Issue 25, 2024

Phase engineering to construct In2S3 heterophase junctions and abundant active boundaries and surfaces for efficient Pyro-PEC performance in CdS/In2S3


Metal sulfide photoelectrodes are considered as common catalysts for PEC water splitting, but their instability and carrier density limitations still restrict their applications. Phase modification plays a vital role in improving photocatalytic efficiency. Here, we successfully constructed In2S3 heterophase junctions in CdS/In2S3 heterojunctions by phase modulation engineering for efficient pyro-photoelectrochemical catalytic (Pyro-PEC) water splitting. The experimental results show that the CdS/In2S3 generated by phase engineering displays a high current density of 3.52 mA cm−2 at 1.23 V vs. RHE under the Pyro-PEC conditions, which is a 14.67-fold enhancement of bare CdS under the photoelectrocatalytic conditions, and exhibits a 63.98% bulk transport capacity, which is a 49.51% enhancement of bare CdS under photoelectrocatalytic conditions, and the stability also improved very well. This is due to the fact that photoelectrodes with heterojunctions and heterophase junctions formed abundant phase boundaries and active surfaces to promote catalytic reactions, and enhanced the polarization force to optimize the pyroelectric performance, which ultimately achieved excellent pyro-photoelectrochemical performance. This work provides evidence for the effect of phase engineering on photoelectric and pyroelectric properties, and provides a simple and effective method for modulating the phase structure for photoanodes using hydrothermal methods.

Graphical abstract: Phase engineering to construct In2S3 heterophase junctions and abundant active boundaries and surfaces for efficient Pyro-PEC performance in CdS/In2S3

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Article information

Article type
02 mar. 2024
06 maí 2024
First published
08 maí 2024

J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024,12, 15440-15452

Phase engineering to construct In2S3 heterophase junctions and abundant active boundaries and surfaces for efficient Pyro-PEC performance in CdS/In2S3

X. Chen, M. Ruan, C. Wang, T. Zhong and Z. Liu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2024, 12, 15440 DOI: 10.1039/D4TA01455C

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