Issue 1, 2025

Asymmetric orbital hybridization at the MXene–VO2−x interface stabilizes oxygen vacancies for enhanced reversibility in aqueous zinc-ion batteries


Modulating the storage kinetics of Zn2+ through oxygen vacancy (Ov) manipulation represents a promising approach for developing cathode materials in aqueous rechargeable zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs). However, recent studies have shown that these Ovs can undergo migration and refilling during electrochemical cycling, leading to severe structural degradation and rapid capacity fading. Therefore, developing technologies to stabilize Ovs is critical for maximizing their efficiency, although it presents a significant challenge. Herein, we demonstrate a covalent heterostructure design that pushes the cycling performance of a vanadium dioxide (VO2) cathode to an unprecedented level. The rationale lies in the chemical growth of VO2 nanowall arrays on MXene nanosheets that leads to Ti–O–V asymmetric orbital hybridization (AOH) at the interface, which remarkably enhances the stability of Ovs on VO2. Due to this advanced cathode design, the prepared ZIBs exhibit highly reversible aqueous Zn2+ storage capacities and maintain a robust structure over 30 000 cycles at 20 A g−1, without any significant capacity loss (1.4%). Detailed experimental and theoretical analyses indicate that Ti–O–V AOH facilitates a charge transfer pathway at the interface, allowing electrons to migrate from VO2 to the MXene surface, thereby stabilizing the Ovs both thermodynamically and kinetically. Our work offers an inspiring design principle for developing sustainable cathode materials for high-performance aqueous ZIBs and beyond, leveraging the synergistic effects of Ovs and interfacial orbital engineering.

Graphical abstract: Asymmetric orbital hybridization at the MXene–VO2−x interface stabilizes oxygen vacancies for enhanced reversibility in aqueous zinc-ion batteries

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Article information

Article type
30 sep. 2024
11 nóv. 2024
First published
14 nóv. 2024

Energy Environ. Sci., 2025,18, 367-377

Asymmetric orbital hybridization at the MXene–VO2−x interface stabilizes oxygen vacancies for enhanced reversibility in aqueous zinc-ion batteries

Y. Fang, C. Qi, W. Bao, F. Xu, W. Sun, B. Liu, X. Yu, L. Wang, W. Jiang, P. Qiu and W. Luo, Energy Environ. Sci., 2025, 18, 367 DOI: 10.1039/D4EE04466E

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