Recent advances and developments in solar-driven photothermal catalytic CO2 reduction into multicarbon (C2+) products


Solar-driven catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) into value-added C2+ chemicals and fuels has attracted significant attention over the past decades, propelled by urgent environmental and energy demands. However, the catalytic reduction of CO2 continues to face significant challenges due to inherently slow reduction kinetics. This review traces the historical development and current state of photothermal CO2 reduction, detailing the mechanisms by which CO2 is transformed into C2+ products. A key focus is on catalyst design, emphasizing surface defect engineering, bifunctional active site and co-catalyst coupling to enhance the efficiency and selectivity of solar-driven C2+ synthesis. Key reaction pathways to both C1 and C2+ products are discussed, ranging from CO, CH4 and methanol (CH3OH) synthesis to the production of C2–4 products such as C2–4 hydrocarbons, ethanol, acetic acid, and various carbonates. Notably, the advanced synthesis of C5+ hydrocarbons exemplifies the remarkable potential of photothermal technologies to effectively upgrade CO2-derived products, thereby delivering sustainable liquid fuels. This review provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental mechanisms, recent breakthroughs, and pathway optimizations, culminating in valuable insights for future research and industrial-scale prospect of photothermal CO2 reduction.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances and developments in solar-driven photothermal catalytic CO2 reduction into multicarbon (C2+) products

Article information

Article type
Review Article
14 jan. 2025
13 feb. 2025
First published
15 feb. 2025
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2025, Advance Article

Recent advances and developments in solar-driven photothermal catalytic CO2 reduction into multicarbon (C2+) products

X. Wu, S. Zhang, S. Ning, C. Yang, L. Li, L. Tang, J. Wang, R. Liu, X. Yin, Y. Zhu, S. Chen and J. Ye, Chem. Sci., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D5SC00330J

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