhibiting the adsorption of vinyl groups, thereby suppressing the hydrogenation of the furan ring.

Graphical abstract: Selective hydrogenolysis of the Csp2–O bond in the furan ring using hydride–proton pairs derived from hydrogen spillover

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Article information

Article type
Edge Article
27 ágú. 2024
25 okt. 2024
First published
28 okt. 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 19283-19289

Selective hydrogenolysis of the Csp2–O bond in the furan ring using hydride–proton pairs derived from hydrogen spillover

F. Peng, B. Zhang, R. Zhao, S. Liu, Y. Wu, S. Xu, L. L. Keenan, H. Liu, Q. Qian, T. Wu, H. Yang, Z. Liu, J. Li, B. Chen, X. Kang and B. Han, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 19283 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC05751A

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