Issue 13, 2024

A surface passivated fluorinated polymer nanocomposite for carbon monoxide resistant plasmonic hydrogen sensing


Plasmonic hydrogen sensors are promising safety monitoring devices for the emerging hydrogen economy provided a fast response time and poisoning resistance can be achieved. Nanocomposites composed of palladium nanoparticles embedded in a polymer matrix facilitate rapid hydrogen diffusion if a fluorinated polymer is used, while a denser polymer such as atactic poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) facilitates a high degree of gas selectivity. However, nanocomposites that combine a fast response with poisoning resistance have not yet been realized. Here, these two properties are achieved simultaneously by modifying the surface of a fluorinated polymer nanocomposite with a thin PMMA coating, which functions as a molecular sieve that effectively blocks carbon monoxide. The resulting surface passivated nanocomposite shows a high degree of poisoning resistance without compromising a fast sensing response of 2–3 seconds upon exposure to 100 mbar of hydrogen. The sensor signal and response are preserved over 55 cycles of synthetic air containing 5% hydrogen and 500 ppm of carbon monoxide, indicating that nanocomposites are a viable approach for the realization of robust hydrogen sensors.

Graphical abstract: A surface passivated fluorinated polymer nanocomposite for carbon monoxide resistant plasmonic hydrogen sensing

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Article type
03 jan. 2024
19 feb. 2024
First published
29 feb. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 7906-7915

A surface passivated fluorinated polymer nanocomposite for carbon monoxide resistant plasmonic hydrogen sensing

I. Östergren, I. Darmadi, S. Lerch, R. R. da Silva, M. Craighero, S. H. K. Paleti, K. Moth-Poulsen, C. Langhammer and C. Müller, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 7906 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA00055B

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