Issue 12, 2024

Green gold: prospects of lignin in organic electronics and bioelectronics


Lignin, a complex aromatic polymer from plant cell walls, has emerged as a promising material for organic electronics and bioelectronics due to its abundance, low cost, and renewability. Its unique chemical structure allows for the development of flexible, lightweight devices in organic electronics, from printed circuit boards, batteries and supercapacitors to field-effect transistors and solar cells, while its biocompatibility and low toxicity make it ideal for bioelectronic applications like in biosensors, artificial neural networks and cognitive computing. This perspective highlights lignin's potential to address sustainability challenges in the electronics industry and explores its current advancements and future prospects in these fields.

Graphical abstract: Green gold: prospects of lignin in organic electronics and bioelectronics

Article information

Article type
07 ágú. 2024
27 okt. 2024
First published
29 okt. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Sustain., 2024,2, 3769-3781

Green gold: prospects of lignin in organic electronics and bioelectronics

L. Tronci and A. Marrocchi, RSC Sustain., 2024, 2, 3769 DOI: 10.1039/D4SU00452C

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