Issue 2, 2025

Regulating interfacial reactions through electrolyte chemistry enables an anion-rich interphase for wide-temperature zinc metal batteries


Zinc-ion batteries are challenged by zinc dendrites, notorious side reactions, and poor performance at low temperatures. Here, we present a dual-salt tuned electrolyte exhibiting a wide temperature range (−60 to 25 °C). The Zn(ClO4)2-based electrolyte with high hydrogen bond destruction ability and fast diffusion kinetics is suitable for application at ultralow temperatures. The introduction of Zn(OAc)2 salt enhances cation–anion interaction and facilitates the formation of an anion-rich solvation shell and salt-derived interphase, overcoming issues caused by the strong oxidation of ClO4 in the presence of protons. The selective absorption of OAc on different zinc crystal planes favors dense zinc deposition towards (101) epitaxial while the as-formed anion-rich SEI layer, featuring 2ZnCO3·3Zn(OH)2 distributed on the surface and ZnCl2 uniformly dispersed throughout, inhibits side reactions of corrosion and hydrogen evolution. Consequently, the batteries employing the designed electrolyte exhibited excellent performances, including a high Coulombic efficiency of 99.5% over 800 cycles at 25 °C; a near-unity Coulombic efficiency (100%) for over 4000 cycles and long cycling stability for over 5 months (16 500 cycles) in a Zn//I2 battery with an accumulative capacity of 7300 mA h cm−2 at −40 °C. Even at −60 °C, the solid-state electrolyte demonstrates practical applicability in Zn‖I2/AC and Zn‖VO2 batteries. This dual salt-tuned pure aqueous electrolyte also allows the reversible operation of a pouch cell for over 10 000 cycles with an accumulative capacity of 19.0 A h, indicating its promising potential for constructing safe and environmentally friendly zinc-ion batteries with broad working temperatures.

Graphical abstract: Regulating interfacial reactions through electrolyte chemistry enables an anion-rich interphase for wide-temperature zinc metal batteries

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Article information

Article type
16 okt. 2024
18 nóv. 2024
First published
19 nóv. 2024

Energy Environ. Sci., 2025,18, 713-727

Regulating interfacial reactions through electrolyte chemistry enables an anion-rich interphase for wide-temperature zinc metal batteries

Y. Chen, K. Zhang, Z. Xu, F. Gong, R. Feng, Z. Jin and X. Wang, Energy Environ. Sci., 2025, 18, 713 DOI: 10.1039/D4EE04803B

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