Issue 13, 2024

Novel valleytronic and piezoelectric properties coexisting in Janus MoAZ3H (A = Si, or Ge; Z = N, P, or As) monolayers


In this paper, for the newly proposed two-dimensional (2D) Janus MoAZ3H (A = Si, or Ge; Z = N, P, or As) monolayer (ML) materials, we theoretically explore the valleytronic and piezoelectric properties using first-principles calculations. The calculated results show that Janus MoAZ3H MLs have obvious valleytronic properties due to the broken inversion symmetry and strong spin–orbit coupling (SOC) effects, and the spin-valley coupling of MoAZ3H MLs can be enhanced from 173 to 283 meV by changing the A or Z element, comparable to the corresponding MoA2Z4 MLs. The non-zero Berry curvatures with opposite signs at the K and K′ points can induce the valley Hall effect. Furthermore, Janus MoAZ3H MLs exhibit obvious in-plane and out-of-plane piezoelectric responses, and their independent d11 and d31 piezoelectric coefficients range from 1.62 to 8.60 pm V−1 and from 0.058 to 0.325 pm V−1, respectively. This piezoelectricity is much stronger than those of the corresponding MoA2Z4 and MoSiGeN4 MLs, attributed to the unique Janus structure of the MoAZ3H MLs. More importantly, strain can tailor both the spin-valley coupling and piezoelectricity of the MoAZ3H MLs. Our findings not only enrich the excellent properties of the MoAZ3H MLs, but also indicate a direction for their application in valleytronics and energy conversion devices.

Graphical abstract: Novel valleytronic and piezoelectric properties coexisting in Janus MoAZ3H (A = Si, or Ge; Z = N, P, or As) monolayers

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Article information

Article type
14 jan. 2024
01 mar. 2024
First published
01 mar. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 4682-4689

Novel valleytronic and piezoelectric properties coexisting in Janus MoAZ3H (A = Si, or Ge; Z = N, P, or As) monolayers

X. Cai, G. Chen, R. Li, Z. Pan and Y. Jia, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 4682 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC00188E

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