Issue 45, 2024

Biomaterials for flexible pressure sensors: innovations and advancements


The burgeoning market for flexible pressure sensors has been invigorated by their enhanced performance and wearability, paving the way for innovative applications in wearable electronics and biomedical devices. In this domain, biomaterials have risen as a cornerstone, offering a unique blend of biological richness, biocompatibility, degradability, and eco-friendliness. This review introduces the pivotal role of biomaterials in the advancement of flexible pressure sensors over the past five years. It expounds on the various methods of integrating biomaterials into sensors, discussing the corresponding biological properties that underpin their functionality. Furthermore, the review covers various biomimetic structures designed to optimize sensor performance, enhancing their sensitivity, stability, and durability. Adopting a comprehensive perspective, this paper provides valuable insights and potential solutions to the challenges and limitations currently faced in sensor research. Through a detailed analysis of empirical evidence, we aim to guide and motivate future technological and scientific advancements in this rapidly evolving field.

Graphical abstract: Biomaterials for flexible pressure sensors: innovations and advancements

Article information

Article type
Review Article
30 júl. 2024
07 okt. 2024
First published
30 okt. 2024

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024,12, 18138-18166

Biomaterials for flexible pressure sensors: innovations and advancements

P. Wang, Z. Hou, S. Chen, S. Ren, M. Zhao and L. Yang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2024, 12, 18138 DOI: 10.1039/D4TC03256J

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