Charge separation and intersystem crossing in compact orthogonal and sterically encumbered 6,12-diphenyl indolo[3,2-b]carbazole-naphthalimide electron donor-acceptor dyad


A compact electron donor-acceptor dyad NI-ICz with 6,12-diphenyl-indolo[3,2-b]carbazole (ICz) as the electron donor and naphthalimide (NI) as the acceptor, was prepared to study the electron transfer (ET) and the thermally-activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) properties. The rigid and bulky electron donor reduces the reorganization energy (λ = 0.96 eV) of the ET, which facilitates the long-lived charge separated (CS) state formation in NI-ICz, by exploiting the Marcus inverted region effect on charge recombination (CR). Transient absorption (TA) spectroscopy reveals the formation of the CS triplet (3CS) states (τ = 8.6 μs in n-hexane, 1.4 μs in toluene, 0.13 μs in acetonitrile). TADF of this dyad is only present in n-hexane but absent in polar solvents, indicating 3CS → 1CS reversed ISC (RISC) is inefficient, which is a solid experimental evidence for the spin-vibronic coupling mechanism of TADF. A small zero-field splitting (ZFS) parameter (ΙDΙ = 900 MHz) of the triplet state of NI-ICz confirming the formation of 3CS state. These results demonstrate the feasibility of achieving long-lived CS state in compact electron donor-acceptor dyads. The findings also highlight the crucial role of the closely-lying 3LE, 1CS and 3CS states in enabling TADF where the 3LE state serves as an essential intermediate state to facilitate RISC in TADF system.

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
04 des. 2024
01 mar. 2025
First published
04 mar. 2025

Org. Chem. Front., 2025, Accepted Manuscript

Charge separation and intersystem crossing in compact orthogonal and sterically encumbered 6,12-diphenyl indolo[3,2-b]carbazole-naphthalimide electron donor-acceptor dyad

X. Zhang, Z. Xu, A. Sukhanov, X. Yang, A. Elmali, J. Zhao, B. Dick, A. Karatay and V. voronkova, Org. Chem. Front., 2025, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D4QO02267J

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