Issue 39, 2024

Lipid lateral diffusion: mechanisms and modulators


The lateral diffusion of lipids within a membrane is of paramount importance, serving as a central mechanism in numerous physiological processes including cell signaling, membrane trafficking, protein activity regulation, and energy transduction pathways. This review offers a comprehensive overview of lateral lipid diffusion in model biomembrane systems explored through the lens of neutron scattering techniques. We examine diverse models of lateral diffusion and explore the various factors influencing this fundamental process in membrane dynamics. Additionally, we offer a thorough summary of how different membrane-active compounds, including drugs, antioxidants, stimulants, and membrane proteins, affect lipid lateral diffusion. Our analysis unveils the intricate interplay between these additives and membranes, shedding light on their dynamic interactions. We elucidate that this interaction is governed by a complex combination of multiple factors including the physical state and charge of the membrane, the concentration of additives, the molecular architecture of the compounds, and their spatial distribution within the membrane. In conclusion, we briefly discuss the future directions and areas requiring further investigation in the realm of lateral lipid diffusion, highlighting the need to study more realistic membrane systems.

Graphical abstract: Lipid lateral diffusion: mechanisms and modulators

Article information

Article type
Review Article
17 maí 2024
09 sep. 2024
First published
10 sep. 2024

Soft Matter, 2024,20, 7763-7796

Lipid lateral diffusion: mechanisms and modulators

V. K. Sharma, H. Srinivasan, J. Gupta and S. Mitra, Soft Matter, 2024, 20, 7763 DOI: 10.1039/D4SM00597J

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