Issue 37, 2024

3D-(p/p/n) NiO/NiWO4/WO3 heterostructures for the selective detection of ozone


We propose 3D branched-like NiO/NiWO4/WO3 nano-heterostructures for the selective detection of ozone (O3) at ppb levels, which is crucial for environmental and public health protection. These complex nano-heterostructures were fabricated using a combination of the vapor–liquid–solid and vapor–solid mechanisms, during which the reaction between NiO and WO3 leads to the formation of an intermediate seed, i.e., NiWO4. By controlling the charge transport within the nano-heterostructure through modulation of the operating temperature, sensors demonstrated highly selective sensing performances toward O3 compared to NiO and WO3 nanowire sensors. At 300 °C, a response as high as 4709 ± 9 was observed for 300 ppb of O3 gas. In fact, we were able to achieve high selectivity toward O3 compared to other highly reactive oxidizing compounds such as NO2. Due to their remarkable sensing performance, these heterostructures are leading candidates for the fabrication of future-generation miniaturized sensing devices for environmental and/or health monitoring.

Graphical abstract: 3D-(p/p/n) NiO/NiWO4/WO3 heterostructures for the selective detection of ozone

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Article type
16 apr. 2024
08 ágú. 2024
First published
08 ágú. 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 14893-14901

3D-(p/p/n) NiO/NiWO4/WO3 heterostructures for the selective detection of ozone

N. Kaur and E. Comini, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 14893 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC01561D

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