Issue 39, 2024

Gram-scale production of vertically aligned holey graphene nanosheet arrays derived from a renewable biomass precursor via a facile hydrothermal/salt-assisted pyrolysis method for aqueous high-performance redox supercapacitors


Herein, we developed a facile method for the gram-scale production of high-quality vertically aligned graphene nanosheet arrays (VAGNAs) named as hydrothermal/salt-assisted pyrolysis (HSP) for constructing high-performance redox supercapacitors. VAGNAs were fabricated on a large scale using HSP from low-cost, green and renewable biomass instead of fossil gas precursors; no expensive instrument or extra substrate was required. The key fabrication process parameters were screened and optimized, including the pretreatment method, selected salts and pyrolysis temperature. The as-fabricated VAGNAs exhibit outstanding properties, including high graphitization degree, thin nanosheets, good hydrophilicity and a hierarchically porous structure. The as-fabricated VAGNAs were employed as electrodes to construct redox supercapacitors. The VAGNA electrodes possess an ultrahigh specific capacitance of 3148 F g−1 in 1.0 M KOH electrolyte with the addition of 0.10 M K3Fe(CN)6. The assembled symmetrical redox supercapacitor based on VAGNA-L-1000 delivers a high specific capacitance of 92.8 F g−1 at 1 A g−1 under a wide operation potential window of 2.0 V and high energy density of 36.7 W h kg−1 at a power density of 712 W kg−1. The present study highlights the large-scale synthesis of high-value added nanocarbons derived from renewable biomass for developing high-performance supercapacitors with high energy density in an economical way.

Graphical abstract: Gram-scale production of vertically aligned holey graphene nanosheet arrays derived from a renewable biomass precursor via a facile hydrothermal/salt-assisted pyrolysis method for aqueous high-performance redox supercapacitors

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Article information

Article type
27 feb. 2024
16 ágú. 2024
First published
17 ágú. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 26687-26706

Gram-scale production of vertically aligned holey graphene nanosheet arrays derived from a renewable biomass precursor via a facile hydrothermal/salt-assisted pyrolysis method for aqueous high-performance redox supercapacitors

Q. Yang, S. Liu, Q. Li, L. Wu, B. Zhou, Z. Wang, Z. Huang, H. Yang and M. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 26687 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA01328J

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