Issue 9, 2025

Doping Gd16 nanoclusters for expanded optical properties and thermometry applications


Lanthanide metal clusters are composed of rigid multinuclear metal cores encapsulated by organic ligands, which have become one of the most interesting research frontiers because of their fantastic architecture, intriguing physical and chemical properties, and potential applications. However, very little attention has been paid to exploring their potential as highly efficient optical materials. Gd16 clusters are a new cluster structure that has a rich and varied coordination environment, which is highly conducive to doping and thus controlling luminescence and luminescence color modulation. We achieved green emission by doping Tb3+ ions and red emission by doping Eu3+ ions in the Gd16 cluster structure. Meanwhile, we achieved red–orange–yellow color-tunable luminescence by controlling the composition of Tb3+ and Eu3+ ions. Studies on the PL properties show that Gd16 clusters as the host can be used for doping and efficiently photosensitizing Tb3+ ions and Eu3+ ions. The existence of energy transfer from the ligand to Tb3+ ions and Eu3+ ions in the co-doped Ln16 clusters was sufficiently demonstrated by time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy tests, and the energy transfer efficiency in the clusters was calculated. Furthermore, the temperature-dependent photoluminescence properties of these clusters were investigated to determine their potential as luminescent thermometers.

Graphical abstract: Doping Gd16 nanoclusters for expanded optical properties and thermometry applications

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Article information

Article type
14 nóv. 2024
20 jan. 2025
First published
25 jan. 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Nanoscale, 2025,17, 5074-5080

Doping Gd16 nanoclusters for expanded optical properties and thermometry applications

T. Li, J. Liu, F. Jiang, S. He, J. Liu, W. Dong, Y. Zhang, Y. Li and Z. Wu, Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 5074 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR04779F

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