Oxygen-coordinated MOF membrane facilitated construction of supported Co2P/CoP@C heterostructures for water electrolysis


Integration of cobalt phosphides (Co2P and CoP) in a carbon matrix shows great promise for developing high-performance catalysts for water electrolysis. Nevertheless, the controlled synthesis of these two phases with an effective interface, uniform dispersion, and a simplified synthesis process is still challenging. Herein, we proposed a strategy that involves pre-construction of the Co/CoO@C heterostructure followed by post-conversion by phosphorization to achieve the precise synthesis of the Co2P/CoP@C heterostructure, which was realized by utilizing a MOF as the self-sacrificial template. The oxygen-coordinated MOF that shows advantages in building the Co/CoO heterostructure was employed in this work and grown into a high-quality membrane via cathodic electrodeposition on the graphite substrate (Gss). The obtained catalyst (Gss-Co2P/CoP@C-800) requires 146 and 365 mV overpotentials to achieve a current density of 100 mA cm−2 for the HER and OER, respectively, and 1.54 V to achieve a current density of 10 mA cm−2 for water electrolysis. Beyond the significantly enhanced conductivity that originates from the robust interaction between the MOF and Gss, the establishment of an effective Co2P/CoP interface also plays a pivotal role in contributing to the high performance of Gss-Co2P/CoP@C-800. As revealed by density functional theory (DFT) calculations, the unique d-orbital electron distribution of Co2P/CoP and the enhanced state density near the Fermi level facilitate its efficient electron transport and render the Co2P/CoP heterostructure region a crucial active site for water electrolysis. This study will provide new insights into the rational design and construction of heterostructures based on MOFs for efficient and green energy conversions.

Graphical abstract: Oxygen-coordinated MOF membrane facilitated construction of supported Co2P/CoP@C heterostructures for water electrolysis

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
04 des. 2024
26 jan. 2025
First published
27 jan. 2025

Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, Advance Article

Oxygen-coordinated MOF membrane facilitated construction of supported Co2P/CoP@C heterostructures for water electrolysis

C. Zhang, F. Li, D. Wu, Q. Guo, Z. Liu, Z. Wang, Z. Kang, L. Fan and D. Sun, Inorg. Chem. Front., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4QI03103B

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