Cyclometalated half-sandwich iridium(iii) and rhodium(iii) complexes as efficient agents against cancer stem-cell mammospheres


Four cyclometalated complexes, namely [IrCl(η5-pentamethylcyclopendadienyl)(k2C-diphenyl(1-pyrenyl)phosphane)] (1) and [RhCl(η5-pentamethylcyclopendadienyl)(k2C-diphenyl(1-pyrenyl)phosphane)] (2), and their DMSO-coordinated counterparts [Ir(η5-pentamethylcyclopendadienyl)(kS-dmso)(k2C-diphenyl(1-pyrenyl)phosphane)]PF6 (1·DMSO) and [Rh(η5-pentamethylcyclopendadienyl)(kS-dmso)(k2C-diphenyl(1-pyrenyl)phosphane)]PF6 (2·DMSO), were synthesized and fully characterized, including their single-crystal X-ray structures. DNA-interacting 1 and 2 exhibits IC50 values in the range 0.53–0.79 μM against bulk breast cancer cells and breast cancer stem cells (CSCs), i.e., HMLER and HMLER-shEcad cells. The complexes are up to seven times more active than salinomycin and up to nine times more active than cisplatin. Moreover, 1 and 2 are very effective (in the micromolar range) against mammospheres obtained from single cell suspensions of HMLER-shEcad cells, 1 being thrice more toxic than 2 and up to 4.5-fold more potent than cisplatin and salinomycin. In depth mechanistic studies revealed that 1 induces necrosis, which is potentially dependent on necrosome formation and independent of ROS concentration. The efficacy of 1 against breast CSCs can be enhanced by co-treatment with PARP-1 inhibitors.

Graphical abstract: Cyclometalated half-sandwich iridium(iii) and rhodium(iii) complexes as efficient agents against cancer stem-cell mammospheres

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Article type
Research Article
31 okt. 2024
20 jan. 2025
First published
28 jan. 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, Advance Article

Cyclometalated half-sandwich iridium(III) and rhodium(III) complexes as efficient agents against cancer stem-cell mammospheres

D. Josa, P. Herrera-Ramírez, X. Feng, A. Gutiérrez, D. Aguilà, A. Grabulosa, M. Martínez, K. Suntharalingam and P. Gamez, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4QI02763A

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