Issue 7, 2024

Schottky heterojunction CeO2@MXene nanosheets with synergistic type I and type II PDT for anti-osteosarcoma


Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has shown great potential for tumor treatment as the method is noninvasive, highly selective, and causes minimal side effects. However, conventional type II PDT, which relies on 1O2, presents poor therapeutic efficacy for hypoxic tumors due to its reliance on oxygen. Here, CeO2/Ti3C2-MXene (CeO2@MXene) hybrids were successfully designed by growing CeO2in situ using Ti3C2-MXene (MXene) nanosheets. CeO2@MXene serves as a reduction–oxidation (REDOX) center due to the presence of Ce in the lattice of CeO2 nanoparticles. This REDOX center reacts with H2O2 to generate oxygen and weakens the hypoxic tumor cell environment, achieving type II PDT. At the same time, many other ROS (such as ⋅O2 and ⋅OH) can be produced via a type I photodynamic mechanism (electron transfer process). The CeO2@MXene heterojunction performs nanoenzymatic functions for synergistic type I and type II PDT, which improves cancer treatment.

Graphical abstract: Schottky heterojunction CeO2@MXene nanosheets with synergistic type I and type II PDT for anti-osteosarcoma

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Article information

Article type
30 nóv. 2023
13 jan. 2024
First published
16 jan. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024,12, 1816-1825

Schottky heterojunction CeO2@MXene nanosheets with synergistic type I and type II PDT for anti-osteosarcoma

B. Zheng, R. Zhang, F. Kuang, T. Hui, C. Fu, L. Zhang, C. Zhou, M. Qiu and B. Yue, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2024, 12, 1816 DOI: 10.1039/D3TB02835F

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